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Zach Gabbard's & Perham MN's story. Get your kleenex...

13 years ago

This has to be THE story of the year 'round here! Movies are made about things like this!

As you can read in many articles, etc., Zach is a HS Junior in small-town Perham, MN, 60 mi. E. of Fargo. On Jan. 20th, he collapsed suddenly in their BB-game. A Nurse, etc., on scene, helped revive him, and I THINK they initially came to a Fargo hospital by emergency helicopter. They had to operate in Fargo. Later he had to go to Minneapolis for more surgeries and rehab. It was a difficult road down there, with some setbacks. I think there were some times when they thought he wouldn't make it...

Like some kinda Cinderella story, Zach had recovered enough to make a surprise appearance (still in wheelchair) b4 his teams' Wed. nites game @ Target Center in Mpls (MN HS State tournaments). Perham WON that game to advance to MN's title game on Friday night.

On Thurs. nite @ Target Center, they had a special night to honor many of the Dr's., Nurses, Emergency personnel, etc., who helped save his life! Some were from Fargo.

To cap-off Perham's crazy season, they won the MN State BB title on Friday night!!

It's hard not to get teary-eyed over this story...


Here is a link that might be useful: Perham & Zach's incredible story...

Comment (1)

  • 13 years ago

    Wonderful story. I've been following Zach and the Hornets BB team since this happened. It really is the feel good story of the year here. The school in Glyndon where he collapsed had an AED and that, along with the immediate CPR helped to save Zach's life. Every school needs to have an AED!