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14 years ago

Good morning sunshines!

Rabbit, rabbit!

Lets make this week a great one--



Comments (30)

  • 14 years ago

    Good Morning All! Welcome to March!

    Hi Maddie! What's cookin' today? Are you forecasting another great week like the last one? :)

  • 14 years ago

    Good afternoon!

    Congratulations to all you losers out there - especially Tikanis and Dee! Ivamae, you'll have to check in and tell us how you did.

    I'm a loser, too - WW today showed another 1.8 pounds lost, making it 58.6 pounds. I'm 13.2 pounds away from my set goal. I always leave the meetings feeling so pumped up and ready to tackle the world. I only hope I can make that feeling last until Sunday - ha!

    I didn't totally stick to my points - yesterday, of all things, I ate a big plate of Edam cheese and crackers. That stupid ball of cheese has been in the fridge since Christmas - why it called my name yesterday, go figure.

    Friday an old friend of mine from New Orleans drove over and spent the day. I had not seen her in years. We both lost our homes in Katrina, and have spent the last years starting over and stuff, so it was so good to see her. We had lunch at a barbecue place she wanted to try, so healthy eating was slim, but I just ordered a sandwich and didn't eat much of the bread.

    Better run. Hope we all have a wonderful week and good things happen. (Especially to suzanne and sweetpea!)

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    Bluenan- ouch. I'm new to this and didn't know the rules. I'm sorry you feel like your time was wasted. I know how frustrating that feels. I assure you, I sincerely appreciate any time/energy/attention anyone spends on me and my children. For example, I never would have thought of the privacy screen idea from the previous post and I'll construct it out of the doors that I took off the closet. I'm not going to worry about protecting them - rather I'm covering them with black removable contact paper and letting the kids put glow-in-the-dark stickers on. Although this is temporary, I want the children to feel grounded and safe. We have been moving since hurricane sandy and I try hard to create "home" wherever we are "living". I'm putting up the beds and decor today. I'll post a pic when I'm done.
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    Poll: Would you live in a 3-D printed house?


    Comments (38)
    Something I was thinking about yesterday that could be exciting in the future. What if I wanted something special in my decor, like the Celtic knotwork style decor used where the Elven folk live in The Lord of the rings. To have something like that in the here and now would be unattainable with my budget. But what if the day should come when I could take a photo of such work and the measurements of what I want- let's say a frame of Celtic knotwork to go around a window. In the future it might be possible to take these specs somewhere like Home Depot (are you listening HD?) and they could have a department that prints the design out in a heavy polyurethane foam (there are already stock moldings made from the stuff that mimic antique plaster and moldings) and then they apply a finish to it that makes it stable and ready to install and paint. 3D printing has already brought down the prices of things such as artificial hands to a point where just about anyone could afford them. I might not be able to take a photo straight from the LOTR set for them to copy, as that would be copyright infringement, but what I could do is take the measurements, draw it out and let them program it in and poof! And even though they would not be able to take just any photo and reproduce it, it is also likely that they could offer collections of decor items they can print out in such a way, so then they would offer an LOTR licensed collection of moldings or what have you that could be made like that, and print them out at a way lower cost than what the originals were, and make it available to the public. How much fun would that be? Movie sets and costumes as well would be revolutionized by 3d printing, need 100 samurai costumes? Make the original, then instead of having to make molds and pour resin or what have you, you print the rest of them, way cheaper. Won't decorating be fun when this sort of stuff becomes common place? I look forward to it. There are already some models of 3d printers available for use at home, but they aren't very big. I might like to get one to play with someday though!
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  • 14 years ago

    Rabbit! Rabbit! Better late than never, right?

    It's in the high 40's here and has been raining off and on since sometime last night.

    As some of you who are on Facebook with me now know, we're having a grandSON in mid-July. This is my oldest son and DDIL's first child, and they are so happy about all this. I cried on the phone with my son this morning. I was crying and saying, "I'm so happy!" LOL I went out this afternoon and immediately bought a baby boy outfit, of course!

    Way to go on the weight losses, ladies! Jan, get back on that WW horse. You can do it.

    Dee, good for you for your loss, too.

