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a little nervous - have you been through something like this?

10 years ago

So my DH has been through a few lay offs starting about 10 years ago. He worked for a bigger company for eighteen years then never really found a "home". He worked for several small companies, some of which I was amazed were in business based on the way the companies were run. He's even worked out of state twice and we had kind of a commuter marriage for awhile.

So flash forward and now he (we I guess) are very close to closing on the purchase of a small business. We learned of the opportunity from our accountant who has also been the accountant for this business for quite a few years. So we have a lot of solid info about the business.

I have a good job, his job will be running this business. He won't be taking any salary for awhile since those $ will be going to pay for the business. We are used to living on one income. We are in our mid-50s - he doesn't want to retire - he wants to have work he enjoys for as long as he's able to work. He's long wanted to have his own business and has tried to buy a few other companies but they didn't pan out for various reasons. This one is going to.

We have enough money that we could buy the business outright but are just putting some money down and then will pay off the current owner from the profits of the company. We've crunched all kinds of numbers and done due diligence on the company and it all seems very viable. It's a solid company though the owner hasn't done much (nothing) to grow the business though she did very well keeping it going during the economic collapse. She knows she no longer has a passion for the business and is ready to retire (though she's younger than DH).

So we have no debt now but will once we buy this business. The plan is to pay it off in 5-7 years depending on how much the business grows. I think it will do well and that DH has the passion and skills to inject what is needed to make it grow. Of course there's no guarantee in anything and if some disaster hit, we'd have to take a decent chunk of money to pay off this debt - though presumably we could liquidate assets, etc. and not end up with everything coming out of our personal funds.

It's all just so different from the path we were going down but all the hard data and my gut tell me this is what we should do. Have you, or do you know anyone who has, done something like this at this stage of life? Or any stage of life? I think OMG are we crazy, but there are all kinds of small business owners out there so people must do stuff like this all the time.

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