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Daily support Mon 11/1 to Sun 11/7

14 years ago

Rabbit! Rabbit! Welcome to November, friends.

I couldn't sleep, so here I am. Maybe if I actually start a thread, I'll be more active here this week.

Life has been rough these last couple of weeks, and I read here, but I haven't been up to posting. I'll try to do better. I'm working hard on my attitude toward what life is dishing out to me right now.

The divorce proceeds, and it isn't pretty. But, my eating is still pretty healthy, no weight gain, but no loss at the moment. I go for my lab work later this morning, then a dermatology appointment this afternoon. I've been having oatmeal and an egg every morning for breakfast, and that seems to get me through to a reasonable lunchtime and not overeating!

Wishing everyone a great start to a new month!

Comments (31)

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hey Guys!

    Milkdud- I know eberyone says hang in there; it'll get better...but it WILL...get better! Divorce is such a long, drawn out process, untangling everything you've had in your life together. There's a book called Crazy Times (or something like that) that a couple of our clients say is really good for the divorce part of life. I haven't read it yet...if you ever need an understanding ear, I have one! Email or call me anytime...I am HERE. I've been divorced twice and had to untangle a long-term live-in relationship too. I CAN RELATE to you! :-) By the way, congrats on eating healthily. I see clients drop weight and gain weight during the process...everyone is so different!

    Okay, let's see who checks in and I'll work on us getting caught up with each other with a questionaire!

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Rabbit! Rabbit!

    Good Mornin' Milkdud! Happy November ; )

    You have certainly been on an emotional roller coaster. I am hoping for smoother sailing ahead for you. I am glad to see you posting, too. It helps to share, I think. We ALL need support!

    I processed payroll over the weekend, so that's a hurdle I don't need to face today. I have 3 patients and 2 meetings to attend today. It looks like a busy week ahead!

    As I posted on the weekly weigh in thread, I ate garbage food for a whole week and feel like a slug for it. I am starting off on the right foot today, having banished all the junk from my kitchen and replacing it with the good stuff. Oatmeal and lite string cheese for breakfast this morning, and a long walk is planned for this afternoon.

    Not too much more to report...

    Have a great day!


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    Comments (36)
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    Comments (10)
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    ...See More

    SS Daily - Mon. 11/7 thru Sun. 11/13


    Comments (39)
    You mean a lot to us BJ, so spill away. That is so sad about the 20 year old. My former neighbor, 22 years old, killed herself a few years ago after a breakup with her boyfriend. If only she would have realized that life does go and that one day that ex-boyfriend would have been a mere memory. Now her family is left with painful memories. Her sister is getting married today and I know it is going to be hard without Jamie there. They were a close group of (3) sisters growing up. Raeanne - I hope the service goes well. I have been thinking about you. And I wanted to ask, what part of Pittsburgh did DD get to see? Where does her friend live? Is she downtown or in the suburbs? Besh - I did have yesterday off and I spent it shopping and relaxing. DD's birthday was yesterday (she couldn't come home) and DS's birhtday is 12/5, so we will celebrate them both at Thanksgiving and I wanted to get their shopping done. It was a beautiful day and I was just happy to be out and about. NHSuzanne - How is DH doing? Is he behaving himself? DeeMarie - Did I welcome you back? If not, welcome home. I too immediately checked out the story about the "pirates" to see if it could have been your ship. Aren't we all mother hens! LOL Gretchen - I miss you too and wish you would post and let us know how you are doing. Magic Kitty - Are you there? How's the weather in Florida? DS has been in Iowa the last 3 weeks, so he hasn't been able to enjoy the nice weather. Joanne - Good to see 2 posts from you! It is so nice to have some of our MIA's back on the boards. That was a nice poem, thanks for sharing. Oprah's show on Thursday closed with her asking, "What have you done lately to make yourself proud." She challenged her audience to make every moment count and make themselves proud. Made me stop and think about the little things that can mean a lot. Patti - So glad you are posting again too! What are you reading lately? I went to the half price book store yesterday and added 6 more books to my TBR pile. Like I needed 6 more books, but those bargain prices drew me like a magnet! LOL Give Dave a hug for me. Tikanas - Sounds like you have such a busy schedule lately. Are you taking time for yourself? Jen - I need to shop for a 2 year old for Christmas. What is Tara into these days. My Little Pony? Hello Kitty? What size does she wear? Maddie - Sounds like your long wait for a great job has paid off. Congratulations! Having nice people to work with is a great perk. Our new teaching assistant is working out great and I am so glad we waited for that "one last interview" and hired her. And thanks for organizing the Christmas exchange again. Thursday's menu: B - 2 pieces 100% whole wheat toast with 1 T natural peanut butter and 1/2 banana L - Wrap made with whole grain tortilla, 2 oz. lean turkey, 1/2 oz. Swiss cheese, spinach and cranberry mustard. Mott's SF applesauce S - Last 2 pieces of Halloween candy (DH wouldn't take it into work! Grrr...........) D - Chili with grated cheddar cheese and 1 slice fresh Italian bread Friday's menu: B - 4 oz. yogurt with 1/3 C Kashi Go Lean Crunch, 2 T sliced almonds and 1/2 a banana L - Wrape made with whole grain tortilla, 2 oz. turkey, 1/2 oz. Swiss cheese, spinach and cranberry mustard S - Skinny Cow peanut butter ice cream sandwich D - Barilla whole grain spaghetti with my home made sauce S - Amaretto Sour (It was Friday, what more can I say! lol) Make today count! Marci
    ...See More
  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi Bj!

    We must have been posting at the same time. I await that questionaire ; )


  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Rabbit, Rabbit.

    Milkdud~I will be there the 14th. Send me your phone number. I would love to chat with you. We are staying through the 18th of December. Won't get back here until the 20th. Wow! Another one of our SUPER travels! LOL

    BJ~I had been thinking questionaire time too so I'm glad you are going to take the reins. :)

    Tikanis~Throwing out the junk food is the best way to do it. As good of a cook as you are it is hard to believe that you would have anything but delicious, yummy, fantastic food around. Makes my mouth water thinking about the things you have talked about. YUMMERS!

    We have a busy next 13 days then we are off to visit the family. We always have so much to get done when we are there. There is no one here & everyone there that we tend to stay long enough to visit with everyone & Dave's brother that has been living in Oman will be there. Also, our little Morgan will turn 1 on Dec. 3rd. The parents have NOT been good about sending us pictures for her. So, we plan to take plenty while we are there. ;) Have a good week.

    NH Suzanne~Are you all right? Miss you. & the rest of you who haven't been posting.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Welcome to November!!!!
    I like reading that I am not the only one with problems. The good news is they usually work out, Sometimes it takes longer than you want but the outcome opens a whole new chapter in your life.

