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Smartstrand carpet dilema

15 years ago

I am replacing the carpet in my family room and after reading all the good reviews here I am leaning toward the Mohawk Smartstrand product. The two designs that I am particularly interested in are the Clifton Hills and the Stately Manor lines. Anyone have any good or bad feedback on these products? I have been a little nervous about committing as I saw a discussion on a flooring pro website where they were saying that the Smartstrand product is a good cheap alternative to a good Stainmaster carpet.

Thanks for your feedback.


Comments (177)

  • 6 years ago
    last modified: 6 years ago

    Stay away from smart strand! There are plenty of comments and forums describing its poor wearability and Mohawks poor customer service. It’s great in a room where no one every walks in it.

  • 6 years ago

    Never buy Smartstrand carpet. It will not come clean of the smallest stain. Manufacturer will not honor their warranty. Worst carpet I ever had. Total nightmare.

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    Comments (3)
    Karastan is a brand under the Mohawk name. They are both the same as far as the fiber goes as Mohawk has exclusive rights to the Smart Strand production. We install over a million square feet of carpet every year and almost 80% of it is Smart Strand. I feel that is wears just as well as Nylon, it is nothing like polyester as some people claim. The biggest advantage of the Smart Strand over Nylon is it's inherent ability to repel stains. In our showroom we have done large tests of installed nylon and Smart Strand next to each other in high traffic areas and over a 5 year period the Smart Strand has actually out performed the nylon of similar quality. This is just my 2 cents, but I wouldn't hesitate for a minute going with the style you mentioned above.
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    Comments (5)
    Interesting that Mohawk has responded quickly to your feedback...somewhat encouraging for you perhaps. That said... When I worked in retail and flooring installation, I quickly understood that flooring warranties were essentially to protect the manufacturer and distributor and were marketing tools to entice consumers to purchase a particular product. They were not very good performance guarantee documents to protect a consumer's investment. Perhaps that has changed in the intervening years, but I always advised customers not to place too much weight on warranties when making flooring decisions.
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    I've used both options in my prior home. Go with the Anso Nylon--much more durable and dense. The Smartstand lost its density much more quickly than I had expected, esp for the price I paid for it. Shaw sells great carpet in my opinion. We're in the middle of new home construction and will probably have the Platinum Twist Accent installed again....great carpet for the price.
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  • 6 years ago

    Hi Janice and Sharon, this is Jordan, and I work with Mohawk. I understand you've both already worked with your retailers in 2015 and 2016, respectively, to address your concerns, so I simply wanted to apologize to each of you for your experiences, and let you know that I'll share your feedback with the Consumer Affairs team.

  • 6 years ago

    I tried for two long years to get Mohawk to honor the warranty. They wouldn't budge. Therefore until they satisfy my claim I will continue to give them bad reccomendations.


  • 6 years ago

    Have you tried working the store where the carpet was purchased?

  • 6 years ago

    Actually I did. They could get Mohawk to budge either. Lowes replaced my carpet at no charge although they weren't at fault. Highly recommend Lowes. Mohawk very non consumer friendly. Would never buy their product again.

  • 6 years ago

    Why does buying carpet have to be so confusing? A store will recommend one type and then I read about all the negative reviews and am back to square one. I am putting carpet on the stairs, hallway and bedrooms. No kids and only 2 cats. I was going to go with the Dreamweaver PureSoft until another store told me about all the claims and recommended the Mohawk Smartstrand Triexta. I felt it was the closest to nylon without the price. Now Im reading about all the negative comments about that one. We just want a carpet that is going to last and have a budget of no more than $4.00 a sq ft. I'm planning on buying at a local independent store, definitely staying away from Lowes and HD. Any recs would be apppreciated.

