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Daily Support--Monday 4/7 through Sunday 4/13

16 years ago

Good Monday morning! Welcome to another week! Let's all have a successful week, how about it?

QOD: Did you ever believe that an article of clothing or jewelry could make you stronger or faster?

QOD: I'm almost certain that my "Keds" DID make me run faster than the wind. LOL That's my story & I'm sticking to it. :)

I'll check back later. Patti :]

Comments (57)

  • 16 years ago

    Jen~Yep! You do have good taste!

    DeeMarie~My apologies right now! Dave says, "Does that mean she is wearing a 'Wonder' bra?" ROFLMBO I thought it was pretty witty for him.

    Peggy~I think you are so cute. Keep us going with the pep talks. I know that I need it.

    QOD: That is one thing I don't collect. I did & last year after I broke my foot & the dr. told me that I could only wear a good pair of tennis shoes, I took all of my shoes & donated them. Sigh...

    We are going to wash clothes today & have a resident's meeting tonight. Have a good one. Oh, we are doing a crockpot roast tonight. Dave loved the salsa chicken last night. Patti :)

  • 16 years ago

    Good morning!

    It's already 72 degrees here, but very overcast. When I first woke up, the sun was shining and everything was so bright out. Somehow, it's supposed to climb to 85. The mosquitoes are out and busy finding fresh blood. UGH!

    I had a very salty-food weekend, so my weight stayed the same at WW last night. I found pickles that I really love, and I overindulged. I didn't give a thought to the fact that they're loaded with sodium. I have high hopes for the next weigh-in!

    Glad everyone's enjoying the salsa chicken! My youngest Dson requested the recipe for the women in his office. I took that as a great compliment! I need to do research today to find more family-friendly recipes. I've coasted for a few weeks now, so it's time. I go to about a dozen different sites. I never got into this kind of thing before WW this time, so it's been fun and interesting. I'm definitely trying Patti's crockpot stuffed peppers because the last time I made them, the peppers were a little too firm despite 5 mins. of steaming ahead of time. I love using my crockpot, so this will definitely be a keeper-recipe!

    QOD: I, too, had a pair of walking shoes that got me moving more than usual which made me feel powerful. I never could duplicate them once they wore out. :(

    It sounds like spring is finally arriving for our northern friends! We've had blooming azaleas and bluebonnets for a few weeks now. So beautiful. For some reason, the azaleas just love this climate, so they're always lush. I had fun at the nursery yesterday looking at all the offerings. I need to do some research though to see what won't tempt the deer around here before buying for the front.

    Jen, it's nice to see you posting! You have a good attitude about losing weight.

    McPeg, you are a good cheerleader and motivator. I like your attitude!

    Hope everyone has a great day!

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    It's sooooooooooooooooo lonely in this forum........ Someone open a curtain and LET SOME LIGHT IN!!!! The sun is half-heatedly shining here today. No snow. How 'bout those presidential candidate primaries? Huh? GUUUUUURL POWER.... and the good ole Mac boy network rides again. NHSuzanne, was your town voting center a madhouse last night? Back to packing....and juicing! I end all project in "and juicing" now...lol. I bought a couple of books on de-cluttering...I tossed my other decluttering books when I was decluttering last time...so I am re-inspired, especially since I am packing for the move NOW. It's time to really assess how much material stuff I need to operate in this life. So far, It's been pretty amazing how many pairs of boots I NEED! And I packed an entire box of books regarding death. I'm wondering how Feng Shui fits into THAT! I feel like I should have put a stick of sage incense or a flute cure in that box or something. Oh, I heard a funny thing in the island bookstore last weeknend. A lady went to the cash wrap to buy her books and the guy said, "Are you from here...or are you visiting?" She answered, "I'm from HERE, but just visiting..........earth." Now I know there are a LOT of hippies on the island, but this sort of took the cake for me. Whilst I was there, I bought a book called, "GIVING...How Each Of Us Can Change The World." Gonna start reading it tonight. What's everyone else HERE reading right now???????? I could ramble on quite a bit more, but I feel I should let someone else get a word in, eh?
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    Comments (11)
    Good Morning :) WHEW!!! I am so pooped out with all of the fun things I have been doing lately~~~I really live a boring, quiet life, but lately WHEW!!!! My DD and I had a great time in Santa Barbara at her swim meet~~~ages 18-80!! Seeing the older gals in swim suits and having so much fun and looking so healthy is really inspiring!! They all have such good body image, in the dressing rooms walking around in different stages of their nakeness, not sure I feel that good about my body:( I want to tho:) My weigh in was good, I am down another 1.2 pounds?? How can that be?? I ate so off the program last week with my visitors and all:( I did eat breakfast and lunch good, and when we whipped out the snacks I never ate like I would have before WW's:) As I was driving away from my meeting I was thinking WOW how much junk and extra calories I must have been eating in the last few years to be carrying so much extra weight!!! I am down 22.5 pounds YAHOOO!!! I feel so great!! Down about 4-5 more pounds than I even planned on:) AND the best part is I do not even feel like I have been dieting, just eating healthy!! I just hope I can keep it up:) Since I do not feel hungy or deprived of any foods I think I should be able too eh??? I have two vacations planned one at the end of July with my DH going up to Tahoe~~~two days after we get back from there my DD and I are leaving for a world swim meet in Palo Alto Cali @ Stanford U~~~we will be there for 4days and 3nights then on to San Francisco for 3nights:) That my diet friends will be the big test!! If I get through all of those days eating out and all of the temptations of vacationing I will know forsure I have made a lifestyle change:) I did not make it to CRUVES at all last week, except to weigh in, my pre weigh in before going to WW's for my weigh in LOL!!! But, I was walking and running around everyday so I guess that has to count. I will get back on track tomorrow:)
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    Comments (46)
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  • 16 years ago

    Hi Guys!

    Sorry for being MIA again. I'll try harder to at least pop in and say HI. Thanks for the kick in the buttski, Dee!