    I went to a bridal shower tonight and did not eat anything. I had a salad at home and that was enough for me.
    I was very proud of myself.

    Pot Luck at work tomorrow and I am bringing a veggie platter. I will work my morning snack and lunch into the rest of the food.

    I will not be tempted. I have worked too hard to lose the 5-6 lbs.

    Have a great week


  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi Sue!!!! Glad you could join us! And CONGRATS on your will power! YAY!

    Good to see more peeps checkin' in! BUT...we have a LARGE group and this is only a glimmer of them...Come out, Come out, where ever you are!

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Nickname people call you:

    Hair color -or dye color! and eye color:

    Where ya from? How did you get there? Is there any place you’d rather live?

    Married/Divorced/In Transition/Widowed/Single (Check all that apply)

    Tattoo?-WHERE/Piercings?-HOW MANY? !!!

    What do you do all day long?

    Kids? How many? Genders?

    Pets? What kid and names. Why’d you name them THAT?

    Sisters? Brothers?

    What object do you cherish the most-and would find hard to part with?

    What memory do you love to think about?

    Favorite place to just hang out for and by YOURSELF?

    If you were a crayon, what color would you be?

    Favorite smells? Name 3.

    Favorite FOOD (that means ONE.)

    Name your potluck party never-fail dish: (we might ask for the recipe!)

    Last movie you saw?

    BEST movie you ever watched?

    The TV show you just can’t miss!

    Best book you’ve read?

    Book you’re reading now:

    What special talent do you have?

    Do you have a secret? TELL US!!!!

    What do you do when you’re frustrated or angry?

    What are your favorite shoes-or boots? WHY?

    What would you donate to an auction?

    What makes you happiest?

    Pet peeve:

    Greatest fear:

    Favorite journey or travel spot:

    Tell us more! We might want to go there! (Favorite place to eat, favorite sight, etc)

    What 3 qualities do you look for in a long-term friend?

    Favorite fictional hero?

    Phrase you most overuse:

    What’s your motto?

    If you were forced to, what song would you sing in front of a crowd?

    Favorite kind of music?

    What kind of a vehicle do you drive?

    If you could go anywhere, where would you go?

    What do you value most in life?


  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Good Morning!

    Welcome Sue! Let's hear it for will power! Temptation is inevitable, determination is the key. Good for you!

    Wow, Beej! That is one heck of a questionaire! I will have to tackle it after patient care today : )

    Make it a good one!


  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I cut and pasted it into WORD and worked on it this moring:

    Nickname people call you: BJ, Beege, Bob

    Hair color -or dye color! and eye color: L’Oreal Espresso #4

    Where ya from? How did you get there? Is there any place you’d rather live? Originally Alaska, I moved to the rock cuz DH wanted to. I’d rather live ANYWHERE BUT HERE - lol - no, in the Red Rock Canyon in Nevada or the Red Center of Australia

    Married/Divorced/In Transition/Widowed/Single (Check all that apply) 1st DH died, divorced 2nd DH (the “D” ain’t for dear!), and married/with 3rd DH for 17 years now.

    Tattoo?-WHERE/Piercings?-HOW MANY? !!! Tattoo of a name written with a quill pen on my ankle, got rid of my racy piercings, so now just my ears are double pierced.

    What do you do all day long? Work as a paralegal and snack, dream up list of stuff I should get done.

    Kids? How many? Genders? 4 bio girls, 1 little foster son we’ll always call our own, 2 still births (both boys)

    Pets? What kid and names. Why’d you name them THAT? Have had 4 dogs, none now. They were a lab/wolf named Hymie, meaning LIFE in Hebrew, an Irish setter named Lucy, an Old English Sheepdog named Maxwell Silver Hammer, and a German Shepherd/Husky named Sapphire.

    Sisters? Brothers? 3 sisters, 2 older, 1 younger, 2 brothers, both older, one was a fisherman in Alaska ��" his boat capsized and he drowned. The other lives in FL.

    What object do you cherish the most-and would find hard to part with? My truck. (GAH! I sounds like a redneck!) …but it’s true!

    What memory do you love to think about? First kisses and longing stares with past lovers.

    Favorite place to just hang out for and by YOURSELF? The beach! And it’s even better if I have a hot mocha with me ��" cause it’s c-c-c-cold here!

    If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Hmmm….Midnight Blue or Cornflower Blue

    Favorite smells? Name 3. Chlorine in a swimming pool, freshly cut grass, a freshly bathed baby’s head.

    Favorite FOOD (that means ONE.) : Butter on a toasted bagel!

    Name your potluck party never-fail dish: (we might ask for the recipe!) Artichoke Dip and some kind of toasted fancy bread. Or Panko chicken with cranberry sauce (I call it Chicken with a Blush)

    Last movie you saw? Babies

    BEST movie you ever watched? Love Letter

    The TV show you just can’t miss! Veronica Mars. I don’t have TV but I loved this show. Deadliest Catch is a very close 2nd.

    Best book you’ve read? Lately - The Lady Detective Agency series.

    Book you’re reading now: Fleetwood (about the band)

    What special talent do you have? Gift of Gab---haha… And I’m good at making people feel at home. I don’t have any artistry talents and I can’t sing.

    Do you have a secret? TELL US!!!! I save up my change cash it in and never tell my DH. I use it for coffee money.

    What do you do when you’re frustrated or angry? Eat. And clean.

    What are your favorite shoes-or boots? WHY? My bronze cowboy boots" powerful looking and SO comfortable.

    What would you donate to an auction? A mask from my collection or my set of Kentucky Derby glasses from 1981 till now.

    What makes you happiest? Being alone, but not lonely.

    Pet peeve: People who let their dogs off-leash and people who don’t poop scoop.

    Greatest fear: Alzheimers. Losing my driver’s license because I’m too old to drive. Not being able to have the will power to be a healthy weight.

    Favorite journey or travel spot: The middle of any hot canyon.

    Tell us more! We might want to go there! (Favorite place to eat, favorite sight, etc) Australia, the canyons in the Red Center are awesome! Red Rock Canyon first thing in the morning, right outside Las Vegas" too beautiful! I also like Orient, NY beach. Anywhere on the road between Anchorage and Homer, Alaska" fantastic!

    What 3 qualities do you look for in a long-term friend? Humor, acceptance, a love for food and coffee.

    Favorite fictional hero? Wonder Woman.

    Phrase you most overuse: “Yeah, but…”

    What’s your motto? Keep breathing…and have a Plan B.

    If you were forced to, what song would you sing in front of a crowd? The Devil Went Down to Georgia (Charlie Daniels Band)

    Favorite kind of music? 80’s or smooth jazz (don’t laugh.)

