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cracks in ceiling, help!

18 years ago


There seem to be a number of cracks developing in the ceiling of my kitchen. These have all appeared over the last few weeks.

I don't know if the ceiling is drywall or plaster. It does show signs of having been patched in many places. (It's an old house and the 9x17 kitchen itself is an addition that might have been a porch at one time. No idea how old the conversion to kitchen is. Possily 20 years.)

The cracks run in straight lines and then at right angles, as if following panels of some sort. They look like cracks in an eggshell might look.

The trouble is that the house is sold (with the understanding that, since it's 100 years old) it does need some repairs. It was NOT, however, sold as a handyman special). There is no evidence of the roof leaking or any other reason why this is happening now. No signs of nails, screws popping, either.

It looks like these cracks have appeared before and patched up but some are appearing on smooth surface. I am envisioning the whole ceiling collapsing and the deal along with it!

Can anyone offer some advice in this situation, please?


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