  • 6 years ago
    Houzz user
    Being a installer for over 40 and retired now i can give you my advice and you can gain from it or not.
    I have taken up thousands of carpets and installed new as years went by and then taken them up again when they went bad.
    Worked for a dealer that sold high end carpets and they were wool carpet that was very expensive and they sold nylon. Builder grade was 24 oz of nylon per square yard to 60 oz of nylon per square yard. So the amount of yarn you buy per 3 foot by 3 foot explains how much it cost. So by companies switching from square yard to sq foot sounds cheaper. So if your limit is 4 dollars a sq ft thats 36 dollars per sq yd. that seems high. Now if you get a 35 to 40 ounce yarn weight should be good enough time to last you 10 to 15 years less in hallways and even less on stairs. So you could buy 8 yards more to replace stairs in half of total use if you can.
    Use 8 pound pad or better under carpet and if you don’t mind a more firmer feel on steps so it will ware better and easier to walk on with a synthetic 1/2 inch pad height on both pads on 8 pound rebond pad & synthetic.
    Nylon is better for you to go with. Worst wear will be on anything other than nylon. May cost more for nylon but you can bargain to get best price. Make sure you don’t buy from bargain barns they buy carpet cheaper with no guarantees and your only guarantee is with the store. Buy off samples. What it says on back is your written guarantee and don’t take anyone’s word without writing it down on ticket.
    Polyester yarn is worse unless you buy for cosmetic or sale of a place. Will last maybe 2 to five years but will mat together in a short time and show traffic paths.
    Keep new carpet vacuumed often and dry clean once every year or two.
    Brand really doesn’t matter as one mill will brand there yarns as different names so they can sell exclusively to one store and then change name so the can sell to another. Like appliances and etc.
    best to understand to buy by what type of yarn and how much yarn you buy in carpet. So if you buy a carpet with 24 ounces per sq yard or 9 sq feet that is what they use in middle grade new home which has a life span of 5 years of wear life. Give or take how it is abused with children, pets, partying etc. small twist and turn areas mat carpet faster. Plus normally halls and steps and small baths with carpet are not guaranteed. The advice here i give will make carpet last the best.
    Dealers may say I don’t know what I’m talking about because they are trying to sell a product to make higher profit or might loose a sale but as a installer i have no gain in giving my 40 years of experience and professionalism. From St Louis and school trained in a union and years understanding the products i had to stand behind. Because I eventually went in business for myself. If I did a great job for people they referred people to me and called me back years later for more rooms moved to different home etc.
    hope this helps you or others in this lasting for years and makes you glad someone helped without a motive of a profit.
  • 6 years ago

    Hi Terry, thanks for the detailed response. I should clarify that the $4 a square foot includes pad, installation, takeaway, sales tax etc. It's $3.88 out the door. I'm in Calif so prices are higher here too I assume. I went out looking again today and actually came across a Mohawk Horizon Wear-dated Soft Touch BCF 100% nylon, 55 oz that I like for $25.31 sq yd which is $37.00 sq yd out the door except for tax. I doubt I can find a cheaper nylon with that face weight for less than that. But if any of you know of any you think I should check out, please let me know. Thanks

  • 6 years ago
    last modified: 6 years ago

    Terry, you've put an amazing amount of time into your posts. Thank you!

    Does the info apply to area rugs as well? [Nylon continuous filament; heat-treated and stain resistant; no more than 40-50 oz. of yarn per square yard. [What does "cfn" treated mean?]

    I'm trying to buy an area rug that will be easy to clean when the "grand-dogs" make an occasional visit and have their little "excitement" pees.

    Thank you to anyone who can provide well-informed assistance.

  • 6 years ago
    Cfn means continuous filament nylon which is a good product that means it started out as a loop and then the loop is cut on top and becomes a Stran.
    Area rugs can be olefin yarn which is non static and can be used in dentist office for no static so you don’t get zaped.
    Wears good usually low nap or pile rugs don’t last long because their polyester and cheap but they are throwaways
  • PRO
    6 years ago

    First, the Mohawk nylon deal you found sounds like a good fit for you. Make sure it has some stain protection. I don’t think I’ve ever had a client with cleanability issues with the Mohawk Wear Dated Brand.

    Second, you need to ignore what Terry says about dry cleaning. If you want to preserve your warranty and have your carpet retain its original texture for as long as it can, you need to get your carpet steam cleaned. It’s very important that you find a reputable company to do that, but the fear of getting it done incorrectly isn’t a reason to not get it done. Most modern residential carpet is heat set. Exposing it to the hot water with proper extraction cleaning will actually reinvigorate the texture. It’s also required by every major manufacturer’s warranty.

    I agree with whoever you spoke to about the Dream Weaver/Engineered Floors carpet. We’ve had quite a few soiling issues with them.

    Lastly, rugs are a whole special deal and better suited to a new topic. The only advice I’ll give is to not cheap out and buy the flimsy mesh pad. Get the better synthetic hair pad with the no slip rubber like backing.

