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Weekly Weigh-in

15 years ago

I thought a thread like this might be a good idea to add a little extra incentive and accountability to keep me on my diet. Who's with me?

I know that nobody else has a reason to care about whether I stick to my diet. Nevertheless, I can still picture a bunch of people sitting at their computer screens, going "tsk-tsk-tsk" if I should fall off the wagon.

That being said, here are the particulars for this week.

Objective: to lose enough weight to get off diabetes and blood pressure medicine. I'm hoping a final weight of 200 will do it.

Current weight: 250

Weight lost to date: 25

Weight lost this week: 3 lb

Average daily calories consumed this week: 1575

Average estimated daily calories burned during exercise: 440

If anyone else wants to join me, you don't have to post your weight. You can just post weight lost or gained, or whatever info you want. I promise that I will be sitting at my computer screen, watching you like a hawk.

Comments (61)

  • 15 years ago

    Yes, I'm down to 246 now. Should be around a 5 lb weight loss this week by weigh-in time. It looks like I've broken through that plateau I was on a couple of weeks ago, even though I'm eating about the same. I guess there is something to the theory about gaining muscle while losing fat.

    Congrats to you ladies for the progress you've made.

  • 15 years ago

    Hi Ekle,
    One pediatrician wanted to do HGH shots on her. He professed that he was "very worried" and got me all worked up. I got a second and third opinion. Basically, she is healthy and there is no "normal" for growth. Looking at our family history of petite childhoods followed by sudden growth spurts and ending in average height as adults indicates it will be the same for her and is a better indicator than what other kids are doing. My doctor now is a sports medicine doctor and he thinks she's fine. She's otherwise perfectly healthy so I'm not worried. If she were experiencing other symptoms like your daughter though, I would be concerned too.

    143.5!!!! That is really great! You must be on top of the world today! I stepped on last night and was 143 (after working out, walking for an hour and eating dinner) and got a little down... but then this morning stepped on in jeans and a sweater and shoes and was at 140! Yay!

    I feel like Dorrie in Finding Nemo "Just keep swimming". I'm going to go for another hike today. I think the muscle gain is impacting my overall weight loss but I'm not complaining. For me it's not the weight level in the end, it's the toned level. If I were slender and toned and weighed 150 I wouldn't complain!!

    Harold, congrats on moving past the plateau. 5 pounds in a week!! At the risk of sounding sexist.... MEN and their metabolisms! I'm happy for you though!!

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  • 15 years ago

    Harold--good news on breaking your stall! I read on another forum that as the body burns fat, it can be determined that it still needs to hold the space in the fat cells for when we overeat again. It doesn't want to shrink and then have to stretch later. So it fills those depleted fat cells with water. The result is that even though you've burned fat, the water has replaced the weight and to some extent even the size. So your weight might plateau, and you might shrink just a little and think you're stuck. But if you keep on with your plan, you may suddenly drop several pounds when your body admits it doesn't need that space in the fat cells anymore and so it lets go of the stored water, allowing the scale to drop and the cells to shrink all at once. Some people call it the "whoosh."
    I try to keep that in mind when I hit a stall. The Christian counselor Jay Adams says that in almost all areas of life where people don't succeed, it's not that they don't do the right things, it's that they don't do them long enough. So, we have to remember to be in this for the long haul, making positive adjustments along the way as evidence leads us.

    Like Dorrie--just keep "swimming."

    SS: yes, if your family pattern is to grow later in life, then I agree. Just wait for her time. (And a bone-age scan on her would probably confirm just what you're saying.) I would never want to give HGH unless it was absolutely certain that there was a deficiency that would not correct on its own or with nutritional support.
    And for what it's worth, I never, ever, ever weigh after exercising. I found I always show a small increase--probably from some sort of buildup of fluid, oxygen, or lactic acids. It's just too depressing to try. I didn't weigh this morning either--forced myself to wait--just in case I was back up some again. I don't want to get all depressed if the 143.5 didn't hold. I want to give it an extra couple of days to settle in and truly become real!

  • 15 years ago

    Ekle, good to know about the water-retention. I've never heard that before.

    And, also good to know about not weighing after exercise. I weighed this morning and am at 140 again. Still bouncing a bit from 140-143 so I'm hoping I'll be able to declare on Monday the 140 weight.