    I've been super busy with my little foster guys. I got one when he was 10 months and his 1 year birthday is next week. And I received a 14 day old halfway through last month. In between, I've had a WILD 2 1/2 yr old that drained my energy levels daily. Anyway, that's why I've been gone. These kids are SO cute, but the baby only sleeps for 20 minutes at a time (drug-affected) and so I snatch sleep when I can! I am having a very rewarding time of it all, still. The stories behind these kiddles, though, is heart-breaking.

    I will have "V" for quite a while, they say, as his mum just can't seem to get it together. "Baby S" will go to a foster-to-adopt family on the 14th of this month...and I'll get some SLEEP! Hopefully, this one will work out. 2 previous potential adoptive families have declined her, sight unseen, since I've had her. My kids love having baby sissies and brothers and are having a great time teaching them all kids of stuff: clapping, high fives, you get the idea...

    QOD: My boots, of course, make me feel confident and lovely. I picked up some KILLER bright red, steel-heeled stilettos this past winter. And a great pair of knee-high, copper toned stilettos. I'm not wearing them with the Baby Bjorn carrier yet, but maybe someday! My collection of boots has grown by happenstance, since I am not a "shopper." My DH loves boots, so I try to indulge him when I can. (wink)

    Raeanne! Thank you for the special package! "V" loved his little dino and sippy cup! You're a great Auntie!

    Well, I'm going to spend today glancing periodically at my computer, trying to catch up on the month I've missed. I'm sure tons has happened.

    At first, I lost weight chasing after these little ones and and skipping food, but alas, the lack of sleep and unbalanced eating caught up with me and I've gained most of it back. So, back I go, to square almost one, and today, I'm recommitting to eat healthy food. Girl Scout cookies, Reeses Pieces, PEEPS, and Mountain Dew do not a diet make! So I'll be checking in with all you healthy people, trying to stay on track! I need a summertime bod too!

  • 16 years ago

    QOD: By accident. When I was younger with pretty feet that were both the same size!, I bought every shoe I could afford. As I grew older and suffered an injury, my left foot grew larger than the right. It is such a pain to buy shoes now, that I buy whatever fits and looks halfway decent. (Sad too, because now I can afford to buy more than when I had pretty feet!) Such is life, eh?

    Dave, to be absolutely blunt (and why not!), I have no need for a wonderbra....they actually don't come in my size (as in not large enough)! LOL!!!!! I have been overly endowed in that area since I was in 4th grade. Another story, another day! ROTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Gotta run back to a meeting....the British are here, the British are here!



  • 16 years ago

    Welcome back, BJ---we posted at the same time. Put down the sugar and share more of your adventures with us!

  • 16 years ago

    Dee: I heard you buy your bras at the local Datsun dealer...

    they're the only ones that sell 280Zs...

  • 16 years ago

    What the bloomin'? LOL We had a friend who, you could say, "Aye, aye, aye." *III*

    Aw, come on John, jump right on in here. toodles ;]

  • 16 years ago

    QOD - right up my alley - Shoe collecting by Choice! It is embarassing but I couldn't even count how many shoes I own. I went into my daughters closet the other day and found 3 pairs of boots I forgot I had that I bought at the end of last winter. I take pictures of my shoes and paste them to the ends of the boxes, so when I stack them up in my closet I know what they are. It is definitely an illness.

    BJ - I have missed you so much, but I knew you had both arms full and then some. I am happy that V has you and your family for a while. Sounds exhausting but oh so rewarding. ROFLMAO 280z's.....

    Milkdud - I have been on the lookout for new crockpot recipes, but haven't seen anything exciting besides your salsa chicken. Most of them add canned creamed soups - which I try to avoid. Yes, I would take that request from your son as a huge compliment.

    Jen - Good to see you checking in. I am sure you will be back on track.

    Peg - good pep talk as always - love the special clothing remark.

    Goodnight all!

  • 16 years ago

    QOD: What cereal did you like as a child? Is its name appropriate for you now?

    QOD: I honestly liked Life cereal & it does seem appropriate.

  • 16 years ago

    QOD - Captain Crunch - straight out of the box hahahaha. I never liked cereal. But Capt Crunch sounds appropriate today too. We used to eat more eggs, french toast, pancakes for breakfast in my house. I can't believe how much cereal costs these days.

    Gotta go answer some phones...

  • 16 years ago

    Good morning all,

    BJ, it's good to hear from you. I know your busy sister, literally have both arms full as Raeanne said! Stop in when you can.

    Raeanne, we have names for people like you and your shoes!! LOL

    Milkdud, I hope I told you how much I enjoyed the Salsa Chicken! I would welcome any new ideas you come up with. I should also look since I am on WW on-line too.

    With all this shoe/feet talk I have to share that I have been having significant foot pain since last fall. My doctor suggested it was plantar facicitis and I did all the recommended exercises, etc but the pain in my two toes remained. I was convince her diagnosis was incorrect because of what I read on line about it. Recently the pain has gotten so severe that I almost had to knock on a strangers door to call for a ride back to my office!! Yesterday at the Podiatrist office I was diagnosed with Mason's Neuroma which is basically a pinched nerve between the toes. The bad news is that I have to wear an orthodic to help correct the problem. The even worse news is that it's been going on for so long that he thinks I may have to always wear the orthodic or have surgery.........even more horrible is that I can't wear flip flops, heels or anything even remotely attractive any more.......yes, I have reached the age of sensible shoes!!!! OMG, LOL

    It has been warm here the past two days and the piles are slowly but surely leaving. I think I might have some piles left at my house in May!! I have a bet with someone on this!

  • 16 years ago

    Good morning bright & early for me!

    It's already 71, not much sun, but it's supposed to rain and reach only 82. I'm getting out early today to keep a drs. appt. and do a little shopping. Not great grocery deals at the little stores this week, so my budget gets a break!

    Raeanne, you must have to be in the right mood to find the "just right" recipes because I came up kind of short looking yesterday. I did try an unstuffed green pepper soup which was a quick fix on the range-top, and hubby loved it! I had to tweak the recipe to get it soupy enough for me, but it's definitely a keeper. (Made just like you make regular stuffed peppers, just all together in a pot) I can't believe that before going on WW this time, I couldn't eat even a sliver of bell pepper without having the worst indigestion! Now, it doesn't bother me in the slightest.