  • 6 years ago
    Norm does not no or understand carpet. As a installer over 40 years and a professional first steam cleaning will destroy your heat set seams in your carpet plus if wet over 3 days will mildew and carpet pad is like a sponge. Next it will get your carpet dirty faster. Another thing if manufactures recommended steam cleaning hey their in business to sell carpet not to make it last for 20 to 30 years. All manufacturing places are for turning their product over every 5 years. Why else would they want it to last. Money is the reason.
    Heat set yarn is done so your yarn don’t mat and look like it’s wearing except warranties don’t cover matting.
    Polyester products or real soft yarns mat easier so you buy more carpet quicker. Money comes into the picture again.
    Ask installers what is best for their carpet NOT dealers their in the business for sales. Installers are into business to make you happy to refer or call them back to do their labor again.
    My advice is free and don’t profit from this as I’m retired
  • 6 years ago

    Hi all, I found a 60 oz Mohawk 100% Triexta, Homefront III, that has a bit higher density than the nylon and does not cost as much as the nylon. With the higher density I think it will wear better than the nylon, esp on the stairs. Hope I'm making the right choice.

  • 6 years ago

    The original problem with SmartStrand/Triexta wasn't wear or stain resistance. It was soiling. Vacuuming wasn't nearly as effective with older versions of smart strand and oil based soil (think asphalt) was particularly difficult to remove. Mohawk claims to have resolved the soiling issue, but we had enough disappointed clients 3 to 6 years ago that I still steer away from it.

    As for what Terry said above I think I've already demonstrated his lack of understanding regarding modern products and the manufacturing process in my posts above.

    The nightmare scenario Terry describes above is what happens with a really bad cleaning. Yes, steam cleaning done improperly will damage your carpet. That doesn't mean you shouldn't have your carpet steam cleaned, it means you should find a reputable company to work in your home, not the cheapest guy handing out coupons.

    The nicest nylon carpets from every major manufacturer all require steam cleaning. They require that sort of cleaning and not dry cleaning because that's what actually cleans carpet and makes it last longer.

    I'm sure Terry's thoughts and opinions were timely 20 years ago and kept him out of trouble until he retired, but the products he dealt with aren't around anymore. Manufacturing, product longevity, and care have changed significantly.

  • 6 years ago

    I have just discovered this thread, so I might be a bit late to request any advice, but I'll give it a shot. I am replacing my family room and living room carpet that is more than 20 years old. I don't know what I currently have in my family room, but it has worn like iron. But, after a kid, two cats and a hedgehog, it does show staining/soiling and needs to go. (I am only just now appreciating the fact that it shows no heavy traffic patterns, stretching, or visible seams). Anyway, I find I like best what Karastan has to offer in terms of style, color and the look of quality. I have narrowed my selection to: 1) Naturalistic Appeal, Smartstrand Forever Clean Silk Reserve (cut and loop) and 2) Brava, 100% Kashmere BCF Nylon with Scotchgard Protector (cut pile). Both offer an identical warranty: 25 years for abrasive wear, texture retention, fade resistance and lifetime on pet urine, stain resistance and soiling resistance. (I was looking at two other Karastan lines: Windsor Luxury (nylon) and Luxurious Appeal (triexta) but the sale price went away while I was looking at samples so I had to rule them out. My home now includes only myself and my husband and no pets or grand kids (although I can't rule them out for the future). There is a heavy traffic area, unfortunately, from the garage entry across the family room and into the kitchen. I have just learned about "solution dyed nylon" and realized that is better than the Scotchgard treated version I'm looking at with the Karastan Brava. The smartstrand silk Naturalistic Appeal is the more expensive of the two that I am looking at. I noticed Norm's comment above about soiling issues with Smartstrand and became concerned, although the warranty does have a 'lifetime limited soil resistance" warranty (which is probably just words). Any advice on which of the two would be the better choice or do I need to go back to the drawing board. (I hope not). Thank you. I hope someone sees this, since I wrote a book!

  • 6 years ago

    I haven't been here in a while, but I'm ready for new carpeting. I'm not surprised to see more negative comments about SmartStrand than I saw last time I was here. I've had mine just over 3 years, and it's trashed. I did all the right things - professional steam cleaning (actually did this before the first year passed because of the soil in the higher traffic areas), bought one of the recommended vacuums, etc. The cleaning did not remove the soil. I did not go back to the manufacturer as I saw so many comments from people who did not have any luck. Lesson learned. I'll buy something else this time.

