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My 1st attempt drying apples, bananas

The snail food was a big hit. I love my dehydrator! Now for some people food.

I tried it with apples & bananas this weekend. I did a quick google search beforehand and found a site that said to soak the slices in lemon juice for a few minutes. So I did. I dried them at around 130 degrees for 8 hours. I didn't turn them over at all. The texture of the apples was perfect - just the right amount of crunch, like a nut!. The bananas were gummy. The bad part is that they all have an overpowering lemon taste. Why did I not think this would happen? They're edible (I don't mind lemony things), but I won't be sharing this batch with coworkers.

What should I do differently the next time? Is the lemon juice necessary?

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