    Ate like a queen yesterday and still stayed under my calorie count. I don't know how I did it. What I'm really finding/reconnecting with is my appreciation for flavor, consistancy, food in general as something to be appreciated. I made a spinich/beet/goat cheese salad last night and steak and "mashed potato" style cauliflower and felt so very satisfied. Usually I'd be piling on the butter or salad dressing but this time it didn't even need it and all of the complex flavors were satisfying on their own. Hard to describe... :(

    I'm sure the 143.5 will hold!!!

    How's your daughter? I've been thinking about her and sending good thoughts. I can't imagine a 7yr old getting insomnia, that's scary to me. I hope the results come back good.

  • 15 years ago

    Were those fresh beets in your salad? I love fresh beets. Especially roasted with a little butter. But very messy.

    My daughter (Jane) is doing OK. We had a busy evening last night and she was up late. I didn't give her anything to help her sleep last night because I just thought she'd be tired enough on her own, but she still woke up a lot and was tired all day today. But she was able to hang in there and stay pleasant. We are going to see an endocrinologist on Monday morning. He had a cancellation and was able to get us in quickly, even though his waiting list is normally a couple of months long. (That in itself makes me a little worried--did our pediatrician push for us to get in quickly ahead of a lot of others, and if so, what is she thinking that she isn't openly telling me about.) But I'm trying to just take things as they go and not get too worried or worked up. It will be as it is supposed to be, and we will deal with this step by step.

    Thanks for asking!

    I'm undecided whether I'm going to weigh in tomorrow morning or not. Monday is my official weigh-in day. Can I hold out that long?

  • 15 years ago

    This thread is all about the numbers, so I'll get right to it.
    Current weight: 246
    Weight lost to date: 29
    Weight lost this week: 4 lb
    Average daily calories consumed this week: 1628
    Average estimated daily calories burned during exercise: 334

    I thought I would make it to 245 this week, but couldn't get the scale to budge the last few days. My food calories went up a little and excercise went down, so I guess I'm starting to slack off. I'll need to step it up to maintain the same pace of weight loss.

    I hit a couple of milestones this week. For the fist time sombody noticed and commented that I had lost weight. And, I wore a sports jacket that I hadn't fit into for about 20 years.

    That brings up another advantage that guys have, besides the metabolism: Our clothes don't go out of style. Well, maybe they do but some of us don't know or care, so that's just as good, isn't it?

    Eklektos, it's not okay to weigh in before your official weigh-in day. I just made that rule up. :)

  • 15 years ago

    LOL, Harold--for several reasons! I did weigh this morning, but I guess I'll just have to keep that to myself! :)
    And you are so right about the wardrobe. My husband just wears jeans and khaki pants. Same thing year after year after year. Crew neck or polo shirts for casual wear; collared shirts and jackets for dressier occasions. The only thing that changes is the width of the tie! And he so rarely has need to wear a tie that it really doesn't affect him.

    Congrats on 4 more pounds gone. That's a great weight loss for a week, even though I know you were hoping for 5. It will come. Keep on with what you know works. You're really not far from your goal at the rate you're going.

    I'm going to the treadmill now. "See" you tomorrow!

  • 15 years ago

    Well I hit 140 this week and it looks like it's sticking!!!

    Current weight: 140
    Weight lost to date: 15
    Weight lost this week: 4-5 lb
    Average daily calories consumed this week: 1272
    Average estimated daily calories burned during exercise: 1186

    I went for a five mile hike yesterday, then came home and did crunches and weight lifting for a bit. I'm pretty sore today!!! I'm hoping the reason it's slow to come off is that I'm adding muscle weight.

    The beets were from a can :( I just really love the convenience of the canned beets and everyone in my family will eat them. But I love them fresh too.

    Made a turkey on Sunday and let it cool, then sliced and cleaned it all up and threw the carcass into the pan for soup. Made wheat/flax bread too. It felt good to make homey fresh food!!!

  • 15 years ago

    Wow. 4-5 lb in a week. And to think you accused me of having high metabolism! ;) Good job.

  • 15 years ago

    I agree! 4-5 pounds in one week is out of this world!

    Here's my report:

    Current weight: 145
    Lost to date: 7 pounds
    Lost this week: 1.5 pounds, I think (I was between 146-147 at last week's weigh-in.)