  • 6 years ago

    I have had Karastan smartstrand carpeting for almost 4 years. The way our floor plan is arranged and the amount of hardwood flooring we have allowed me to use 3 different styles. When you come in our home, there is hardwood everywhere you can see except up the stair case. Going up the stairs and in the game room and bedroom upstairs we use Treasured Heirloom in Belgian Linen. I was concerned about using a carpet this light in color going up the stairs because or tuhe way stairway carpet seems to always look. However, we are friends with the owner of Mill Creek carpeting here in Tulsa and he told us that this carpeting was a real "game changer". So, I took the plunge and put that on the stairs. In the Master Bedroom, that is accessed down a hall from the family room and powder room (that are both hardwood) I put Fashion Conscience Canvas Sail. It too is an off white in a very flat weave. In the downstairs guest room (which is down a different hallway) we put Casa Bella Copper Earth. Now, we don't have children at home, but we do have grandchildren and my husband never "remembers" to take his shoes off when he's been outside working. That is a problem because I'm a clean freak. However, after almost 4 years, I have never had to have the carpeting professionally cleaned. On the flat carpet on the stairs, upstairs and in the Master Bedroom, I take old wash cloths that I use for cleaning and spray "Kids and Pets" on the traffic patterns and the dirt releases immediately. I alway have a stack of the wash cloths and change them out frequently, because it's amazing how much dirt comes up. My husband is also excellent at dripping coffee from his overfill coffee cup as he goes up to the game room, which we use as his office. Again, the coffee stains disappear like magic. In the past year, my husband had 3 surgeries on one of his feet. He was on an off a "scooter" for about 7 months of that year. Of course, if he doesn't remember to take his shoes off after being outside, he also doesn't remember that his scooter has been a lot of places that day ant the wheels are dirty. However, those marks came up with no problem.

    Now I'll give you the bad news...the carpet we used in the downstairs guest room, the Casa Bella Copper Earth is impossible. I have a Hoover Wind Tunnel (the one with the fabric bag with the zipper). It is absolutely the best vacuum cleaner I've ever found, at any price. (In fact, I have a lady who comes every 2 weeks to help me clean, who owns a vacuum cleaner store with her husband) who uses my vacuum rather than hers because it is so much better. However, there is NO WAY I can use it on this carpet (though it's fine on the flatter carpet). It would burn the motor out very quickly. OK. So, I couldn't use that. So, I tried other cleaners. The ONLY one I can use on the carpet is the Shark that has a head for carpeting and a head for hardwood flooring. If I'm vacuuming that carpet, I have to use the hardwood floor attachment. My husband can use the Shark with the brushes, but it isn't an easy project. When he's finished, he looks like he's been out running. Consequently, I am actually considering removing that carpeting and having the hardwoods put in that room as well. It is so difficult to vacuum and feel as though it isn't full of dust it isn't worth the trouble to me. I think Karastan should have realized this was an issue early on a contracted with one of the vacuum manufacturers to produce a vacuum for this type of carpet--one with a lot of suction but no rotating brushes and at least 2 carpet levels. (My suggestion would be Hoover.) However, a Shark hardwood floor attachment just doesn't make it for me. (No, I do NOT work, nor have I ever worked for Hoover. However, I have owned everyone of the super expensive vacuum cleaners and, after spending about $2,000 for each one, got rid of it within a year or two and went back to a Hoover.

  • 6 years ago

    Hi ibonnie, I'm Jordan and I work for Mohawk - I'm sorry to hear about your experience with your carpet. Did you reach out to the store where you purchased they carpet? They would work with Mohawk on your behalf as needed regarding your concerns. If the dealer is not in business or you have questions, you can contact our Consumer Affairs team here: http://www2.mohawkflooring.com/consumer-affairs/default.aspx 

    I apologize again for your experience!

  • 6 years ago

    Oh, I should have said this before. I believe Karastan's annual sale is in May. You'll save a lot of $$ if you wait until then!

