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I Will Always Love You

I talked about the amazing gifts my dear friend sent me. Yesterday, I made the Venison Backstrap (tenderloin equivalent on a deer). The cut was from a young deer. I decided that the best way to enjoy it would be to do a Venison Wellington with morel mushroom sauce.

The venison was first sous vided at 125F for an hour, then put into the freezer for 30 minutes. After that, the Wellington process was put on the venison and immediately baked in the oven at 400F.

OK, the Venison was magnificently done to perfection, but part of the puff pastry was slightly undercooked. Which was not too bad. I didn't want the venison to be over cooked.

The best venison I have ever had, extraordinary tender and flavorful with the morel mushroom sauce. Thank you my wonderful friend for this unique gastronomic extravaganza.

The Venison was served with another incredible gift from a very generous friend; Teresa's real wild rice. The rice was cooked with duck liver and flavor with sauce from the venison. Need I tell you how wonderful it tasted? Thank you Teresa, again and again!

I had "I Will Always Love You" playing in the background while dinner was served. Thank you Whitney for your wonderful gifts of music. You will always be my sweet heart.


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