    What kind of a vehicle do you drive? 98 Ford Truck" the love of my vehicle life.

    If you could go anywhere, where would you go? A semi hot beach or a steamy botanical garden.

    What do you value most in life? Friends, family, food, coffee, and being able to drive!

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi Sue! Glad you have joined us.

    BJ~That is quite a list. I didn't know we were going to have to answer so many questions all at once. LOL I'm with you on a bunch of the answers! I forwarded your e-mail to 1 person. I'm not 100% which of my e-mail addys are still good. That is sad to admit. :(

    Tikanis~I like that, "Temptation is inevitable, Determination is the key!" Very good saying.

    I hope more people start posting. Patti :)

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Great going BJ - hope everyone comes out to play.

    Nickname people call you: Wan
    Hair color -or dye color! and eye color: Reddish brown hair, blue eyes.

    Where ya from? How did you get there? Is there any place you’d rather live? Lake George area, from NYC and love where I live right now.

    Married/Divorced/In Transition/Widowed/Single (Check all that apply)

    Tattoo?-WHERE/Piercings?-HOW MANY? !!! Ears pierced, one hole each. I have a small butterfly on my shoulder from 1977, which I had refreshed about 10 years ago.

    What do you do all day long? office work at real estate office, paint, walk

    Kids? How many? Genders? 2 daughters, 28 & 30

    Pets? What kid and names. Why’d you name them THAT? 17 year old dog Barkley just passed. No pets in my future.

    Sisters? Brothers? 4 brothers, 2 sisters and 1 sister that passed 16 years ago.

    What object do you cherish the most-and would find hard to part with? My grandmothers diamond ring.

    What memory do you love to think about? anytime that the entire family is together.

    Favorite place to just hang out for and by YOURSELF? by the lake.

    If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Sunglow

    Favorite smells? Name 3. Lavender, Vanilla, Honeysuckle

    Favorite FOOD (that means ONE.) NYC pizza

    Name your potluck party never-fail dish: (we might ask for the recipe!) Pepperoni Bread

    Last movie you saw? Flipped - just saw it yesterday on a plane - very cute.

    BEST movie you ever watched? Under the Tuscan Sun - I love light romantic comedies

    The TV show you just can’t miss! Right now it is Modern Family

    Best book you’ve read? Elephants for Water

    Book you’re reading now: Life - Keith Richards autobiography

    What special talent do you have? balance a spoon off my nose

    Do you have a secret? TELL US!!!! It wouldn't be a secret then.

    What do you do when you’re frustrated or angry? Take a long walk.

    What are your favorite shoes-or boots? WHY? flip flops, because they make my toes happy.

    What would you donate to an auction? a painting

    What makes you happiest? an evening with good friends, or when my family is all under one roof.

    Pet peeve: Cashiers that yell out, "I can help someone over here" instead of "I will take the next person in line". Someday I am going to blow my stack in the supermarket.

    Greatest fear: Something happening to my kids and like BJ, Alzheimers, as it runs in my family.

    Favorite journey or travel spot: Bryce Canyon was my favorite spot when I drove across country twice. I also like almost any tropical destination haha.

    Tell us more! We might want to go there! (Favorite place to eat, favorite sight, etc).

    What 3 qualities do you look for in a long-term friend? sense of humor, non-judgemental, foodie.

    Favorite fictional hero? not sure about this one

    Phrase you most overuse: I absolutely say absolutely too much.

    What’s your motto? Life is Good

    If you were forced to, what song would you sing in front of a crowd? Happy Birthday LOL

    Favorite kind of music? Rock, both old and current

    What kind of a vehicle do you drive? SUV

    If you could go anywhere, where would you go? Tuscany, still haven't gotten there.

    What do you value most in life? family and friends.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Raeanne: Laughed out LOUD at your pet peeve! And was sad to hear about your dog...(((HUGS)) Day-um! Your kids are gettin' OLD! :-)

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hello all, I have been MIA for a while. Going through some serious transitions here. I was laid off last week and my focus before that was to try to save my job but it was not to be apparently. So here I am looking for another job in a very dismal economy. I always land on my feet and I will this time. Still I have my gratitude and I am nothing without that so I am doing well.

    I have tried to catch up on everyone but it will take me time. BJ got me going with an email ( thank you).

    Milkdud, I am sorry your efforts did not pan out but for me I thought you were brave to attempt a reconciliation when your trust had been so breached with your husband already dating. You are a better woman than I because I would be done, so done. I wish you the very best and I hope you allow your self esteem to be fully restored girl because you have alot to offer! You must not let the actions of others make you doubt your integrity! YOu are quite a woman and I am honored to "know" you!

    Maddie, you amaze me girl. good for you for doing so well and really, who here would think anything less was possible? You have come so far and have reinvented yourself! You are an inspiration. We are all proud of you.

    I am sure many of you will find my answers predictable! Maybe, maybe not!

    Nickname people call you: Cresky, Hag with Nag, Suzy

    Hair color -or dye color! and eye color: blond and blue eyes. I stopped coloring my hair over a year and a half ago and I am blessed to find that my hair is graying very, very nicely. When you all see me it will be au naturel!

    Where ya from? How did you get there? Is there any place you’d rather live? Born in Florida. Ran away from home when I was 17 to New Hampshire and made it my home. That was 38 years ago! Wowza!

    Married/Divorced/In Transition/Widowed/Single (Check all that apply) Married once before at 18 and divorced at 23. Now married to Mark for 21 years.

    Tattoo?-WHERE/Piercings?-HOW MANY? !!! Pierce ears. That's it, no tattoos EVER!!

    What do you do all day long? Usually work although I am currently unemployed (laid off) and enjoying my time with my animals. There is no shortage of chores to do here!

    Kids? How many? Genders? Two boys.

    Pets? What kid and names. Why’d you name them THAT? Oh you don't have that long...two of everything practically, two horses, two white donkeys, two pygmy goats, down to one cat now and 22 chickens. Starting with the horses, Sweet Pea, Casey, Tillie, Dominic, Bella, Rock, Calli cat. I will spare you the chickens but yes, they all have names!

    Sisters? Brothers? Three sisters. One deceased, one estranged and one nearby that has major issues with depression.

    What object do you cherish the most-and would find hard to part with? I don't have any object that I cherish enough to not want to part with. I do have many souls living with me that I would have a hard time parting with but nothing material.

    What memory do you love to think about? I have alot of great memories but one that I am particularly fond of is taking my two little sisters to Disney World in Florida when it first opened in the late 60's. They did not know where they were going until they got on the monorail and the voice announced it. their eyes lit up like the fourth of July. That was is very fond memory.