    QOD: What cereal did you like as a child? Is its name appropriate for you now? I only ate Cheerios, and I try to be cheeri-o these days. My mom also used to fix us eggs, bacon, and buckwheat pancakes about 3 times a week, too. Loved those breakfasts!

    BJ: You sound even busier than usual these days! Those little ones are so blessed to have you in their lives for a little while. Stars in your crown, woman!
    Have a good day. I'll peek in later to see what's up with everyone since I posted early today.

  • 16 years ago

    QOD: Capt. Crunch when we could afford it and blueberry poptarts (before they ruined them with icing).

    Hi everyone! Today is 2 main tasks:

    1. Prepare portioned healthy snacks into the fridge (stocked up at the dollar store on one cup containers with lids). Serving out yogurt, low fat jello pudding/jello and and making a huge bowl of chopped cucumber, tomato and mixed peppers sprinkled with a water based mexican dressing (I just mix in mexican spices, a SMALL amount of olive oil, and enough water to make 1/2 cup. Swirl this around and pour on top of salad. Toss around during the day to keep the flavours mixing. DH enjoys this too. You can even use vegetable juice instead of water.

    2. Paint walls.....

    Todays activities - afternoon walk now that the sidewalks are clear.

    We're going up to a sunny 59'F (15'C) - it's a HEATWAVE!!!!!! (Don't tell DH my walk is to the garden center for more dirt! - have more seeds to start!)

    So, what are you doing today to help your journey towards a better your? Do tell. Are you taking good care of yourself today? C'mon, you can do it! We can do it together. 1 small healthy step today is all I'm asking from you!

    Make today count. You are important and deserve the attention you give yourself. LOL


  • 16 years ago

    Good Morning,

    Dee, I will take the Wonderbra! LOL!!!!!!!

    Today I am :

    1. Drinking lots of water
    2. exercising
    3. Eating lots of lean protein
    4. Trying to stay positive

    That should be enough for today!

    BJ, It's great to see ya posting! We miss you when your not around!

    Have a great day.


  • 16 years ago

    Thanks for being so nice about my absence guys!

    Cereal: Growing up, it was Quisp--anybody remember that?--it was quazy little flying saucer-shaped cereal. YUMMERS! Now---well, just yesterday, I started eating Bear Naked All Natural Granola. Does the name fit? Hmmm....no comment.

    Back to the shoe thing, I used to have a pair to match every shirt in my closet, but with each child, my feet grew larger-size 10 now!-and so I gave all my shoes away and eventually realized that DH loved boots and that boots offer, mentally, a grounded stable foundation for me. So I wear boots almost always. If I'm gardening or schlepping around the outside of the house, I used to wear black rubber barn boots and still do if it's raining, but I love the new fuzzy-lined Crocs...Gad---the ultimate in UGLY but COMFORTABLE. But definately a new form of birth control, if you ask any guy!

    I have put the kids down for the morning snoozy nap, so am checking in. I decided to *screw everything else* and check in here every day during the kids' morning nap time. I miss this altogether too much. I NEED to have SISTAH time!!!!! --For my sanity and for support.

    NHSuzanne-Am I glad you had that foot deal checked out!!! Even though you had the sad shoe news, still, it's nothing worse. My SIL had an ankle pain for a year before she went to the doc, and found out it was a rare form of fast-growing cancer. She in chemo now and had to have her leg bone grafted and is going through a lot of pain and procedures now. Good for you for not ignoring the pain; so many people do.

    It's FOGGY here---I can't see the little island out from the house---did I tell you I was on the rock this week for my kids' spring break? Anyway, the ferry horns are BLARING and echoing down the channel. I enjoy hearing that. In a couple of years when you all come here for a retreat at my new place, you'll see what I mean---!

    List for today:
    1. STAY ON TRACK. I did well until about 2pm yesterday. Gonna try to make it further into the day today. Baby steps for me, I guess.
    2. Pack some of the stuff. We have to move this house to a rental on the 20th.
    3. Take the kids down to lunch with DH. Everyone at his job wants to see the "new" additions.
    4. Maybe make a dump run. I'll see how the kids do.
    5. Take middle DD to swim practice at the local pool.
    5. Figure out what to make for dinner and shop for it. (DREAD.)

    Ahhhh...okay, back to my day. Enjoy life!

  • 16 years ago

    Biggest Loser Fans: Who will win it????

    My vote is for Alli or Kelly. I think they both really deserve it. Not that the guys don't but, it would be nice to see one of the girls win.

    I wonder how many calories the girls are supposed to consume a day?

    Oh well....Back to work.


  • 16 years ago

    Been in back-to-back meetings for the last 2 days!

    QOD: My mom would make us hot cereal. I loved Cream of Rice, but don't see it anymore. My sisters ate Cheerios and my brother (who came along years later) would beg for the junkie stuff.

    GOOD FOR ME: Today I brought my healthy lunch and avoided the group US/UK/INDIA lunch in the corporate cafe. I had banking to do and excused myself. Ate near some tree-lined parking lot at the bank and listened to the radio. In about 10 minutes I am off to the corporate fitness center for a circuit class.

    Hope to have time tomorrow to check in. We have these group meetings through Friday afternoon, then they are over for at least a year (unless I am forced to go to the UK....blech!)


  • 16 years ago

    I think I am behind on the QOD - but I'll answer the last two.

    QOD - Shoes! I love them. If DH ever counted my shoe boxes, he would be amazed. I have them all over the place so it doesn't look like I have so many. Lately I have really started to ask myself if I really need another pair of shoes before I buy any, and I have been doing much better. But, if I could afford it, I would also have a purse to match every pair of shoes! LOL

    QOD - I loved, loved Sugar Pops and Cocoa Krispies. I wasn't allowed to drink chocolate milk, so I loved the fact that the Cocoa Krispies turned the milk chocolate. I would say that those do suit me as an adult, because I am a sugar/chocoholic (who is mostly reformed).