    I don't have all those averages you others are doing. Yesterday's calories were 1360, which is probably a little on the high side for me, even though I did some extra exercise (45 min. on treadmill; 10 min. Pilates; 10 minutes with handheld weights while sitting on a Pilates ball).
    I am pretty sure that to lose 2 pounds a week, my daily intake needs to stay under 1200 calories. So, I've got to work on that more closely. Most days I'm fine, but we're low on groceries and waiting to get paid, so I'm having to just use what we have on hand and try to stay within good rules, even if my total calories and proportions get off a little.

    So the 143.5 didn't stick around, but that's typical for me. Just knowing I could hit it means it will be back after this normal process of going back up, plateauing, and then starting back down. It's like jumping rope on an escalator, and as long as I stay on the DOWN escalator, I'll be OK.

  • 15 years ago

    Rebecca, I think a pound or two a week is fine for you. You don't have much further to go. That should get you there in just a few weeks.

  • 15 years ago

    Owch. Yesterday and Sunday were big calorie days for me too, around 1400. I knew I shouldn't have that bowl of tapioca, but I did it anyway... groan...

    Hoping this 140 lasts. Don't know how I lost so much in a week but maybe it was just my efforts kicking in. I've been doing my exercise and recording my meals since the end of February, so it's been one month.

    I'm trying to keep it under 1200 a day too, which I think is why I'm losing the 2lbs a week.

    My protein shakes are really helping me because they fill me up when I'd usually be snacking, the calorie count is low and they taste good (I mix in a 1/4 cup of non-fat plain yogurt and some fruit and put it in the blender). I've been trying to do that for my dinner so that I consume less calories at night. I've been trying to hit the protein early in the day too, to jump start my metabolism and give me energy.

  • 15 years ago

    I read somewhere that a pound of fat is equal to 3500 calories. Therefore to lose 4 lb a week you would have to burn 14,000 calories per week more than you ate, or 2000 calories per day.

    Now, if you ladies only need 2000 calories per day to maintain your current weight, you wouldn't be able to eat anything if you wanted to lose 4 lb of fat. Or you would have to exercise away all you are eating. In other words, starve yourselves. So, don't even try to keep up with me. It can't be done.

  • 15 years ago

    This comes out a little funky in the formatting, but here's where I am at. It feels really good to be at 1/2 my goal, even if my actual goal is to be 10lbs less than my goal weight... I figure if I can get down to 130 by June I'll be really happy.

    Does anyone know if my sodium and protein levels are something to worry about? I don't get enough salt, and I get too much protein!!!

    Journal Timespan 34 days
    Starting Weight 150 lbs / 68 kg
    Current Weight 140 lbs / 63.5 kg
    Target Weight 130 lbs / 59 kg
    Weight left to lose 10 lbs / 4.5 kg
    Weight lost 10 lbs / 4.5 kg

    Daily Nutrient Averages

    Target Average
    Calories 1200 1277
    Total Fat 65 50
    Saturated Fat 20 11
    Cholesterol 300 164
    Sodium 2400 1315
    Total Carbs 300 145
    Dietary Fiber 25 29
    Sugar 50 53
    Protein 50 72

    Daily Activity Averages
    Calories Burned * 1160
    Minutes of Exercise 575

  • 15 years ago

    I'm pretty sure you're okay. The 2400 mg of sodium is a maximum. The minimum is only 500 except for athletes who lose a lot of salt through sweat. The protein recommendation is a minimum.

    It looks to me like you are eating an extremely healthy diet.


    Here is a link that might be useful: Nutrition fact sheet sodium

  • 15 years ago

    Thank you Harold. I'm eating pretty healthy, I think :) Put on a size 8 pant today and they were a little loose!!!!! YAYA!! I haven't worn those pants in two years.

    Stepped on the scale last night (my compulsive scale stepping!) and it was 139. I was so utterly happy. This morning, fully dressed with shoes on my way out the door to work and was at 141. Super fantastic. I'm really feeling this may work!

    Walked 2 miles yesterday and did .5 hour of cardio and going for 4.5 miles today. Drank a glass of wine night before last and didn't really feel well the next morning, drank a glass last night and felt the same. I think I'm going to quit drinking my wine (one glass a night) during the week. It was my way to relax, but my body isn't liking it anymore.