    Favorite place to just hang out for and by YOURSELF? In the barn. There is no place I would rather be on a terrible rainy day. All the animals are in and they are quietly munching their hay and it sounds like pure contentment and all warm and cozy. I invite you all to come experience that contentment.

    If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Midnight blue, cornflower blue and periwinkle! BJ, so much alike!!

    Favorite smells? Name 3. A horses mane, a horses breath and lavender. BTW, if I could bottle the mane or breath I would be rich! It smells like the sweetest hay...seriously Dee!! LOL

    Favorite FOOD (that means ONE.) Lobster

    Name your potluck party never-fail dish: (we might ask for the recipe!) Kielbasa with grape jelly and chili sauce!! Seriously, it sounds disgusting and its a hit every time.

    Last movie you saw? Taking Chance with Kevin Bacon. True story. Absolutely an amazing movie and I highly recommend everyone see it. I learned things I never knew and it was very moving.

    BEST movie you ever watched? I have so many but if I have to name just one...it's either Out of Africa or Local Hero.

    The TV show you just can’t miss! Top Chef

    Best book you’ve read? Animal, Vegetable Miracle by Barbara Kingslover.

    Book you’re reading now: The World According to Monsanto -scarey!

    What special talent do you have? I can talk to the animals and I am an excellent judge of character. I am a very excellent cook too.

    Do you have a secret? TELL US!!!! I don't keep secrets it takes way too much energy. With me what you see is what you get.

    What do you do when you’re frustrated or angry? I internalize until I can let it go by either sharing it or just putting it out into the universe that it's not worth my effort or energy to be frustrated or angry.

    What are your favorite shoes-or boots? WHY? Muck boot Artics. It's not about looks its about keeping warm and comfy when it's below zero and you have endless snow moving and shoveling along with barn chores to do! Seriously, these boots saved my life last February when I was walking Sweet Pea endlessly to save her. I was so comfy in those boots it was amazing.

    What would you donate to an auction? I have lots of stuff that I would donate to an auction. I have stopped collecting and there are boxes of things in my cellar waiting for an auction or yard sale!

    What makes you happiest? My life here at our farm. I love my animals, I love our land and I love being a good steward of this land by creating wildlife habitat. I am rewarded by that almost every day by the wildlife that lives here or passes through here.

    Pet peeve: Don't get me started. Besides poor manners and rude behavior the absolute disconnect that I see from fellow humans. The cell phone and texting seem to be more important than looking around and being present in life. I was driving home from Cambridge, MA this week. It was a beautiful stellar day with a big blue sky and warmer than normal temps. I was in Harvard Square and there were two magnificent hawks flying overhead (presumably hunting pigeons) they were literally just overhead and a sight to behold but everyone I looked at had their faces buried in a cell phone or whatever. It was sad to me that they missed this majesty.

    Greatest fear: Random violence.

    Favorite journey or travel spot: Anywhere in Vermont and New Hampshire it is just gorgeous here!

    What 3 qualities do you look for in a long-term friend? Honesty, ability to laugh at oneself, and integrity.

    Favorite fictional hero? Super Man - he has the ability to turn the world retrograde and erase all of our mistakes!

    What’s your mantra? Be here now and Everything is perfect the way it is.

    If you were forced to, what song would you sing in front of a crowd? There are lots of songs I might sing but I would be very comfortable singing Call it a Loan by Jackson Browne or even Looking East by Jackson. His lyrics have always touched my down to the very bottom of my soul.

    Favorite kind of music? I love all kinds of music but I am very fond of the protest songs of the 60's, 70's and early 80's. I am more rock and roll than anything else.

    What kind of a vehicle do you drive? A Ford F250 to tow my horse trailer and a Toyota Corolla for tooling around. My next tooling around car is going to be strictly American made however and I am a huge Ford fan.

    If you could go anywhere, where would you go? No where! I love it right here at my home. We have always felt very fortunate to live in a place that other consider their vacation destination!

    What do you value most in life? My gratitude

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Suzanne~ I did not know you lost your job...(((((HUGS)))) I am learning a lot about my SS sisters this week. Your gratitude always amazes me...very cool. And I love the color periwinkle too! Superman is a great fictional hero - he was adopted, ya know, so I always share his "adoption" story with my foster kids!

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Nickname people call you: Besh
    Hair color -or dye color! and eye color: Brunette/red highlights; blue eyes

    Where ya from? How did you get there? Is there any place you’d rather live? Salem, MA...my hubby grew up here. Wouldn't mind moving back to my home town, just two towns over!

    Married/Divorced/In Transition/Widowed/Single (Check all that apply) Married, 32 years! I am a lucky girl!

    Tattoo?-WHERE/Piercings?-HOW MANY? !!! No tats; pierced ears, one double, one single

    What do you do all day long? Work for a large OB/Gyn practice and really love it

    Kids? How many? Genders? 2 sons, one daughter in law. Can't imagine life without them.

    Pets? What kid and names. Why’d you name them THAT? 1 dog, 1 cat, 1 bearded dragon

    Sisters? Brothers? 1 sister, 2 brothers - we all get along great. They mean the world to me.

    What object do you cherish the most-and would find hard to part with? I have lost too many people that I love dearly, to worry about parting with any objects that I may own.

    What memory do you love to think about? There are many, many and I feel blessed that I have so many. I guess anything with my kids. I love being a Mom and I loved doing anything with them when they were little. I loved all the funny questions, all the crazy pets we had (hamsters, lizards, snakes, mice, etc), looking for sea life and treasures at the beach, fishing, etc. I could go on and on!

    Favorite place to just hang out for and by YOURSELF? My home. I am happy when I am here alone and when I am here surrounded by friends and family.

    If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Red!

    Favorite smells? Name 3. Ocean, babies, ginger lime candles

    Favorite FOOD (that means ONE.) Lobsta!

    Name your potluck party never-fail dish: (we might ask for the recipe!) Taco Salad

    Last movie you saw? Hocus Pocus (we must watch it every Halloween, and the fact that it was filmed here in Salem makes it pretty cool!)

    BEST movie you ever watched? Only one? I guess if I was going to pick a classic it would have to be It's a Wonderful Life. But I have several movies on my favorites list, most recently it is It's Complicated.

    The TV show you just can’t miss! Modern Family

    Best book you’ve read? Harvest Home;Secret Life of Bees

    Book you’re reading now: Women, Food and God

    What special talent do you have? Can pick up anything with my toes!

    Do you have a secret? TELL US!!!! Never!

    What do you do when you’re frustrated or angry? I think I eat.

    What are your favorite shoes-or boots? WHY? Flip flops or sandals, because I absolutely hate socks!

    What would you donate to an auction? Gift cards, probably not very creative

    What makes you happiest? Being with my family

    Pet peeve: Traffic. Thank goodness Halloween is over!