  • 6 years ago

    Hi Jordan - I purchased the carpet from a small local Flooring store which was recommended to me. Honestly, I did not have a great experience with them. After having the carpet installed I contacted them several times and asked them to send me a written copy of the warranty, which I was surprised not to get at the time of installation. When I finally did hear from them, they sent me a copy of the cleaning and care document, and recommended vacuum list, not the warranty. I gave up - just didn't want to deal with them anymore. Not sure what good contacting the consumer-affairs dept would do at this point since it's been 3 1/2 years.

  • 6 years ago

    I'm sorry again to hear about your experience, ibonnie - here is a link to the warranty on the Karastan website, with more details about how to file a claim on the next-to-last page, if that is something you might like more information on. (Or, please feel free to contact the Consumer Affairs department with any questions, via the link above.)


  • 6 years ago

    Hi simonson111, my name is Jordan and I work for Mohawk. I saw your comments about vacuuming one of your rooms, and I wanted to point you to our Vacuum Buyer's Guide, which has recommendations (and recommended vacuums) for cleaning your premium soft carpet - see the link under the section "Vacuuming," on this page:


  • 6 years ago

    HU-597488884, I'm Jordan with Mohawk - though I can't give you the homeowner's experience that you may be looking for, I can confirm that both of your options were designed specifically for stain resistance and durability - the SmartStrand Forever Clean Silk Reserve carpet being made with built-in stain protection and high density for additional durability, and the Kashmere carpet being made with highly durable nylon and the additional stain protection of Scotchgard. I also wanted to clarify that the Stain warranties and Pet Stain warranties would be slightly different between the SmartStrand Forever Clean Silk Reserve carpet and the Kashmere carpet, with the SmartStrand ones being more comprehensive. You can see the warranty details here: https://www.karastan.com/support-care/warranty-information

    I wish you the best of luck in choosing a beautiful new carpet for your home!

  • 6 years ago

    I ended up going back to one of my original options, the Karastan Windsor Luxury, as the price went back down some again, although not where it was when I first looked at it. The constant changing in pricing (within the space of a couple of weeks) added to the difficulty in making my choice. I'm anxious for the installation and maybe I'll give a review after I have had it for a while.

  • 5 years ago

    This comment is on Lowes installation of vinyl planks.

    Installer made a horrible mistake by installing vinyl planks under a hybrid water heater drain hole. Blocked the drain, Caused $3500 worth of damage, including ripping out drywall. Lowes’s response was unreal. They subcontracted the work out to their national contractor. The subcontractor then subcontracted the work to a smaller contractor. That contractor then subcontracted that out to an individual contractor. Took months with Lowe’s saying they weren’t responsible, the installers were. The final installer‘s Insurance company said his insurance had lapsed and we were out of luck. That turned out to be incorrect. We finally issued legal notice of demand for payment, to Lowe’s, prior to filing in small claims court. That did it . We received full payment from Lowes. Our kitchen was a mess for close to three months,

    We we thought we were playing it safe going with Lowe. Thought they would take care of everything.

  • 5 years ago

    I spent hours researching carpet and finally selected SmartStrand Silk - Pleasant Nature with the pink pad and had it installed in 2016. It felt great and looked good at first. 3 years later and it's wearing terribly and you can see all the seems and it's thinning and matting. Mohawk is 0% helpful and does not stand behind their warranty. It's a tempting carpet to purchase, but highly recommend staying away from it. I am not researching carpet again as our basement was full of water from a broken pipe. So if anybody has had a carpet for the past few years that IS NOT matting that they love - please share!!!!

  • 5 years ago

    Hi Jess, my name's Jordan and I work for Mohawk Flooring - I'm really sorry to hear about your experience with your carpet. Has your retailer (or builder, or your builder's flooring vendor) filed a claim with Mohawk on your behalf about your concerns? They're the party responsible for doing all communication with Mohawk for you. I apologize again for your experience!

  • 5 years ago

    I have a massive problem with the carpet. The stands are so loose that on the raw edge by the door the dog has pulled 2 inches of carpet thread loose from its mat. It’s only been down 24 hours!!!!!

  • PRO
    5 years ago

    Call the company that installed it and have them look at it. If you want more advice post a picture of the damaged area. I've seen dogs go nuts when they find stray threads on new carpet and tear the floors up.

    That's a big disadvantage to using installers that sweep instead of vacuum. Those stray strings aren't revealed right away.

  • 5 years ago

    I believe we are going to have Smartstrand installed. Plan to stay on top of the cleanings and hope if we have a problem our retailer and Mohawk will stand behind their warranties.