    NHSuzanne - When I was diagnosed with plantar fasciitis, I was more upset about the fact that I had to wear shoes with arch supports than I was worried about the pain. How do you put arch supports in sandals and flip-flops! So I started wearing Berkinstocks, another ugly but comfortable shoe. Thankfully I have to wear the arch supports about 75% of the time now and the rest of the time I can wear my "pretty" shoes without any pain. I hope your foot pain gets resolved soon!

    BJ - Bless you for all the loving care you are giving those kids!! It takes someone special to do what you are doing. Doesn't sound like you have slowed down at all.

    Our teaching asst. who was off for surgery for 6 weeks, came back today. Even though things have been running smoothly, I was very glad to see her back.

    Now I am going to change into something comfortable and chill before I start dinner.


  • 16 years ago

    Great to see everyone taking positive steps today! Hi BJ - don't know if we've met but glad to see ya!

    Here's that salad I made. Ingredients today were tomato, peppers, onion, cucumber, left over taco bell salsa packs (from DH's lunch) parsley flakes and tex mex seasoning.


    Have a great dinner! Stay the course!

  • 16 years ago

    BJ - I know you said thanks for being nice about your absence. But I have to tell you honestly that things were just about to get very ugly! So it is a good thing you put your boots on and got your butt back here! It just isn't the same without you.

  • 16 years ago

    Dearest BJ,

    Ditto what Raeanne said!

    Sincerely yours,


  • 16 years ago

    I apologize. It was never my intention to offend anyone nor to jeopardize my long-standing friendship with anyone here.

  • 16 years ago

    Patti - did I miss something FRIEND?

  • 16 years ago

    ??Explanation Follows??

    For the last 10 years, I have been so sick that I haven't been exactly myself. Then in October something happened & I have started feeling better & better. I thought that I had perhaps gotten out of line or overly rowdy & offended someone & I misread what was being said. I have a lot more "spunk" & mischief? now, I don't know?? Anyway, if I get out of line, would you please let me gently know & I will know that my friends will tell me & I won't have to make "assumptions", (which are dangerous, especially for me!)? You are my "Sistahs" & John is my "Bro" & I wouldn't do anything intentionally to hurt any of you or jeopardize this family.

    Hugs & Kisses to ALL~

  • 16 years ago

    Wow, miss a couple days and things go out of control!

    BJ - welcome back - we missed you! Glad things are going well and you are doing something you love.

    Suzanne - ouch on that foot, glad you got it checked out.

    Patti - I skimmed over everything but saw nothing wrong...I cannot ever imagine you offending anyone!! I will have to sit and read tomorrow night to catch up with what everyone is up to.

    OK, will try and catch up with some QOD.

    Shoes - I love them. I have no idea how many I have but I know I must always buy more, probably a sickness but one I really don't want to cure.

    Cereal - I always loved alphabets and they're probably appropriate now :-) BJ, I do remember Quisp and Marci, I loved Cocoa Puffs too!

    Glad to see everyone posting...I have been MIA but for good reasons - I have been working out with my trainer and going to the gym pretty regularly. I've also had lots of doctor appointments, not fun, but hopefully they will be done next week.

    I am trying to stay on track, not following any specific program but watching portions and what goes in the mouth. I really need to work on increasing my water consumption, for some reason that's a tough one for me.

    I promise not to go MIA = will check in more regularly, really! I miss you guys when I don't!!!!

    Talk tomorrow -- Donna

  • 16 years ago

    QOD: Did you like cartoons as a child? Which one comes to mind? (Do these ?s date us or what?) LOL

    QOD: Well, this morning, I'm thinking Mr. Magoo or HR Puffenstuff. Early on, probably my first favorite show was Captain Kangaroo. We used to drive to Amarillo on the weekends & while my parents were shopping they would put us out in the middle of the mall where they showed cartoons to the kids for 5 or 10 cents all day long until your parents were ready to pick you up. Nowadays, we would all be afraid to leave our kids someplace like that.

    Have a great day! Patti :->

  • 16 years ago

    Good morning from warm (72 d.) and overcast (rain coming soon!) SE Texas!

    Patti, what did I miss?

    Dee, way to go on avoiding that business lunch and eating healthy! Glad you liked the salsa chicken recipe! I love it, and hubby has requested it for this weekend.

    Thought I'd go shopping in the big city this morning! The funny thing is that it's NOT a big city, but there are all kinds of good stores there. Our Walmart and Kroger have stopped carrying a few of my stock WW items, so this was my incentive to go over there to shop. They have a Signature Kroger and HEB, plus a humongous Walmart and Lowe's. I want some outdoor chair pads for the front porch chairs, and I haven't had any luck finding 4 that match here and in Baytown.

    Tonight's dinner is Razzle-dazzle pork chops, baked sweet potatoes with FF sour cream, SF applesauce, and cucumber and cherry tomato salad.

    McPeg, you are staying so busy and on task. Impressive!

    Jen, I'd vote for Kelly because she has overcome a huge hurdle - herself/self-esteem. But I'd be happy with whoever wins. This show has been so inspiring for me!

    Marci, I know you're thrilled that your assistant has returned. Last year, I went through 3 assistants, and it was so hard when they didn't show up, then waiting out the hiring process. They aren't well paid at my old school and were used for so many odd jobs that it would run them off.

    Donna, how's it going with the PT? I'm so envious. I also hope you get to start posting more often. It's very helpful to me to be here, I know.

    Raeanne, I promise to find more recipes very soon. I am ready to branch out. I always want to try out the recipe before mentioning it here because I feel responsible when I post one.

    Patti, have you actually fixed all those recipes you posted on the other thread? Sometimes the ingredients sounds great, but they just don't taste good anyway. I want tried & true ones! LOL

    Time to get off here and get dressed to go. It's a 30 minute drive to the "big city"! Hope everyone has a great day!