    Greatest fear: Illness

    Favorite journey or travel spot: Cape Cod/Martha's Vineyard

    Tell us more! We might want to go there! (Favorite place to eat, favorite sight, etc) I love Oak Bluffs, Marthas Vineyard...I love the gingerbread cottages, I love the marina and I love Mad Marthas icecream!

    What 3 qualities do you look for in a long-term friend? Honesty, great sense of humor, open mind

    Favorite fictional hero? Atticus Finch, he wasn't afraid to stand up for what was right, no matter what the consequences were.

    Phrase you most overuse: Whateverrrr! But said sarcastically

    What’s your motto? Definitely the Golden Rule. I really try to be open minded and give everyone a fair chance because that is how I want to be treated.

    If you were forced to, what song would you sing in front of a crowd? God Bless America because it is a great song and because I wouldn't forget the words!

    Favorite kind of music? Depends on my mood. My favorite sound track to listen to is Mamma Mia and The Bodyguard. I usually blast those when I am cleaning.

    What kind of a vehicle do you drive? Mercury Mariner, just got it after my mini van died. My kids are grown so I guess it was time.

    If you could go anywhere, where would you go? I would travel the United States and then I would go to Italy.

    What do you value most in life? My family, my health and my families health. I love my friends and I love my pets. I really can be happy as long as I have all of those things.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Suzanne - ((((HUGS)))) so sorry about your job. I also have confidence that you will find something soon. In the meantime enjoy being with your babies.

    I realized I skipped the marriage question. Married 33 years this past September.

    Milkdud - I am also very proud of you for giving your relationship your all and for eating healthy through this stressful time.

    Besh - I started to type Secret Life of Bees for my book answer.

    Just had to come back to check on the answers. It is always fun to see the different answers.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I dno't know how to cut, paste, & answer, so I answer.

    (1)Nicknames: Blitz, Blondie, Sissy, & Aunt 'Re
    ___Hair/eyes: Dishwater blond/ blue
    (3)Where? My Home town I choose to be here again.
    ___Divorced twice; now married to my "Rock solid keeper" (we went to HS together)
    (5)no Tats/piercings
    ___DO? chase after 3 Family Elders, 1yr nephew, & 3yr nephew.
    (7)Kids? none
    ___Pets? Baby Girl, 5yr old Deer-head chihuahua; Red, 9 mos Chihuahua & mini-pincher; Miss Cracker, 1yr, Chihuahua mix. Baby Girl was DH's when I met him, Red is DBIL's, Miss Cracker is the color of graham crackers.
    (9) Two Bothers.
    ___Item? My engagement ring DH gave me. It's the prettiest engagement ring I ever saw and I just love it.
    (11)Memory? DH reaching to hold my hand every where we go.
    ___Hangout? Home.
    (13)Crayon? Blue; it''s the color of the spring sky and of the water.
    ___smells? Babies, vine-ripened strawberries, Drakar
    ___Potluck food? Seven-Layer Salad
    (17)Last Movie? Harry Potter.
    ___Best Movie? The Making of an American Quilt.
    (19)TV? No TV.
    ___Best Book? Little House Series or Little Women Series
    (21) Current Book? None.
    ___Talent? None.
    (23)secrets? That's a deodorant isn't it?
    ___Angery? EAT!!!
    (25)Footwear? my curved-bottom shoes because my back don't
    ___Donate? collectible dishes I inherited.
    (27)Happy? Manual Labor; it helps me stay active, lose weight, & I feel like I've accomplished something.
    ___Pet Gripe? My lack of self-discipline.
    (29)Greatest Fear? Staying who I am today.
    ___Travel Spot? The woods, any woods. The sound of the wind in the trees, the birds' calls, rippling water, clouds drifting by...
    (31)friend qualities? Faith, Acceptance, conversationalist.
    ___fictional hero? can't think of one.
    (33)phrase? "Ill do it later."
    ___Motto? none
    (35)me sing are you kidding?! Nothing, just shoot me!
    ___My music? Western, Gospel, & Bluegrass
    (37)Vehicle? Depends on the days chores.
    ___where go? by any river, especially if it has a fall or light rapids. I love the sound.
    (39)Value? DM's peace of mind & my extended family.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I am running late, so I'll be back this evening to read everyone else's answers. Have a great day!

    Nickname people call you: Marce, Marci, Auntie Em

    Hair color -or dye color! and eye color: Still no gray, so I am a natural brunette with dark brown eyes. I do get caramel highlights when the mood strikes me.

    Where ya from? How did you get there? Is there any place you’d rather live? Western PA, born and bred

    Married/Divorced/In Transition/Widowed/Single (Check all that apply) Married 33 years!

    Tattoo?-WHERE/Piercings?-HOW MANY? !!! No tattoos, double pierced ears.

    What do you do all day long? I work with preschool age children, so I hit the ground running and don’t stop until I get home.

    Kids? How many? Genders? Two, daughter about to turn 27 and son about to turn 30

    Pets? What kid and names. Why’d you name them THAT? No pets now, but I have had 3 cats over the years. Oreo (black and white), Sadie (she was my pretty lady) and Kit-Kat (chocolate colored tabby)

    Sisters? Brothers? 1 older sister, 1 younger brother

    What object do you cherish the most-and would find hard to part with? Pictures of my kids when they were little.

    What memory do you love to think about? Cruise that my entire family took for my parent’s 50th wedding anniversary. We had such a good time.

    Favorite place to just hang out for and by YOURSELF? Early morning walk, when the sun is coming up.

    If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Burnt Umber

    Favorite smells? Name 3. Vanilla, lavender, Dutch Apple pie

    Favorite FOOD (that means ONE.) Starbucks Java Chip Frappuccino ice cream. I am addicted to it. I treat myself to one individual cup serving each week when I go grocery shopping.

    Name your potluck party never-fail dish: (we might ask for the recipe!) Vidalia Onion Dip

    Last movie you saw? Winter’s Bone (depressing)

    BEST movie you ever watched? Sea Biscuit

    The TV show you just can’t miss! Glee (The story line is hokey, but I LOVE the music.)

    Best book you’ve read? Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer

    Book you’re reading now: The Kitchen House by Kathleen Grissom

    What special talent do you have? Used to cross-stitch on 38 count linen. Can’t see well enough to do that now, even with my glasses.

    Do you have a secret? TELL US!!!! Lips are sealed

    What do you do when you’re frustrated or angry? Yell

    What are your favorite shoes-or boots? WHY? Black Sketchers tennis shoes. Comfy and don’t look like a typical tennis shoe

    What would you donate to an auction? Maybe a framed photograph? I have been playing around with my camera and every once in awhile, I get the perfect shot.

    What makes you happiest? Being with my kids and husband at the beach in Florida.