    I'm having a day of rest because I'm just wiped out from yesterday's volunteer work. Four of us from ESA worked a fund-raiser at Discovery Green in downtown Houston from early yesterday until 5:30. We filled goodie bags with freebies for the kids, and just when I thought my lower back wouldn't let me do another thing, they switched us to guest registration for the remainder of the day. We had all the rich and famous of Houston come to our tables, and it was a lot of fun. Afterwards, the 4 of us treated ourselves with dinner at Katz's Deli!

    Tomorrow is Red Hatters, and it's going to be at the Teapot Depot, right beside an active train track. It's always a lot of fun there - good food and fun shopping before and afterwards.

    Lots to do before dh gets home from work. Wishing everyone a great day!

  • 14 years ago

    Happy Monday!

    Maddie, good to see you.

    Tikanis and Dee, congratulations on those losses...keep 'em coming.

    Milkdud, Jan, Raeanne, Marci, Suzanne, hi to all.

    Dee, glad you enjoyed your package. It was just a little something fun....I think your DH is right, take it to NC with you for TOTAL relaxation.

    Marci, I have a cold too. I woke up with it yesterday. It's just not fair...I just got over a sinus infection. I also have jury duty starting Wednesday which I think is weird. Every other time it has started on Monday. Can you tell I'm feeling sorry for me?

    Today was gorgeous but of course I missed it being inside at work all day. Supposed to snow (again) Tuesday into Wednesday. Marci, they said February was officially the snowiest month for us as well. Our total snowfall to date is 58 inches, Philly is at 72 inches which is way above normal for us.

    OK ladies, I am finished whining :-)

    Enjoy your Monday - stay safe and be warm!


  • 14 years ago

    Hi everyone. Glad to see that someone was asking about me.

    I weigh on Wednesdays, so will post again then. My cardiologist says I have lost enugh, but I would like to get at least another 10 pounds off and maybe even 15.

    I have to keep track of the vitamin K that I eat because of the warfarin that I am on for Atrial Fibrilation. Counting both it and the calories is time consuming but well worth it for both things. I do feel so much better since losing 32 and 1/2 pounds.

    All the best to all of you.


  • 14 years ago

    Happy TUESDAY!

    Got on the scale this morning and it's still inching down a bit; however, I just did not realize how much weight I've gained since my November trip to Florida (when I last wore shorts and capris). Tried some on this morning and they were snug. We leave for Florida on Saturday, and I am praying for a miracle because I do not want to buy any bigger sizes now. I have 2 pairs of capris that were very roomy which I will pack for sure. The rest of the time, I'll spend in a bathing suit and/or sundress. Why do we do it? When I watch and journal what I eat, I'm fine and surely get enough food. When I go nuts, it's mindless! I'm sure I cannot be that hungry; it's just the cave-in to temptations. WHEW, enough of that.

    Got to get back to muddling through Outlook. The IT group moved me from Lotus Notes to Outlook last night, so I've got to get myself comfortable with the change.


  • 14 years ago

    ' Mornin' Glories!

    Donna! Feel better now! LOL. I hope that you do.

    Milkdud, congrats on the new grandson to be! Have fun today with those Red Hatters!

    Hi Ivamae!

    Way to go Dee! 4 lbs in one "swell foop" as we say in my family! I don't think I could even try to lose weight without logging in all of my food intake. You go, girl!!

    Suzanne, how is it going today? Sweet Pea progress report, please.

    45 and overcast here today. 20% chance of rain. I am meeting with the owner of a new Home Health agency today to finalize plans to become their new director of nursing. It's a very part time endeavor, but very lucrative and a learning experience as well. I have not been a director for 12 years and at that time, it was a full time position. I hated being stuck all day in an office full of women! Ha Ha! This will be an entirely different ballgame.

    Speaking of ballgames... Spring Training is here!! Already That bozo Manny Ramirez has put his foot in his mouth and stated that he won't stay with the Dodgers beyond this season. Good riddance! Don't let the door hit ya where the Good Lord Split ya! Oh, and don't forget to take your baggie full of steroids with you! Stepping down off soapbox now. I like my Dodgers...


  • 14 years ago

    Good Morning Ladies!

    No excuses, I just haven't been around. I get too wrapped up in my farming on FaceBook and then run out of computer time. I know a couple of my sista's here can relate!