  • 16 years ago

    Good Thursday,

    Yes Patti, what did we all miss? Huh?

    Two gorgeous days in a row I don't think I can stand it! Tomorrow, rain...........ugh

  • 16 years ago

    Milkdud~We have made the stuffed bell peppers & I don't know if our crockpot is hotter than yours or what b/c it sounds like our weather is similar & it is if I remember right. Our peppers fell apart & we didn't steam them first. Also, ours were almost burned on low & before the time was up. We did a roast in the crockpot that was very good & I don't know if I posted it or not. We did the chicken & pasta salad last night & liked it very well too. However, I do change some ingredients to fit my taste. (We used bleu cheese b/c I don't like feta & Dave didn't want the reconstituted tomatoes.) Otherwise, we stuck to the recipe. We have bought all of the ingredients to make everything I posted. We made the salsa chicken, too.

    Donna~Keep up the good work. If my ribs ever stop hurting, I've got to try to get out & walk perhaps early when it is cooler. It is already 79.

    Marci~Glad you have your assistant back. I know how much DS#2 loved the one he had in school.

    DeeMarie~I liked Cream of Rice too. I didn't know it couldn't be found anymore. Was there a Cream of Wheat too?

    NH Suzanne~I think that Dave had a Morton's neuroma taken off of his foot. It was before we were married. I know it was painful.

    Jen~Glad that you are back. How are our girls?

    BJ~So glad that you are back. I think about you often. I keep seeing something that says, "I gave up coffee, chocolate, & ---. It was the worst 15 minutes of my life!" (I think about you b/c of the coffee! ;)

    McPeg~Glad that your snow is finally melting!

    Raeanne~I've heard that some cereal is over $8 a box now! That is so hard to believe but I do. Just makes me shake my head.

    Hi to all I've missed! Schedule some time for yourself! Patti :]

  • 16 years ago

    Good Afternoon,

    QOD: Cookie Crisp or Captain Crunch but now that my sugar days are over, I stick with old fashioned oatmeal made with skim milk, cinnamon, splenda, and a splash of vanilla. Then the last minute of microwaving, I add a banana.

    Patti, You could never offend us! How is Dave doing?

    Well, off to lunch. Spinach salad, tilapia, and deviled eggs.


  • 16 years ago

    Just got back from my shopping spree at the grocery stores. Even their Walmart had things the stores I usually shop at didn't! I hit Signature Kroger first. It's a gorgeous store, and has a huge inventory. I found the barley I'd been using. Don't know how I've lived all these years without ever trying it. It's those funky little noodley things in vegetable soup.

    Walmart had some fall scrapbook embellishments that I need for my son and DIL's wedding scrapbook. Now if they'll only send me the photos!

    HEB had polenta in the produce section. I love that stuff. It's kind of pricey, so I really need to try to make it instead. It's as close to chips or bread as I can get. The great thing about the barley and polenta is that I can have that even if I have rice, a potato, or pasta during the day.

    Patti, I wasn't referring to the crockpot stuffed peppers when I mentioned mine not softening. It was my oven recipe. I always heat them in a pan in the microwave for about 5 minutes before stuffing them for the oven, but this time, they didn't soften up, even in 45 mins. of oven cooking! The soup was fast & easy the other night and popular with hubby and me.

    Got to eat lunch and do some laundry. The rain is coming anytime now. It's been cloudy and muggy all morning long.

    Take csre!

  • 16 years ago

    Twiddle Diddle Dee Dee

    Yep, the scale is moving but I'm not telling - need to see if it stays put for the next weigh in. Plateaus I'm too familiar with. Not in a rush, just trying to take better care of myself.

    Had a visit with my Mom this morning (she's looking good), picked up a few groceries and now home - another coat of paint on the wall, dishes, put away laundry, start dinner and then my soap - Y&R.

    Tulips and crocuses are poking their heads up in my garden - 3 weeks ago I could not even imagine this! Spring weather is a great motivator I tell ya!

    Hoppin' and bobbin' to the 60's tunes, shaking and shifting blubber! Join me!

  • 16 years ago

    Good THURSDAY afternoon!

    My director just came by my office to see goodbye. His flight home to UK is tomorrow morning. Whew, what a week! Cannot wait for downtime this weekend.

    McPeg, so glad you had a nice visit with your mom. Glad your life is turning a corner now, as I've been following you over at KT.

    Well, I'm not about to step on any scale soon this week. All these meetings were accompanied by sweets and I feel miserable. Lunch was a fat-free chicken/cesear salad. Our cafe does a great job with a fat-free dressing

    OK, Im off to go home and spend an evening with hubby without falling asleep.

    We have having leftover crockpot salsa chicken and brown rice. yumm-o!


  • 16 years ago

    Hi Guys!

    Everyone is down for afternoon nap, DH included. Baby S is on my chest here as I type. Every time I move her, she squeaks and fusses---spoiled! so she sleeps in my arms. I guess I'm not doing her next mom any favors...! But I only have 4 more days with her, so phooey.

    I've been pretty good with the food today. And I'm making some yummy pasta sauce right now: small head of garlic, 2 chopped up basil plants straight from the market, organic tomatoes (3), hamburgler, browned with garlic and sea salt and pepper, yadda, yadda, yadda. Gonna cook some spinach ravioli and sun-dried tomato pasta and have a salad on the side tonight.

    Then back to the mainland with me. I have too much to do at the other house to stay here any longer.

    Patti: Oh, yeah, right, you're really offensive....! Especially compared to Maddie, Reanne, Dee, and I----that's hilarious! Woman, don't sweat what you say here---JUST TYPE!!!!! We love ya!

    Mcpeg! Hey---long time!

    Milkdud: Polenta--YUM. I get mine from teh co-op market. Gad---SO GOOD! Gotta watch the portion size on that bad boy.

    Donna! Yay! Hi ya! Glad you're here.

    Well, I better get packing. Time flies when you're up against the ferry line deadline!

    Tomorrow is Baby S's 1 month check up. I'll let you know how it goes. In the next 2 weeks, I'll be posting a link to my house for sale! I might need some critical analysis on the staging. I know you guys'll be kind but truthful...