    Thanks for the link, I'll check it out. I know nothing about sodium count or ratios, I just try to come in below my calorie limits and eat a balanced diet. I also drink a protein shake after working out because I read that my body is consuming protein after exercise and it's a good time to feed that need, esp. with a shake because it can be used right away by my body.

  • 15 years ago

    Way to go! 139 is AWESOME--as is a loose size 8!
    You are definitely working your plan. Congratulations!

  • 15 years ago

    Thanks! You know what the best thing is? The more I work out, the more I eat (less) and the more weight I lose the more I want to do what I'm doing. I'm not sure if it's because I really want this, or because I have more energy now??? Of course, 139 is probably not my set weight yet, I'll have to bounce around a little before it settles, but getting to 139 even once was enough to make me want to walk even longer today.

  • 15 years ago

    Oh, I understand. Nothing motivates me like seeing the efforts paying off!

  • 15 years ago

    Silversword, you are truly an inspiration, especially with all the exercise you are doing. You're a human dynamo.

    Now, what did I tell you about weighing in early? Oh, well, nobody else listens to me either. It's like my wife opening her Christmas presents on Christmas eve, even tho I tell her she has to wait for Christmas day.
    (Hope you realize I'm just kidding.)

  • 15 years ago

    Good morning!!!!

    I really outdid myself yesterday. Went to work, walked to pick up dd from school (.5 mile round trip), did gardening for 2 hours, met a friend to go hike and we tried a new hike. We ended up going 4 miles, uphill on mountain trails and made it back in 1.75 hours!!!! Amazingly my 7 year old did it with us without complaining. She's a dynamo!

    Tried on a suit this morning and it's hanging on my hips. I've done 13 miles since Sunday and am going to do two more today. Our plan is to go on the 7mile hike this weekend, with a picnic in the middle. I'm really excited.

    Did not get enough calories yesterday. Exercise alone was 891 for the walk plus 430 for the gardening. I'm really hungry this morning!!!

    Harold, I have a rather addictive personality. For a while I let food be my addiction, now I'm transferring that to exercise. I'm really motivated to get back in shape. And I'm really loving the energy I'm getting, so I can really feel the pay-out for my work. It's exhilarating. I just try to keep moving, at all times. And I push myself because, as my (anorexic psycho blond hair-sprayed buffed out perpetually smiling) exercise dvd instructor Jeri Love (I do like her, it's just hard sometimes, and I highly recommend her videos, they are intense!!!) says "I'm pushing you because I know this works".

    You are so right about the opening gifts early. I'm the worst. There is always a little rat-hole in the corner of packages where I stuck a finger in to feel around, or something broken because I shook it a few times too many!!!

    But, I hopped on the scale this morning, 140 even with suit and heels (and jewelry, doesn't jewelery weigh a lot? like 5 pounds at least, right? ;)

    Have a great day everyone!!!

  • 15 years ago

    It was another 4-lb. week for me. Nutritionists say you shouldn't lose more than about 10 lb. per month, but I feel fine and I'm not getting very hungry, so I'm going to keep going.
    Current weight: 242
    Weight lost to date: 33
    Weight lost this week: 4 lb
    Average daily calories consumed this week: 1482
    Average estimated daily calories burned during exercise: 579
    Milestones: I ran out of notches to tighten my belt, and got a new one, size 40. This I can comfortably cinch down to the second hole from the end.

    At first I thought that meant I had gone below the dreaded 40-inch waist size above which men are at greater risk of all sorts of health problems. Then I measured the belt and found it was 42 inches long to the hole I was using.

    Crap. I've been wearing size 42 pants all along, even before going on a diet. I guess what that means is that clothing manufacturers make their clothes a bit oversized. It's probably to allow their lard-butt customers to delude themselves about the true girth of their lard butts.

    A manufacturer who made a size 42 pair of pants to fit somebody with a 42-inch waist would be at a competetive disadvantage. Let's say a tub-o'-lard customer (like me) tries on a pair of size 42 pants and they are a little tight. Does he go and pick up a size 44, or does he go shopping for a pair, perhaps euphemistically named "relaxed fit" which will allow him to maintain the illusion that he is still a size 42? I think the latter.

  • 15 years ago

    Congrats, Harold! You're doing great!

