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vit D3

13 years ago

I guess I am behind the times now that I don't work anymore... just about a year ago I went to a new endocronologist and had a D3 drawn along with my thyroids. He kept saying my tsh lab result was too low (meaning too high), and also I had a D3 of 11. I don't remember having a D3 drawn before- or at least for many years...

I went on 50,000 three times a week for 6 weeks- had a repeat which was higher, but not high enough- did another 50,000 for 6 weeks 2 more times, then on 10,000/day for several months. It is now 72.

By the way, I am an 'outdoorsy' kind of person who is outside for hours at a time.

Anyway, about August/September I realized one day just how much better I felt- my mind wasn't as 'up and down', I seemed to be interested in things, and liked to do little chores around the house. It did nothing about the pain I have had for several years from breaking my neck in several places and my back- that pain was still there just as bad as before.

Now, my neighbor found out about 6 months ago she was also not storing/making any D3- she went through the same regiment I did. She just said recently how Good she feels too!

I have been trying to read more legitamant articles about D3, but it certainly seems to have helped me and my neighbor- there must be something to it!

If anyone else has had any experiences with it, would you please share?


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