  • 16 years ago

    Hello ladies, and BJ! muhaaaa

    Been a wierd week, been spending my breaks visiting a friend at the hospital, so not much free time. Hope she goes home soon, all the cute nurses are going to get the wrong idea! ;)

    Gotta jump on the boots are sexy wagon, just dont wear them if you have a water bed, I learned that the hard way...

    I have about 10 pairs of shoes, pretty boring eh? oh wait if I include golf and bowling and the wet shoes i wear kayaking thats 14!

    The interview for the day job went well, but there is a lot of other applicants so who knows. I should find out next week I imagine, but hiring is soo slow here. Takes me about a month to get a new hire in here from interview to start date.

    We had powedered milk as a kid, so I never ate dry cereal, it was a gross combo. I mostly ate cream of wheat or oatmeal, used to like any of them without raisins!

    I'll check back in soon, i leave you all alone for a week and its all matching undies and stilleto boots! geesh!

    Glad to have you back BJ :)

    Patti settle down or we will have to call the bouncer over trouble maker!

    /hugs all around!


  • 16 years ago

    Glad your back John! I hope your friend gets better!

    BJ, where do you get all your energy???

    QOD: What are your goals for the weekend?
    Mine are to exercise, eat right, and drink lots of water. You all will laugh, but I found my favorite workout videos again. Richard Simmons! Believe it or not, according to my heart rate monitor, I can burn up to 500 calories with one video and a little stretching afterward! It's awesome! Usually with my Firm tapes or Turbo Jam, I burn between 300-400. AND I don't really like them. I smiled all through good old Richard! lol

    Have a great day. I am so ready to sleep in tomorrow.


  • 16 years ago

    Good FRIDAY!!!

    I am so happy it's Friday! I am really beat this week.

    John, you are too funny. Good luck with the job brother, I hope you get it.

    BJ, it's good to see you posting. I just don't know how you keep up the pace you do!!

    I FINALLY was able to get the horses out for a ride yesterday afternoon and it was fabulous to be back in the saddle again. I cannot tell you how my spirit soared!! Now we are going to have rain all weekend. Bummer

    Milkdud and BJ, you should make your own polenta! It could not be easier and the quality is much better. There are literally hundreds of way to flavor polenta too. Just Google it and you will see plenty. I found a video that shows you how easy it is to make.

    Patti - you haven't posted a QOD in a while!!

    QOD: Weekend plans?

    Here is a link that might be useful: How to make polenta

  • 16 years ago

    Johnny, John, John~Does that mean I have to stop dancing on the table now? LOL I know that I act like I know you & I think it is b/c I have a brother, John. He'll be 47 on Monday. (I know, he is probably older than you but he is still my baby brother.)

    The QOD I asked yesterday was about cartoons but I don't think anyone noticed it.

    NH Suzanne~I'm so excited that you got to ride the horses again. I know the freedom & feeling that you are talking about. We are getting the rain & yeah! a cold spell, high 69, on Sunday. It is 82 here already.

    Jen~I cannot help myself either. Richard Simmons makes me want to get up & move. (I try to do it on the sly. ;]) I'll have to bring you up to date on Dave sometime. Lots going on.

    BJ~Wild chicken & Wild child! What a pair we would make!! I think I would hold that baby too. I'm truly glad that "V" gets to stay a while. Children need some stability in their lives.

    Dee~Your FF chicken caesar salad sounded so good yesterday. At my b'day party, someone was having a fried chicken salad so Dave & I tried it last night. Man, it was really good. We lost lots of weight before eating blackened Caesar salads. Yummers!

    McPeg~I think it is awesome that you have a Dave too!

    Milkdud~Those kiddos better get on the ball or they'll be celebrating their 25th before they get their wedding book. ROFL ;)

    Marci, Donna, Raeanne, Besh, Maddie~Come out, come out. Let us know what's going on.

    QOD: We have a picnic tomorrow. With the cooler weather on Sunday, I'm hoping to get the ceiling fans cleaned & work on things that I've put off b/c of the heat. I'd like to find a kid to chase tomorrow so I could help them stretch their legs & get my exercise in too. LOL (Or they could chase me. Either way, I just feel like being a kid again & running around w/wild abandon!)

    Patti :)

  • 16 years ago

    Patti, you are right! I did miss your QOD

    QOD: I loved Bugs Bunny and all of the Warner Brothers cartoons. As an adult I see the nuances and sophistication of some of the humor that I didn't understand as a child. Felix the Cat was another favorite and the Flintstones was great. I still catch an occasional episode now and again. I liked it much better before Fred and Wilma had Pebbles......it wasn't as funny then. Then there was the Rocky and Bullwinkle show!! Love that show and the humor is amazing.

  • 16 years ago

    QOD - I like the same exact ones that Suzanne liked - especially Felix the Cat and I also liked Underdog. Yes Bugs, etc. was filled with humor over our innocent heads. The cartoons today are horrendous. Give me Wily Coyote and Roadrunner anyday.

    I am running late, so I will check back in tomorrow.

  • 16 years ago

    John! YAY! Love to hear from you. If I'm not one of the ladies and I'm not a guy, hmmm...what am I? DON'T ANSWER! Hey, John, were you wearing the stiletto boots in the water bed incident or was I? I forget... Good luck on your job hunt! Are you as funny in person as you are online???? Just curious...

    QOD from Patti: Woody Woodpecker - (Keep your comments to yourself, Raeanne & John...) and Daffy Duck (I especially like the take-off on Robin Hood cartoon with Daffy as a player.) I love the Robin Hood cartoon on DVD too. I think it was Disney or something that put it out. Not a cartoon, but I LOVED, LOVED, LOVED watching Bewitched too. My fav.

