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Signs of a bad guest...

16 years ago

Following up to Ilovepink's bad hostess post...

As I was responding to her question about bad hostesses - I realized I was responding to signs of a bad guest - so I thought I would start my own thread.

Mine are...

1. Guests who arrive early - One of us is usually getting dressed or my fiance is fininshing up with the food and he usually gets stuck talking to them while we are getting ready.

2. Guests who keep you waiting - I hate waiting for someone who doesn't call to say they are running late. In one instance I waited over 45 minutes for my dad before we started brunch and when I called, he said he wasn't coming.

3. Guests who "help" clean up - While I appreciate the help, my in-laws always get up immediately after dinner and put everything away - regardless if it is food that needs to be refrigerated or not, and it rushes everyone out the door.

4. Guest who eat and run - My in-laws again...Why have I spent the past week cooking, baking, cleaning, setting a beautiful table when you are here 2 hours and then leave? I love socializing and catching up. They are in a hurry to eat and leave to go right back home!

5. Guests who go into a bedroom door that is closed - Obviously I didn't want anyone in there or the door would have been open.

6. Guests who don't RSVP - this is my number one gripe!

7. Guests who bring extra kids to my kids' birthday parties - I hate having to scrounge up extra goodie bags or paying for kids I don't know or didn't invite.

8. Guests whose kids trash my kids' room and then leave - your kid helped make the mess the least you can do is have them help clean up.

I'll stop there for now...anyone have any more??

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