    Pet peeve: People who think their monetary status makes them better than anyone else

    Greatest fear: Drowning

    Favorite journey or travel spot: Any beach, but especially Fort de Sota Park.

    Tell us more! We might want to go there! (Favorite place to eat, favorite sight, etc) Fort de Sota Beach is in St. Petersburg, FL. It is a gorgeous park consisting of 5 islands. You can camp, picnic, swim, bike, go boating and fishing. There are no commercial buildings because it is a county park. I love it. There are many great restaurants near the park.

    What 3 qualities do you look for in a long-term friend? Loyalty, sense of adventure, compassion

    Favorite fictional hero? Owen Meany (he may not be a “typical” hero, but I loved his character in “A Prayer for Owen Meany”.)
    Phrase you most overuse: Oh well……………

    What’s your motto? If you are going to do something, do it to the best of your ability.

    If you were forced to, what song would you sing in front of a crowd? Does the ABC song count? LOL It would have to be a preschool song, 5 Little Speckled Frogs.

    Favorite kind of music? Rock Currently listening to The National

    What kind of a vehicle do you drive? 2009 Malibu

    If you could go anywhere, where would you go? Rome

    What do you value most in life? My health-A good friend died of cancer 2 years ago and another friend was just diagnosed with ALS. I feel blessed to be healthy.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Requesting HELP.

    I am in a spelling bee in a couple of weeks and we need to come up with a team name. So far I only have the "Bee"Dazzlers and we will beadazzle our outfits or the Spelling Divas complete with tiaras and boas. I need more suggestions and I know you girls are usually full of good ones.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Bolton Killer Bees

    Bolton BeeLievers

    NY WordStock - hippies! (Wood Stock)

    Bolton Honey Bees (girl-y) The guys won't like this.

    Bolron Bee-chers - "beachers" - dress in beach wear

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I meant BOLTON Bee-chers...GAH! I shuodl tipe evrehting in wrod berofe I psot heer....lol.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    LOVE the killer Bees! Reminds me of John Belushi and his SNL skit as a killer Bee! Although NY Wordstock is pretty good too BJ! I do love BeeDazlers too Raeanne, it reminds me of My Name is Earl! LOL

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Well I weighed this morning and am happy that I am down 1/2 pound. That is beter than nothing.

    Start - 192
    goal - 145 I may change that to 140.
    Lost 44 and 1/2 I'm pleased.

    I had a terible day yesterday. I don't know what happened. I rest for awhile every morning about 10. ( I'm 80 years old.) I lay there with my eyes shut and when I opened them the walls, windows, everything was covered with orange big dots, ( maybe an inch or more in size) floating around every place. I shut my eyes and later everything was clear. I was supposed to go to a group that get together every Tuesday afternoon. I got up and got ready to go. About half way there, I stopped at a fabric store to pick up something and when I went to get out of the car, I couldn't stand up. I hung onto the steering wheel and the door and knew if I let go I would be in a heap on the ground. I got back in and sat for a few minutes and decided I was all right to drive so turned around and went home and lay down again. It was a terible feeling. Later when I opened my eyes the large living room windows were frantically going back and forth horizontally. My cardiologist phoned about a pescription refill so I told him. He said it sounded like an inner ear problem. I told him I had eaten a pear and hadn't washed it. I know that was a bad thing to do. He said it could have been insecticide on the pear. I have a lot of allergies and later rememered that one of the worse ones years ago was insecticides, I never use them. It gradually got beter and since about 3 this afternoon I feel like myself. I take antihistamines every day. If this was an allergic reation, I really hate to think where I would be if my system hadn't had that in it. You can bet I'll never do that again. If it is an inner ear problem, it problably will come back.

    All the best to everyone and when I have a bit more time than I do right now, I want to read the rest of these postings.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    BJ - you are awesome and I knew you would come through. I love Wordstock and how easy is that one. Who doesn't have some bell bottoms and tie dies somewhere in their house LOL. I passed all your suggestions onto the team. You are the best!

    Ivamae - so glad you are okay, what a scare that must have been.

    Marci - I have a fear of drowning and fire. I was in a building on fire once and we didn't know if we were walking into or away from the fire - very scary, especially since I was on the 37th floor. Turns out it was on our floor but we didn't smell it until we were going down the stairs.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Another MIA checking in -- ((Milkdud)) and ((Suzanne))

    Nickname people call you: Donny

    Hair color -or dye color! and eye color: Auburn hair, green eyes

    Where ya from? How did you get there? Is there any place you’d rather live? NJ, born and raised, still live here. Yes, somewhere with white sand, palm trees and warm breezes.

    Married/Divorced/In Transition/Widowed/Single (Check all that apply) Single :-)

    Tattoo?-WHERE/Piercings?-HOW MANY? !!! Ears pierced, 1 hole per ear - had 2 in each ear but let 2nd close, don't know why, No tattoos.

    What do you do all day long? Work, work, work in an office in a hospital.

    Kids? How many? Genders? None :-(

    Pets? What kid and names. Why’d you name them THAT? 2 Bichons, puppy mill moms that were rescued. Misty and Callie, names just seemed to fit them.

    Sisters? Brothers? One sister who is my best friend.

    What object do you cherish the most-and would find hard to part with? Teddy bear I received on my first Christmas.

    What memory do you love to think about? I can't choose just one, I am luck to have many good memories.

    Favorite place to just hang out for and by YOURSELF? The beach - I love it year round. I also enjoy getting the house to myself.

    If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Pink or red

    Favorite smells? Name 3. Ocean, lavender, puppy breath

    Favorite FOOD (that means ONE.) Only one? Steak

    Name your potluck party never-fail dish: (we might ask for the recipe!) Stuffed shells

    Last movie you saw? Mildred Pierce on one of the classics channels

    BEST movie you ever watched? The Way We Were, Godfather, My Cousin Vinny - my list goes on!

    The TV show you just can’t miss! Deadliest Catch and Hell's Kitchen

    Best book you’ve read? Harvest Home

    Book you’re reading now: Exclusive by Fern Michaels

    What special talent do you have? I don't think so

    Do you have a secret? TELL US!!!! Nothing exciting

    What do you do when you’re frustrated or angry? Eat things that are bad for me.

    What are your favorite shoes-or boots? WHY? My Sketchers slip on sneakers - they are cute and comfy

    What would you donate to an auction? An Ethan Allen table I no longer need

    What makes you happiest? Sunny days, warm air, good friends, family, my dogs, coffee...I'm easy to please

    Pet peeve: Rudeness and lying

    Greatest fear: Heights

    Favorite journey or travel spot: Coast of Maine

    Tell us more! We might want to go there! (Favorite place to eat, favorite sight, etc) Entire south coast is absolutely gorgeous and I love going there - it relaxes me. I am particularly fond of Kennebunkport.