    QOD from NHSuzanne:
    --Okay, you guys, I did it. I hired an organization expert to help me clean my garage out. She arrives at 8am sharp and is going to work ALL DAY with me. I've had enough of my garage and could not find the motivation to tackle it myself. My teen DD and tween DD are going to watch the babies for me. My garage is trashed and highly disorganized. I hate myself every time I go in my garage.
    --Also, Baby S's new adoptive mom is coming to meet her tomorrow a.m. Bitter sweet for me. Took I took Baby S to the doc today and she is uber healthy! YAY!
    --Sunday, the organizer said I'll be exhausted, so I am going to rest and maybe go get a fake tan for 12 minutes if I can sneek out. Also, I am going to plan my meals for the week and see if that helps me!

    Patti~ Last night , the state called with twin 1 year old babies that needed a place to stay for the night. I delclined since I can only have 2 babies at a time per my license and I don't have 4 arms anyway. Patti, I think you should be a foster momma. You'd love it.

    Dee: DH and I fell asleep during a DVD of the movie Atonement night before last. Just couldn't make it. I hope you get some rest this weekend!

    NHSuzanne! Good you're riding again. Rocky and Bullwinkle---ha!---"Watch me pull a rabbit outta my hat!"---pretty funny. I'll take a look at that polenta link tonight.

    Jen: I like Ricahrd Simmons too. I like seeing him on talk shows. He's a riot. But can y ou imagine never changing your hair style or clothing style? He just keeps on ticking....

  • 16 years ago

    Man, I wanted to see about the polenta but I don't have the updated flash & my DSL doesn't work about 1/2 the time. They changed a pole outside the other day & there was an electric surge. One of the neighbor's tvs went out & I'm thinking that maybe it affected my DSL box?

    We had the best dinner tonight. I know most here are doing WW but not fully understanding it & knowing that not everyone is doing the same thing, I put what we had on the recipe thread & you can decide for yourself. All I can say is it is highly, highly recommended. (We did sprinkle on some parmesan cheese.)

    BJ~I love, love, love kiddos. I wear my heart on my sleeve though & have such a hard time with rejection. I think that I would cry forever when they had to leave. I am awful with change. :~(

    Raeanne~Isn't it strange how many shows were over our heads? My parents were very selective about what we were allowed to watch. With that being said, we were allowed to watch, "The Smothers Brothers." Now I listen to them & "Laugh-In" & some of the other shows & wonder what I might have repeated not knowing that it had a meaning that I didn't even understand or know anything about. LOL

    NH Suzanne~The original question was "Disney or Looney Tunes?" I thought that it was cute that you answered that. ;)

    I hope all have a good weekend. I had to post that recipe. We were honestly surprised at how much we liked it. It is a keeper & something that we'll do time & time again. (Dave raved about it & even called his parents!)

  • 16 years ago

    I love polenta and will have to check out the link.

    QOD: Flintstones, Jetsons, Bullwinkle, Yogi and Boo boo, Boris and Natasha, remember them??? I agree with Suzanne, the Flintstones were definitely better pre-Pebbles.

    QOD: Weekend plans - I plan to work a few hours either tomorrow or Sunday, not sure which yet, just to get started cleaning up some stuff I can't get done during the week. Other than that I will hit the gym and go to a movie, probably "21" which holds a personal interest for me since I intimately know that team from 25 years in the casino industry....will probably grab something to eat after the movie.

    BJ, ((hugs)) on Baby S - you are an awesome person for doing what you are doing. I have a friend who does the same thing and I know the emotional investment involved. Good luck on the expert...can you send her about 3000 miles east?? I wanted to see Atonement, read the book and it was draggy but I got through it.

    Jen, I always loved Richard Simmons tapes, I had no idea he was so healthy. I will have to resurrect my tapes.

    Hugs and hellos to all - will catch up over the weekend.


  • 16 years ago

    Hi guys!

    Thought I'd check in before my big garage cleaning day with the organizer. I don't know why I'm apprehensive about this; it's just strange to me to be going through my "stuff" with someone I don't know!

    Oh, well, it's really nice weather here, so that makes it more motivating for me. I suppose I'll have to make a run or 5 (!) to the dump and so at least I won't be a drowned rat doing that!

    Hopefully, by the end of the day, I'll be able to open my garage doors with pride and drive the vehicles in and out of them----ya think?

    Donna-Enjoy the movie 21. My college-aged DD went to it and enjoyed it.

    Stay on track over the weekend. I'm hoping the sorting and organizing job will keep me away from the food!

  • 16 years ago

    Hi all!

    Just a quick check in. DS & DDIL are visiting from VA until Wed. I'm doing the happy dance!!! It is so great to see them, and for such a long period of time! Went out to dinner last night, DS#1 birthday. He wanted Italian, so I ate Italian (don't ask what I ate). DS#2 birthday is tomorrow, so we are having filet mingon. DH has an awesome way of cooking them. He starts them on top of the stove in a cast iron pan, then finishes them in the oven. Delish! I am also making mashed potatoes, (DS favorite), salad and Apple Crisp (another request). So as you can see the eating is challenging. I did make some homemade veggie soup, so that will help to keep me on track, I hope!

    BJ, I knew you were in the process of foster care, I didn't know that you actually had some little ones in your care. How wonderful. Is it as rewarding as you thought it would be? Good luck with your garage. I would love to have Peter Walsh knock on my door!

    Speaking of clutter, did anyone see the Oprah show with Peter Walsh and the woman that filled 2 warehouses full of stuff with her clutter? It was amazing. I really felt bad for her when she realized what she had accumulated. I hope there is a followup to see how she is doing.

    QOD: Quickdraw Magraw (Sawright!), Flinstones (pre and post Pebbles and BamBam), Bugs Bunny, et al. I really watched more night time TV. Green Acres, F-Troop, Peticoat Junction, Here Come the Brides (Bobby Sherman!), Twilight Zone, Laugh-In. Such great TV back then!

    Has anyone been watching I can make you thin? I have them all taped, but have not seen them all. I really have been trying to do some of what he says. It is all so common sense and things that I already know, but when you put it all together it makes me realized how much $$$ I have wasted on diet programs!

    And for all of you American Idol watchers.......I can't believe that Michael Johns went home. I am really sad about not seeing him every week. I didn't think he would win, but I thought he would be around for another few weeks anyway.

