Has anyone used the Miracle Ball Method for exercise?
17 years ago
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- 17 years ago
- 17 years ago
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Anyone ever use clay seed balls?
Comments (1)My info on clay seed balls is about the same as your info. Interesting that it was something used by Native Americans, but have found nothing on which tribes. I've come across several "recipes" for making them (by doing google search). Also read of groups making them and tossing them in vacant (eye sore) lots. I've tried purchased seed balls from Gardeners Supply. They were a mix of annual and perennial. The only perennial that came up the next year was a daisy. Also tried additional in other garden spots and got nothing!...See MoreWho has big balls?
Comments (54)OK, let's go on... No, their basement has no balls... they are hung, in carton packets on the shelves. Usually in the "exercises for the home" area. Something similar when I was a kid was the hippity-hop but this one had a handle and you sat and hopped. The new exercise balls are for core training mostly. We used them in Physical Therapy yrs. ago for patient's that had back surgery. You can fall off so be careful. I just know this will be it......See MoreMiracle Method sink refinishing
Comments (7)I just had a bathtub done by a local outfit (not Miracle Method). This info about the process is from their website. "DUROKOTE II is an aliphatic acrylic urethane. It is a specialized coating that was developed specifically for this refinishing process. It contains no free isocyanides. This is important because free isocyanides will 'off-gas' or release from a coating for months and are very toxic. It self cures under normal room temperature, is self leveling, has the look and feel of natural porcelain and is very stable. It will not fade, yellow or oxidize as an epoxy or polyurethane (which contains free isocyanides) will and therefore become brittle." This company's process is guaranteed for 10 years and supposed to last much longer. The website says avoid any process using epoxy or car paint, with guarantees of 1-5 years, in contrast to theirs. FWIW. I must say, my tub looks like brand new and I'm very pleased. I would however, be very sceptical about using it in a kitchen sink that gets much harder daily use. Isn't it possible to get a ceramic sink in another color?...See MoreDoes anyone take "Miracle" Supplemental products?
Comments (18)If you do a check of webMD it says that Moringa Zija is a plant from India, Pakistan etc. This is what it said "Moringa is POSSIBLY SAFE when taken by mouth and used appropriately. The leaves, fruit, and seeds might be safe when eaten as food. However, itâÂÂs important to avoid eating the root and its extracts. These parts of the plant may contain a toxic substance that can cause paralysis and death. Moringa has been used safely in doses up to 6 grams daily for up to 3 weeks." I don't think I'd try this unless I was desperate. It sounds like it could be bad. Thiis does sound like MLM. On another note, I have a couple of co-workers that swear by Isogenix which is another MLM. I generally keep an open mind because I know that there's a lot we just don't know. But when I asked one of them how much it cost, she told me $900 per month. It's basically a meal replacement plan with lots of vitamins and such. They seem to do a cleanse for 3 days out of 7. They eat their smoothies every day at lunch. They said they feel great and they plan to never quit this program. I can't imagine paying $900 per month for the rest of their lives. Seems crazy to me....See More- 17 years ago
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