    What 3 qualities do you look for in a long-term friend? Honesty, integrity, compassion

    Favorite fictional hero? I don't have one

    Phrase you most overuse: It is what it is

    What’s your motto? I don't really have one but I think it would be enjoy today, tomorrow is not promised.

    If you were forced to, what song would you sing in front of a crowd? Believe me, whatever song I started the crowd would quickly be begging me to stop!

    Favorite kind of music? Rock and classic rock, oldies, motown....

    What kind of a vehicle do you drive? Hyundai Tucson

    If you could go anywhere, where would you go? Italy

    What do you value most in life? Health, family and friends


  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I was SO glad to see so many posting. Welcome back everyone.

    NH Suzanne~So sorry to hear about your job. I know that you will land on your feet though.

    Nickname people call you: Patti

    Hair color -or dye color! and eye color: It is a golden blonde? eyes are blue

    Where ya from? How did you get there? Is there any place you’d rather live? I am from the panhandle of TX, moved to Midland, TX & back & forth from Dallas to Midland, then have been in FL for 10 years. Moving back to Midland sometime in the next 2 years

    Married/Divorced/In Transition/Widowed/Single (Check all that apply) Divorced twice, Married to my hero! & best friend

    Tattoo?-WHERE/Piercings?-HOW MANY? !!! ears are pierced once

    What do you do all day long? On computer, sewing, fun with friends & family, watch the wildlife, meetings, scrapbook, read, there is a ton of things to do

    Kids? How many? Genders? ok, I had 2 boys that are 32 & 28, 2 miscarriages, I have a son, 39 & daughter, 38 that followed me from another marriage, & a daughter 28 that came with this marriage...I have 6 or 8 grandchildren (the 38 y.o. is contemplating marriage & he will gain 2 children in that marriage...the 6 children are 9, 6, 5, 4, 1, & 11 months. 3 boys & 3 girls...the other two are 1 boy & 1 girl...a 10 y.o. & a 9 y.o.

    Pets? What kid and names. Why’d you name them THAT? not right now but I normally name my dogs after detectives just as a ha ha

    Sisters? Brothers? 1 sister, 21 months younger than me & 1 brother 16 months younger than her

    What object do you cherish the most-and would find hard to part with? I'm not much on objects but the one thing would be the table my grandmother left me b/c when we moved here I gave the rest of her things to my brother

    What memory do you love to think about? I love thinking about my grandmother & anything we did together & hope to make those kinds of memories with my grandchildren

    Favorite place to just hang out for and by YOURSELF? haven't been able to do that here in Florida since we only have one car & logistics make it difficult but I had a couple of spots in TX that I went to when I had difficulties with my exes. I guess here I would have to say my scraproom?

    If you were a crayon, what color would you be? teal

    Favorite smells? Name 3. lilacs, cinnamon, fresh bread

    Favorite FOOD (that means ONE.) Lobsta

    Name your potluck party never-fail dish: (we might ask for the recipe!) You know we almost always end up taking a brisket w/bar-b-que sauce so there will be a meat

    Last movie you saw? Despicable Me in 3D

    BEST movie you ever watched? For some reason I always go back & watch, "Little Shop Around The Corner"

    The TV show you just can’t miss! Right now it is Survivor & Hell's Kitchen

    Best book you’ve read? To Kill A Mockingbird

    Book you’re reading now: a fluff book

    What special talent do you have? I too can pick up anything with my toes

    Do you have a secret? TELL US!!!! I'm another open book! LOL

    What do you do when you’re frustrated or angry? I normally let it out fast. I'm not one to stay frustrated or angry

    What are your favorite shoes-or boots? WHY? If I have to wear shoes it is going to be sandals

    What would you donate to an auction? not sure

    What makes you happiest? being with family & friends

    Pet peeve: backstabbers or two-faced people, I want you to say what you have to say to my face not say one thing to me & another behind my back

    Greatest fear: Alzheimer's, just lost my friend to the disease & I think my Mom may have it. Some say my Grandma had it.

    Favorite journey or travel spot: Anywhere I go with Dave! :)

    Tell us more! We might want to go there! (Favorite place to eat, favorite sight, etc) If you haven't been to San Antonio, TX it is a lot of fun or you should try out Tarpon Springs, FL if you like Greek influence. It is fun! & good food too.

    What 3 qualities do you look for in a long-term friend? honesty, unconditional acceptance, & a sense of humor

    Favorite fictional hero? I don't know that I have one but I loved the answer Atticus Finch! :)

    Phrase you most overuse: probably, "awesome"

    What’s your motto? "You grow up the day you learn to laugh at yourself!" Think that was by Eleanor Roosevelt

    If you were forced to, what song would you sing in front of a crowd? I agree that Happy Birthday is the one you probably would most likely be forced to sing

    Favorite kind of music? I love Smooth Jazz & 60s rock

    What kind of a vehicle do you drive? 2011 Kia Sorento & love it. (Built in Ga!)

    If you could go anywhere, where would you go? I would love to travel the USA--particularly Alaska & the Grand Canyon

    What do you value most in life? the love of family & friends: without that what do you really have?

    can't wait to see the other answers! ;)

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hey Guys! TGIF!!!!

    WOW! Lovin' the participation!!!!

    I'm going to read these tonight! I am having a lot of fun learning about everyone! --- again!

    Ivamae: Whoa. Sounds scary. My sis had something like that and found her iron was WAY, WAY low. She now takes something like 84 mgs of iron a day...! Sounds like you should see a doc - you wouldn't want that to happen when you're driving - or on a stairway - or a million other places. LET US KNOW WHAT YOU LEARN ABOUT IT. We care!

    Raeanne: Good luck at the Bee - when exactly is it? Sounds like fun! We have the Knowledge Bowl here - held at the local theater - so much silliness!

    I am headed to Portland, OR this weekend. I'm taking the rest of DD's stuff down there to move her in - officially. Also gonna see an old gal pal of mine while I'm there - it'll be like old times....I'm SOOOOOOOOOO excited! It's a TON of driving, but it'll just be my old pal "Trucky" (my truck) and me, so it's all good! DD is coming to the island today and will help pack the truck and then I'll follow tomorrow on the road trip.

    HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND, EVERYONE! Stay healthy and on track!