    Smaller anything is always a plus. But what you've encountered is called "vanity sizing." I honestly thought it happened only in women's clothing (which now goes down to a double zero -- 00 -- for the smallest size; being a 0 just wasn't small enough when they started adjusting sizes to accomodate larger women's bodies). I had no idea something as straightforward as a man's waist measurement could be adjusted similarly. Post-modern sizing, I suppose. Next they'll be telling us 2 + 2 no longer equals 4.

    Great job on how well you're shrinking!

  • 15 years ago

    Yay Harold!!!!!!

    You are not alone in wondering about clothing sizes. If you are to look in my closet, you will find a 14 to a 6 in there, all clothes I fit into. The other day I fit into some pants that I haven't worn in a few years and was feeling pretty good about myself. I went into work and my coworker mentioned how good they looked, and we talked. Well, I had to see what size they were, so the next time I went to the bathroom I checked. My co-worker and I had a good laugh at me crowing over fitting into my size 12 pants!!! That's right! Size 12. And the day before I was wearing a size 6 dress. Go figure.

  • 15 years ago


    Vanity sizing. I knew there must be a name for it. It's sort of like super sizing, to go along with our fast food meals, I suppose.

    Silversword, that's a funny story about the size 12 pants.

  • 15 years ago

    Is it weigh-in day today?

    If so, I'm still at 140!!!! Groan!!!

  • 15 years ago

    Don't worry about it, Silversword. As I mentioned, the experts recommend no more than 10 lb a month. Weight lost quickly tends to come back quickly. So that's actually a good thing.:)

  • 15 years ago

    I'm groaning along with you today. I had no change either. Still at 145.
    I know I didn't exercise enough this past week. I was busy all the time and active, but not really putting in the formalized intensity I need to lose. I also don't think I had enough water to drink yesterday.
    So, focusing more today. Gotta get this going.

  • 15 years ago

    Thanks for the encouragement Harold. Eklektos, sorry to hear you're in this boat with me!!! I'm drinking water right now, thank you for mentioning it!

  • 15 years ago

    Chin up, girls. As long as you are eating right and exercising, the downward trend will continue. Don't worry about the scale bouncing around a little this week. I'm sure you'll get 'er done next week.

  • 15 years ago

    How come the pound losses so rarely show up on weigh-in day itself? After staying the same from last Monday to yesterday, I stepped on the scale today and was down another pound.

    152/144/??something under 125

  • 15 years ago

    Ekle, I wonder the same thing. Stepped on last night fully dressed, at 139. Stepped on this morning with shoes, etc and was at 142. I need to stop my manic scale stepping!!!

  • 15 years ago

    With me, it's the opposite. I've gone up a pound since weigh-in. Not to worry. The laws of physics still hold. As long as I eat less than I burn, it will work out okay.

  • 15 years ago

    Yes, Harold. "Just keep swimming!"

    I'm melting! The scale said 142.5 this morning. Yay! If this keeps up, I'll be in the "10-pound club" very soon.
    And my size 10 jeans feel loose this morning. Very exciting!

    152/142.5/??something under 125

  • 15 years ago

    That is such good news! I'm happy for you. Keep melting!!!

  • 15 years ago

    Hi There

    I was looking for some weigh-in blogs and I found this thread. Can I join you guys ? I am trying to lose weight and need tons of motivation and inspiration .
    I am 5 feet 2Inches .
    My current weight - 148
    My target weight - 139 ( YES, I want to weigh in 130s . Its been a long time since I have seen that number, almost 3 years).

  • 15 years ago

    Hi, jasmi, and welcome! Sure you can join us. The more the merrier--and the more to help pick the others up when we get down about the way our weight loss is going, or need a swift kick for doing something stupid.

    We are close to the same height and weight, so let's do this together! My mini-goal is 139 because, like you, I want to be done with the 140s. Then I hope to continue on below that, but I don't know yet what my final goal weight should be. At 141, my body mass index reaches the "healthy" range, so that, too, is another mini-goal.

    What type of plan are you following to get you to your goal? We're each doing something different from the other, but having some success along the way. I've heard it said many times that "the best diet is the one you can stay on."