    Tikanis, speaking for Red Sox Nation, we were very happy to see Manny go! I love the "don't hit ya" line!

    Suzanne, (((HUGS))) to you and Sweet Pea. I hope things are getting better.

    I don't even really know what is going on with everyone, so I will just say a big hello and (((HUGS))) all around.

    I have been doing ok. I started a new program with Jorge Cruise. His thing is cut the sugar! No more than 15 grams a day. It is really not as hard as you think, you just have to read and plan, like every other program out there. I signed up for a plan that he sends me menu's every Friday for the upcoming week. I just started this past Monday, so two days into it, I am doing well. I really hope I can stick with it. I feel committed, and summer is coming!

    Congratulations to all the losers. I promise not to stay away so long!


  • 14 years ago


  • 14 years ago

    Well, I weighed this morning and lost anoher 1/2 pound this past week. Total now of 33 pounds.

    I'm so glad to have found this forum to report to.


  • 14 years ago

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY RAEANNE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oxoxox

    Marci, all that sugar! LOL

  • 14 years ago

    Happy birthday, raeanne!

    Congratulations, Ivamae, on your loss! 33 pounds - wow!

    Looks like this week is turning out to be a great one.

  • 14 years ago

    Happy Birthday dear, dear Raeanne! Wishing you a day full of joy. love and hugs my friend.

    Besh, great to see you post. Come back and tell us what you have been up to.

    Ivamae, congrats on your weight loss.

    I will give a Sweet Pea report after Raeanne's birthday party which will not be complete until Maddie and Dee sing!

  • 14 years ago

    Happy, Happy Birthday, Raeanne!! I hope that you have the very best day ever!! Come tell us what's up .



  • 14 years ago

    Thank you Marci - now I am really hungry LOL.

    Thanks everyone for you wishes. Love you all!

    We are heading to NYC today and then San Diego tomorrow.

    Tikanis - we are only there 4 nights and my DD has our entire time planned out. I won't even be able to see my brother or husbands cousin this trip. Next time I am making sure we schedule some Tikanis time.

    Maddie/Dee get in here and sing because I came on to find out about SP.

    HUGS to all and thanks for being here!

  • 14 years ago

    Happy birthday to my lovely friend Raeanne! You deserve the best birthday because you're always lifting spirits and bringing smiles to our faces.

    I know that you've got a wonderful week planned for yourself so your birthday card will be winging its way to you 'anon'! Have a great trip and come back relaxed and refreshed!

  • 14 years ago


    Happy Birthday to you..........
    Happy Birthday to you..........
    Happy Birrrthhhhdaaaaa, dear, sweet we-all-love-you-and-hate-when-you-are-not-around-us Raeanneeeeeeeee
    Happy Birthday to you.

    OK Suzanne, the fat lady sang, so it's time to spill the beans (ahhh, peas) on your horse!

  • 14 years ago

    Happy Birthday Raeanne!!

    Enjoy and indulge - hope it's the best one yet!

    Enjoy your vacation/

    Dee has sung = where's Maddie?

    Ivamae, congrats on your weight loss!

    Besh, good to see you again.

    Suzanne, looking forward to SP update.

    Hi to all - stuck with that pesky cold, what are ya gonna do? Had jury duty today and wasn't selected - off the hook!

    Hi to everyone - BJ, check in and let us know how you are doing.

    Be safe and stay warm.


  • 14 years ago

    Virtual sugar doesn't count! LOL It was the only birthday graphic I had that was large enough to fit the wording.

    Raeanne - Have fun in NYC and San Diego!

    Besh - Good to see you posting.

    Ivamae - Welcome to the group!

    I too am waiting for an update on Sweet Pea


  • 14 years ago

    Oh Dee, that was so beautyful!! Now for Maddie, perhaps she is still clearing her throat! LOL

    Sweet Pea is holding her own and in the last two days she has been much brighter and walking more comfortably. Imagine a 1,000 # horse walking on egg shells. That is exactly what it's like for her. Still, she is walking and showing more interest in her surroundings. This doctor in Missouri and his team have been so supportive and there for me when I get so discouraged. Watching her in such pain and asking her to move (which she is doing willingly) is difficult. Still she has had two good days relatively speaking and I feel good about that and happy for her victory and her amazing fortitude. It's going to be a long recovery the best estimates are 4-6 months before completely sound but we have a month behind us now.