    Got to run and get ready. Have a great weekend everyone!


  • 16 years ago

    Gosh there are so many great old cartoons - Huckleberry Hound, Mighty Mouse, Yogi & Boo Boo, Mr. Magoo. Do you think I watched too much TV as a kid. I used to love Soupy Sales - talk about over your head humor!

    BJ - good luck with your organizer - I sure could use one of them.

    Marci - I forgot about Sugar Pops, I believe they were pre-Capt Crunch and I loved them.

    QOD - My weekend goals include eating healthy, no cocktails/wine - yes, you heard me right, exercise each day. I have a painting that needs to be dry by Tuesday, so tomorrow is my last day to work on it. Our friends just renovated an old home and invited us over tomorrow night to see it. Tonight will be a quiet one.

    Patti - I loved Laugh-In - sock it to me baby! I was trying to talk our town into making their variety show based on Laugh-in. Now I am trying to convince them that it should be the Gong Show.

    Besh - Enjoy your DS & DIL. I know how hard it is to eat healthy when you are making all their favorites. hubbahubba Michael Johns - makes me wished I had voted hahaha.

    I did see that show and I also felt very bad for her. I have a BIL bad, but not that bad. His house is extremely orderly and clean, but he literally has stacks of things from the floor to the ceiling in the basement and his garage (which they can't use because of the clutter). You can't even talk to him about it.

    Donna - 21 looks like a great movie. How interesting that you knew the team. Are you sore from the trainer?

    64 and sunny, ice is off the lake, snow is still melting in my yard, life is pretty good.

  • 16 years ago

    BJ~I think I'm coming to see ya "Sistah"! There wasn't even one kiddo at the picnic. There are always a few there. I would have looked pretty ridiculous chasing myself with reckless abandon out there. (Hmm...food for thought...LOL)

    Raeanne~I'm so glad that it has warmed up for you & your snow is melting. The high here is supposed to be 82 but it is already 84 & climbing. Let us know what your town's variety show ends up being. I'm interested at least. I learned how to draw "Marvin the Martian" yesterday. I was so excited. I'm the person that couldn't ever even draw a straight line.

    Besh~How exciting to have your family together. And to be celebrating birthdays together sounds even more special. Eat & just limit the portions. That would be my best advice. We have to learn to eat a little of everything??

    I did find a polenta recipe from Alton Brown. It looks pretty good & sounds pretty easy. Dave says he has never had it either. I have had grits though. Someone on the recipe site, where I found the recipe, compared the two. I really like grits. You would think I was a Southern girl or something! ROFL

    Is everyone else out having a good day? I hope so. ta ta Patti :]

  • 16 years ago

    Good afternoon! I have done about 1/2 of the ceiling fans & will finish them tomorrow. I cannot believe how much better it makes the apartment smell. Yippy! The weather has cooled down to 61. It was 84 yesterday & I know it was as high as 74 earlier today. This is pleasant. I've got some odds & ends to tie up before we head off to Dallas in less than a month. Just wanted to check in.

    Hi to all & have a great day! Patti :)

  • 16 years ago

    Hi all!

    Another MIA that's back--sorry for not posting; life since Vegas has been hectic. We had a fab trip--saw Bette Midler--and came home to a snow emergency and a broken water heater. We're not in the process of house hunting, and that, along with physcially moving offices have taken up my so-called life.

    I think about you all so much, and I miss you all--I'm glad to see so many new faces--:)

    Hopefully, things will return to a bit more normal after this week--what with Tuesday being tax day (thank you L0rd!!) and Wednesday being moving day, I think my days won't be 7a-8p. :)

    Hope all is well with everyone--

    Love & hugs & smootchies--


  • 16 years ago

    Wow, 55 posts - hope I'm not posting on the wrong thread again.

    I like the QOD's.
    For clothes, I don't have much now. I have one leopard-print top that I've worn to shreds. I don't feel stronger or faster, but I feel safe in it for some reason, like I can face people easier.

    When I was young and still had a good body, I had a few things that I felt great in. I had a matching raincoat and umbrella that was a fall print with leaves. I felt perfect in it, like everything was okay. I had some jackets that I felt safe and good in - one was purple velvet and one was a plaid beach jacket with big pockets. For shoes, I rarely have more than three wearable pair. Right now I have a pair of moccasins, a pair of black sandals, and a pair of those Hawaiian clogs, but most of the time I go barefoot, lol.

    For childhood cereals, my favorites were cream of wheat with brown sugar and cheerios, either dry or with milk and sugar. I liked sugar crisp, too, when it came out and back in the days when it was still okay to call something sugar crisp.

    For cartoons, my first attachment was to Mighty Mouse. I loved the way he was a puny little mouse, but could get strong and save people in trouble. Then I think I liked all the hero ones - The Lone Ranger, Superman, etc.

    I've been saying for awhile that I'd put up pictures of Second Life, the virtual reality world I'm playing in. I have a few on my blog now. It's at wwwjoy.agelessserenity.org, and I'll add the link below for anyone who might be curious.

    I'm permanently low-carbing now, though not as low as I probably should be. It is better for my fibromyalgia as well as for my weight. I recently got that new power chair I've been working on getting for a couple of years now, so I can get to the post office and the mini mall again, though I haven't tried it yet.

    Heather is still fine and as good and sweet as always. My son and granddaughters are planning to come and visit this summer. My son recently started working with a game company who makes a product called Realmcrafters. Seems like we are all into the virtual reality scene.

    Seems like people here are doing okay over all, and I'm glad for that. I know I miss a lot, but at least I come by and catch up. I'm into the Oprah presentations of Eckhart Tolle's "A New Earth." Anyone here have ideas on that, and on the expectation that we are in a process of catalytic evolution?

    I had more, but lost it. At least I saved to this point, fortunately, as I couldn't write it all over, lol. I'm glad to see so many staying with it and new people coming on board, too. Take care and eat healthy!


    Here is a link that might be useful: My blog

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