  • 15 years ago

    Eklektos - Yay
    Jasmi - Welcome

  • 15 years ago

    Hi eklektos
    Thanks for your response. I have tried too many things in last few months but ended up binging most of the days. So from last 1 month , I changed my approach completely. I started controlling my portions now. I take small meals every 3 hours and am trying to keep away from junk food, especially the chinese food and pizza which are my comfort foods. I am also trying to include some protein in all my meals. I started doing cardio 3 times a week(i would spend only 30 minutes in Gym ) from last couple of weeks.

    One thing I lack in my routine is the right company and motivation . That is why I have been looking for people on forums/blogs who are trying their best to achieve their weight goals. Being a working mom, it is very hard for me to spend some time for myself.

    Anyway, I was at 152 couple of months back. And with the above approach and portion controls, I am down to 148. But one thing I dont understand is i weigh 147 in the early morning yesterday and weigh 150 last night. I am confused why it is showing 3 pounds heavier in the night times. Does that mean I am still at 150?
    What have you been doing to reach your goal? I am just taking small steps so that I can maintain it for rest of my life ...Dont want to do any fad diets ..

  • 15 years ago


    We have all run across the same thing as you are noticing, as far as the weight fluctuations are concerned. Water weight comes and goes, and if you have a cheap bathroom scale like I do, it will change depending on how and where you stand on it.

    As long as you know how many calories you are taking in, and how much exercise you are doing, you can be confident that the scale will go in the right direction in the long run.

  • 15 years ago

    Jasmi, I always weigh first thing in the morning before eating or drinking, and count that as my official weight.
    As you go through the day, you gain weight (not fat) just from breathing. Your respiration rate is higher when you're awake and all your body is functioning actively, so it needs more oxygen and water than it does when you're sleeping. Your lungs take in both oxygen and moisture from the air, and that is moved through the active cells all day long. You also add weight when you eat or drink anything. Over night, when you rest, your body's functions slow down and you actually breathe out more moisture and carbon dioxide than you take in. Your cells at rest begin to release into your respiration and your kidneys the byproducts of the day's breathing, eating, and drinking that did not get used up. So you weigh less in the morning than evening.

    I'm following the Atkins diet. I have discovered that consuming a diet high in grains and sugars (even natural sugars) causes me symptoms of fatigue and joint pain similar to fibromyalgia. I am a very active person who nearly became inactive as a result of it. But by cutting back to meat and veggies (with the occasional nuts and berries), I have lost a few pounds and gotten my ability to be active back. That's what works for me. It's a hard diet to adjust to at first, though, so it's definitely not for everyone.

  • 15 years ago

    Hi Jasmi! Welcome!!

    I'm counting calories as my diet. Trying to eat as balanced as I can, more times a day with less food. Attempting to never really be hungry because that's when I fall off my wagon.

    The scale sure is a devil, isn't it?? If you read up you'll see we're all having issues with the inconsistant readings!!

    I'm stuck at 140. Started at 155 in February. Actually, just typing that really made me think about it. I've lost 15 pounds in a month and a half!!! WAHOOO!!!

    Ok, I'm not going to complain about being stuck again! Maybe just a little... It sure is frustrating to hit a plateau. I've been exercising a lot, hiking a lot, parking my car and walking to errands instead of driving. It is hard, working full time and with a child but the more I work out the better I feel, so it is worth it.

    Glad to have you with us!

  • 15 years ago

    Hi guys
    Thanks for all the information .

    I am happy to see my weight at 147 in the mornings. I am not actually counting calories but definitely making sure I do not over eat or eat junk/sugary/salty foods. One thing I keep forgetting is to take more water.

    I am hoping I would lose 10 pounds in next 2 months. One more thing, I found another weighing scale in my garage yesterday and compared my weights on the 2 scales I have at home. I weighed almost the same. But the scale in my fitness center ( typical /conventional one) shows 3.5 more than the one I have at home. That makes me depressing everytiem I weigh myself in the fitness center.

    Anyway, I have been good with my food intake from morning. I am targeting to lose 1 pound per week.

    Lets see how much I will weigh on Monday morning .

    Looking at all the above messages, I see you guys have been doing good losing those extra pounds . 15 pounds in 1.5 months is great.Wowwww.. I am happy tag along with you guys.

  • 15 years ago


    I'm another calorie counter. I highly recommend it, especially if you haven't done it before. Even if you only do it for a week or so, you will learn a lot about how many calories are in various foods. You might find some surprises.

