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HGTV Flooring

13 years ago

I have been taking an in store survey for the following and am looking for some good opinions here where anybody can chime in. Shaw floors is launching an HGTV brand floor products in the Spring. These will be products that are endorsed by HGTV and carry the label of HGTV. These products will be featured and shown on HGTV. My question is....would it make a difference to a shopper if the flooring store offered a product that was labeled and endorsed by HGTV. Would the HGTV brand intrigue you as a customer. it will be exclusive to a target store for each geographical area. We have been asked to participate and it is expensive for the store to buy in to the program. If it was stylish and priced in range of 2.29 sq ft carpet only to 3.99 carpet only...would that label intrigue you to the point where you would give it an extra long look.The pricing will be very comparable to other products. It will feature area rugs, Hardwood, Laminate, and Carpet...all endorsed by HGTV. You will be able to go to HGTV web and get free samples and that will direct you to a HGTV product store. What do you think? For you ladies out there, would you give that an extra long look because of the HGTV endorsement and label. Thoughts? Thanks for the opinions. It is a large financial commitment for the store and will run through 2014 and these products will be featured and shown on HGTV channel. Thoughts are appreciated because only the general public knows for sure. Thanks

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