  • 5 years ago

    Hi everyone! I need a pet urin/poop/barf proof carpet, and thought I'd found it in a nice-looking version. The back tag said:

    Mohawk SmartStrand Ultra

    Style: 2Y92 Enchanging Spirit

    Color: 507 Cloudy Shadow

    Fiber: 65% smartStrand Ultra BCF Triexta, 35% BCF P.E.T.

    Protection: Smart strand Forever Clean

    Environment: carpet fiber made using renewable plant-based materials and OEKO-TEX certified free from harmful substances

    Width: 12 ft.

    I even spoke with Mohawk about the warranty. After reading all of these HORRIBLE REVIEWS about Mohawk SmartStrand, I don't know what the heck to buy now. It's February 10th, 2020 now, so time has passed since some of you reviewed. How are these carpets doing now? Did Mohawk get it's act together? Are there better choices? Thanks for the help!

  • 5 years ago

    Don’t lay this carpet! There is a more expensive Rhino carpet that has a much better ‘weave’ for the base of the carpet, but is very expensive. Otherwise just get a really good nylon carpet. I’m replacing my Mowhawk carpet after only having it down four months, I complained to installer (carpet court) and they state it’s the installers fault! From the feedback it seems like a carpet fault. Good luck.

  • 5 years ago

    We had the Smartstrand for maybe 2 years now. Not impressed with it. Its in our master bedroom. There are fibers that I can pluck out of the carpet. (I do yoga in there and can see the fibers poking above the nap). It did clean-up nicely after a dog accident (vomit), but nothing spectacular. I wouldn't buy it again.

  • 5 years ago

    Beverley Tarr, by "Rhino Carpet," do you mean SmartStrand™ Forever Clean RhinoCarpet ?

  • 5 years ago


  • 5 years ago

    I am looking for carpet for our Master Bedroom. Would like it to be soft, plush etc. I was seriously considering smartstrand silk until I started researching. I think Nylon is a much safer bet after hearing these horror stories. I want this carpet to last a very long time and expect it to look good the entire time as did the current carpet (26 years...replacing because of soiling in the corners and a couple of stains I can't remove after raising 3 kids and 3 huge dogs). I am not up for testing out smartstrand silk and having it fall apart or mat .

    If anyone has experience with Fabrica bodega bay or Shaw Cashmere iv or tuftex sleek silhouette please comment. Thanks

  • 5 years ago

    Just be aware that ‘plush’ carpets are really hard to vacuum

  • 5 years ago

    Thanks Beverly. Our vacuum has height adjustment. I won't go with super plush or high. Interesting that some stores swear smartstrand is fabulous!!! However, they did say it will show footmarks and vacuum marks. I am sticking with Nylon!!!!

  • 5 years ago

    If I had to do over again, I wouldn’t buy the thickest / plushest carpet again even in nylon. What I have found is if the carpet is too thick, it starts getting what is referred to as corn rows especially in higher traffic areas. Stick with medium thickness and a good pad. Corn rows look exactly as these sound are no amount of vacuuming gets rid of them.

  • 4 years ago

    Hi All. I'm going to go with a 100% nylon carpet, hoping that it'll be pet urin/barf/poop proof, and stay away from Mohawk's carpets, based on this thread's content. I'm looking at https://andersontuftex.com/carpet/view-all/_/beiges~browns~golds~grays/texture/all-nylon/ right now. Does anyone have an opinion on their Stainmaster Nylon, vs. Anso Nylon, vs. R2X Nylon, for durability and pet-proof ness?

  • 3 years ago

    Wow Mohawk should do something as this thread has to be costing them business we were about to buy but now are looking elsewhere…unbelievable that they have not directly dealt with all your issues and send you back to the installer/dealer. Wow talk about lack of customer service…

  • 2 years ago

    Be sure you have it installed by someone who knows what they are doing. Also, Smart Strand is not guaranteed if you don't use a particular kind of cleaning company. There are none of those companies in our area. I love the Smart Strand but it has stretched so badly that it looks really bad though it still looks clean. I would not buy it again because the guarantee is no good if you don't use the special companies to have it cleaned.