  • 15 years ago

    Ditto what Harold said. I never counted calories before and it sure was an eye opener. That banana that I thought was so good for me? Well, it is, but it also packs a whopping 200 calories. Better to just eat half a day. I was amazed at the amount of calories I was consuming. I'd think nothing of eating a fruit Popsicle or three. After all, it's real fruit juice, how bad could it be? Well... at 60-80 calories a pop it adds up!!! I realized my portions were completely off. And I eat well, no packaged foods, lots of veges, etc. Once I started counting calories and dedicated working out times (started walking for errands, etc) the pounds started coming off.

  • 15 years ago

    I've also been surprised to see just how little food my body really needs to maintain my weight. When I cut out the breads and starches, I didn't increase the other things I was eating. I don't eat more meat or eggs now. But the entire "layer" of starchy foods was apparently all just extra calories for me.

  • 15 years ago

    Hi guys

    I know what you are saying . there was a time when i was counting each and every bite. It used to stress me out because by the time I go home I was already stacked up all calories needed for that day and I have to go to sleep starving . Its also true that cutting down on those starchy foods would help a lot.

    Even though i dont count the calories I consume, I do know how much calories each food has and how much fat or salt or sugar each has. I just dont seem to be more strict about restricting myself to the allowed number of calories I can have in a day. So what I am going to do from today is COUNT CALORIES. :-)))))) atleast for sometime until i see my weight going down.

    Okay , one more thing I have to restrict myself from doing is eating all the left over food of my 14 month old:-)))

    Anyway. I have done 1 hour cardio yesterday and also few minutes of weight training. I will try my best not to weigh myself until monday morning. I would love to see my weight going down that 145 mark. That would motivate me in a big way ..

    Happy Easter !!!!

  • 15 years ago

    Hi Jasmi,
    I know what you mean about finishing food!! I do that all the time. I just have to remind myself that it's better in the trash than on my tummy!!!

    Happy easter. I hope the bunny brings you all zero-calorie chocolates!!!

  • 15 years ago

    I need some weight loss encouragement BADLY! May I join y'all?

    I hadn't been less than 150-something pounds in years. I retired Dec'07 and was doing great losing weight being really active. June 4,'08 my husband got hurt badly at work. 44 days of sitting in the hospital and eating, same thing after coming home. November last year my Dr. says I've lost 2" in height. So, I started eating 1 or 2 big bowls of reg. choc. ice-cream with lots of reg. milk at least twice a day. (I needed the calcium you know!:)
    My husband is doing great and started a new SAFER job last month. When I had to weigh at the DRs office last month when I had a sinus infection I weighted 187 pounds. The bad part is I just kept on eating.
    Sunday while getting ready for church I started having some pain in my upper back ,to my chest, and up my neck.
    I had done some yard work Sat and that may have caused the pain. Anyhow... It scared me.

    I dusted off my South Beach Diet book and started eating as well as I could with what I already had here. I don't have any scales here. I will try to go by the DRs office when I go out to pick up my son from track practice this afternoon. I'm sure I had gained even more after weighing last month, so I will just start from there.

    I jokingly told my husband that he got to have a physical therapist to get him back into shape, I didn't get one!

    Sorry this is so long, but I wanted to give y'all some background.

    I'm 54 years old
    Now 5' 4"
    Somewhere around 190 pounds(will let y'all know after I weigh).
    Weight goal: Somewhere in the 130s (One of the charts for my new height said 111 pounds) Who are they talking about? Not this adult!!

    Thanks for listening(reading!:)

    Harold, thanks for starting this thread. I had been reading all of the other threads trying to get motivated.

    BTW, I've never told anyone how much I weigh. Even my husband. Too ashamed.

  • 15 years ago

    Of course, you're more than welcome here, Betty.

    We start new threads from time to time when they get too long. We're up to thread 3 now, so when you weigh in, that's the one you should look for.

    Your story about the ice cream reminds me of how I used to eat ice cream. A nice big bowl, and if I liked that, I might just have another. Now if I eat any at all, it's just a half a cup at a time. Except on special occasions, any dairy products are skim or at most 1 percent. The good news is, stuff tastes better when you get a little hungry. Or is that the bad news, I forget.:)

    Anyway, glad to have you aboard.

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