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Nickname people call you: some very descriptive terms that the filters won’t let me post!
    Hair color -or dye color! and eye color: red with blue/green eyes
    Where ya from? How did you get there? Is there any place you’d rather live? I’m from Louisville, KY, and I got here b/c my parents musta had s3x somewhere along the line. NYC or London is where I’d rather be…I just adore a up of tea….
    Married/Divorced/In Transition/Widowed/Single (Check all that apply) married 14 years
    Tattoo?-WHERE/Piercings?-HOW MANY? !!! no tats b/c I am a screaming, cheap coward, but my ears are pierced.
    What do you do all day long? Study, and b!tch, mostly.
    Kids? How many? Genders? Nope.
    Pets? What kid and names. Why’d you name them THAT? 3 purring monsters.
    Sisters? Brothers? Nope. None that I claim.
    What object do you cherish the most-and would find hard to part with? Interesting question; I’ll hafta get back to this
    What memory do you love to think about? Gad, so many. Probably HS. Fun times!
    Favorite place to just hang out for and by YOURSELF? The beach. Hands down.
    If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Screaming orange.
    Favorite smells? Name 3. Cut grass, crunchy leaves, and vanilla.
    Favorite FOOD (that means ONE.) Depends. Oysters, probably.
    Name your potluck party never-fail dish: (we might ask for the recipe!) Sticky Chicken. (Raeanne, I just couldn’t resist!! LMAO!)
    Last movie you saw? Jack@ss 3.
    BEST movie you ever watched? Grease. The memories it brings back…..
    The TV show you just can’t miss! Hells’ Kitchen.
    Best book you’ve read? Hmmmm…. Not sure.
    Book you’re reading now: Microbiology, 5th Edition. Not fun.
    What special talent do you have? I can raise my eyebrows, one at a time.
    Do you have a secret? TELL US!!!! Of course, don’t we all? (I like to read trashy, historical (or is that hysterical?!) romance novels.)
    What do you do when you’re frustrated or angry? Cuss. Very, very well.
    What are your favorite shoes-or boots? WHY? I don’t have a favorite pair, but I do have a favorite purse��"my red Chloe Paddington from Nordstroms.
    What would you donate to an auction? My time.
    What makes you happiest? Being on a beach with Rog.
    Pet peeve: Oblividiots. Idiots who are oblivious to everything around them.
    Greatest fear: flunking out of school.
    Favorite journey or travel spot: NYC, baby!!! (Thank, Dee!That was the greatest day---ever)
    Tell us more! We might want to go there! (Favorite place to eat, favorite sight, etc) Everything��"it’s NYC, what else can be said?
    What 3 qualities do you look for in a long-term friend? Humor, compassion, integrity
    Favorite fictional hero? No one comes to mind.
    Phrase you most overuse: “It is what it is.” Trite, but true.
    What’s your motto? Dee’s “Never give up”. So very true.
    If you were forced to, what song would you sing in front of a crowd? “I feel good”, in mime.
    Favorite kind of music? Depends. Dance/disco/techno/hairbands
    What kind of a vehicle do you drive? A Camry.
    If you could go anywhere, where would you go? England. So fast it would make your head spin. Then NYC.
    What do you value most in life? Rog. My friends. They are priceless, and I am grateful for all of them. My faith, although that sounds a bit strange. It’s gotten me through life, and it’s the one thing that is always with me, even when everyone has walked out.

    Sorry I haven't been here, school has been insane, and I think I'm caught up, but then I realized that I've forgotten something.

    I had the greatest talk with Tikanis last weekend, even though my stupid cell phone was giving me a severe echo everytime I spoke. (I'm sure she must have thought I was nuts!)She's lovely, and she gave me some great advice. I felt like I'd known her forever, and of all things, she lives not too far from where I once lived, many, many years ago. I wonder if we saw each other then. :)

    Hope all is well!



  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I forgot to ask---is anyone up for an ornament/Christmas exchange this year? (I can't believe that time is here already!)

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Nickname people call you: Dee or Dondee

    Hair color -or dye color! and eye color: brown w/ blond highlights; brown eyes

    Where ya from? How did you get there? Is there any place you’d rather live? Was born in NYC suburbs and I'm still here. I would love to stay here, but taxes are driving those of us who contribute away...will probably have to retire in NC.

    Married/Divorced/In Transition/Widowed/Single (Check all that apply) Married to a sweetie pie!

    Tattoo?-WHERE/Piercings?-HOW MANY? !!! no tats for this conservative gal....my ears are pierced!

    What do you do all day long? I do what is necessary!

    Kids? How many? Genders? No children, but 2 stepdaughters

    Pets? What kid and names. Why’d you name them THAT? Pets?????? ME, PETS???????? awwwww, no; no pets. LOL!!

    Sisters? Brothers? 1 sister, 1 brother (another sibling we won't discuss here)

    What object do you cherish the most-and would find hard to part with? my mom's diamond contained in my engagement ring

    What memory do you love to think about? my first date with my husband

    Favorite place to just hang out for and by YOURSELF? my cast iron cozy bathtub surrounded by bubbles

    If you were a crayon, what color would you be? baby blue

    Favorite smells? Name 3. vanilla, cinnamon, lilac

    Favorite FOOD (that means ONE.) NYC Pizza (must be NYC)

    Name your potluck party never-fail dish: (we might ask for the recipe!) meatballs

    Last movie you saw? Red

    BEST movie you ever watched? Raiders of the Lost Ark

    The TV show you just can’t miss! Survivor!

    Best book you’ve read? Jane Eyre

    Book you’re reading now: The Mermaid Chair

    What special talent do you have? (not suitable for this website) LMBO!!!!!!!!!!!

    Do you have a secret? TELL US!!! No secrets that you guys don't know.

    What do you do when you’re frustrated or angry? Eat (even before crying, I eat) ***sigh***

    What are your favorite shoes-or boots? WHY? lately, any shoe that does not hurt my right foot (feels like the bursistis is back)

    What would you donate to an auction? my brother's collection of over 100 plastic WWII model airplane kits which are residing in my basement

    What makes you happiest? giving thanks for all my blessings

    Pet peeve: lately? people who are capable but refuse to contribute to society; I'm tired of paying for the clueless

    Greatest fear: that my DH or I will get really ill

    Favorite journey or travel spot: Bermuda

    Tell us more! We might want to go there! (Favorite place to eat, favorite sight, etc) You have to cruise there. ;-)

    What 3 qualities do you look for in a long-term friend? loyalty, good listener, good humor most of the time

    Favorite fictional hero? Superman

    Phrase you most overuse: You would have to ask my DH that question!

    What’s your motto? Never, never give up!

    If you were forced to, what song would you sing in front of a crowd? Beyond the Blue Horizon

    Favorite kind of music? R&B

    What kind of a vehicle do you drive? Nissan

    If you could go anywhere, where would you go? I'm blessed inthat I can go anywhere I want to go, and I do; frequently!

    What do you value most in life? Good Health

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago


    When we were kids my dad had a boat and it was called DonDee. The Don part is obvious :-) The Dee was for my sister, Deanna who is still called Dee!

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