  • 2 years ago

    We just got Karastan Smartstrand Triextra. We chose this because it’s not scotch-guarded. The protection is built into the fibers. That means steam cleaning won’t remove protection. It’s also the only carpet where the guarantee covers pet vomit. Our dealer is excellent at honoring the warranties. This is the same dealer that ripped out our new Karastan plank job, saying the installation wasn’t acceptable.

  • PRO
    2 years ago

    There are a lot of reasons to go with smart strand, but be careful of the patter salespeople use to push that brand. First, that isn't the only product that has a warranty against vomit. Most solution dyed products will have a warranty for that as well and even if they don't they'll perform strongly against it.

    Second, there is a real advantage to not relying on a topical stain treatment, but it does come at a cost. Spills on a smart strand carpet tend to pass into the backing quicker than a carpet with a heavy topical treatment and that's when stains become a real chore deal with regardless of how stain resistant your carpet is. Everything is tougher to clean when you're dealing with a stain that's penetrated the backing.

    So the big advantage of that imbedded stain treatment comes later down the line when you get to the end of the life of the carpet. 15 years down the road you'll still have pretty robust stain protection, but you're more likely to have to deal with reoccurring stains the first ten years when a top end topical treatment is really strong.

    I hope you love your new carpet and that it lasts for years, but I just thought you should know it sounds like your salesperson is a bit of a fibber, but there's a good chance he's only getting information from the company selling him products and hasn't done any research or invested in education.

  • last year

    13 years ago we installed Mohawk Cape Basic Smartstrand carpet throughout our house, including stairs. I have no other information on it but I had done a lot of research at the time and felt very comfortable with my choice. If you could see a sample you would be unimpressed. It is not thick and plush but it is very comfortable. It does not show tracks or wear paths. No stains and no fading though we live in the country in a house with lots of sunlight. It has held up beautifully. I now need to replace one room because of removal of a builtin, not because of the carpet. I thought I would go back to the carpet store I made the purchase because they did such an excellent installation job and just order the same. But the carpet world has changed and so has the store. They no longer carry Mohawk. All their brands are wool or nylon. I am perplexed. I don’t know where to start. Any suggestions? Thanks.

  • PRO
    last year

    Go to https://www.mohawkflooring.com/ and scroll to the bottom of the page, there is a place to search for retailers near you.

  • last year

    I have been eagerly reading the comments here, but I have not found one that addresses the problems I am having with Mohawk. I first had carpet installed in the hallway, but hated the color and couldn't believe it was the same color I selected from the sample. I am having the carpet removed and plan to replace it and install carpet in my bedroom and walk in closet as well. I then chose another Mohawk triexta carpet and because I was leary of the color I requested a cut of the carpet from the roll I would be purchasing. When the cut arrived and I took it home the difference in the color as compared to the samples in the store is unbelievable. I selected what was essentially a light beige, the carpet that was cut is a reddish orange color completely different from the sample. I don't know how I am going to proceed as I believe Mohawk is unreliable in terms of color consistency, and my guess is people order from a sample and when the carpet is installed, they may say well it isn't what I expected, color-wise but oh well and simply rationalize any perceived difference. This is about slight differences in dye lots this is about selling a product that in no way compares to an in-store sample.

  • 6 months ago

    I installed the Mohawk smartstrand a couple of years sgo and its been the worst mistake i ever made in decorating my home. Within 4 months the area in front of the couch eas filthy. its just my husband and I and we use house shoes.The carpet I removed which was 20 years old looked cleaner. i called Mohawk and they told me to get it steamed cleaned. Why should i have to get s carpet cleaned after it’s been down for just 4 months. it was clear that they were not going to do anything to rectify the problem.

    I’m have new carpeting installed. And i tell everyone don’t grt this carpet. And as to the Mohawk representative who is responding to your complaints that’t just damage control. This product should be removed from the market

  • PRO
    6 months ago

    I'm not a big smartstrand fan, but it's hard to say that this was a carpet issue if you didn't bother getting the carpet cleaned.

    Years ago I had somebody change their kitchen to an almost solid white look sheet vinyl. They called back about a month after installation complaining about dirt getting tracked in. I asked her if there was a problem cleaning up the muddy footprints and dirt...there wasn't.... That wasn't a problem with the vinyl. It was a problem with picking a white floor when you have kids and dogs that don't care what comes in with them.

    If the carpet came clean steam cleaning then maybe you have another issue. We see this quite frequently with people that use Murphy's on their hardwood floors.