    Now our entire community is involved in Sweet Pea's recovery! I can only walk her on roads because the snow is too deep and soft to get on the snowmobile trails. Everyone is stopping to wish her well and tell us that they are praying for her and sending healing positive thoughts. Just as you all are sending them I know they are helping and we appreciate it. Those things mean a lot to us both. There has been a serious logging project going on nearby and huge trucks are making round trips past where we walk with both loaded and empty trucks. They all come to almost a complete stop when they see us and go by as quietly as possible. Mind you that these trucks do not bother Pea but the respect they are showing is so heart felt. BTW, some horses freak at the sound of those big things clanging along the frost heaved roads! It's really nice to live in this small community.

    So, with two "good" days behind us I am going to sleep well and pray for the next day to be good. With this horrible affliction these kind of gains are more than we have the right to hope for..seriously.

    Thanks for all your good wishes, prayers and positive thoughts. I believe they are helping.


  • 14 years ago

    You don't think I wouldn't stop & come by to wish our dear, sweet Raeanne a Happy Birthday do you?

    Happy Birthday Raeanne! Love you GF!!!

    Milkdud~I must have missed the news about a DGS but that is wonderful! Congrats! They are fun too. :-)

    Tikanis~We have a trip to CA planned for Nov.

    Congrats to all those losing weight. I meant to come by Mon. for "Rabbit, Rabbit" & to say it had been 9 years to the day that we landed here in FL to live. Wow! Time flies!!! Hope to be back soon. Patti :-)

  • 14 years ago

    Is everyone off partying with Raeanne?

  • 14 years ago

    Nope I'm not partying with her, but I noticed some fireworks over the skyline of NYC last night; must be Raeanne. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Make today count!

  • 14 years ago

    HAPPY BELATED B-DAY, RAEANNE!!!!! You are the BRIGHT spot on many days! Have a great vacation in Cali!!!!! Wish I could be there!

    I've been doing very well for...well, since last time I checked in....lol. But it's a beginning. Thanks for all the support! I've lost almost 3 pounds.

    Baby V had his adenoids out on Monday. He insisted on taking his black cowboy hat into surgery with him---the docs let him--they thought it was hilarious! The photos of him in his hospital robe and cowboy hat are really priceless! I stayed at the house until today with him.

    Yesterday, I made homemade no-knead bread and a VAT of WW Veggie Soup in the crock pot. I pan sauteed chicken breasts for salads at work and am pretty set for quick food. I really hope this works. I have a Mom's Weekend at college coming up next month and want to be NOT "frighteningly fat" -- like I am now!!!!

    I found out yesterday that my SIL's cancer is back-big time. Please keep her in your heart and thoughts. They are looking for clinical studies but there is virtually no chance of remission. She will try to prolong her life for her teenaged girls by radiating the sites.

    In other news, we received 2 family studies for adoptive families. One was VERY religious...and...the other was more like us. Since this will be a long relationship through transition and beyond, we would rather have a family we can relate to a little more.

    Once again, I must thank everyone for being here. I thought about you guys every time I wanted to have a gobble-fest and it helped me a lot.


  • 14 years ago

    Good Thursday evening! We've had a false-spring day today, and I was out and enjoying it as much as possible.

    The best thing has happened!!! Remember when I worked out at Butterfly Life here and loved it? Well, when they closed, they donated all their equipment to a local huge non-denominational church out on the highway. I joined their gym last January, but they didn't have room to set out the equipment back then, so I quit going and switched to Curves. Yesterday, I learned that the BL pieces are now in a special room in the gym, so I went and joined this morning and had my first workout in 15 months on it. I smiled the entire workout! Can't wait to get back there tomorrow. :-)

    Today I enjoyed a much-needed lunch/chat with a lovely friend here. Then it was off to the library to help set up for the book sale this weekend, then on to the community center to get change and pancake tickets to sell at the bank tomorrow. I have to make a few posters for the ticket sellers to hang on their card tables when we sell this weekend. Tomorrow night at the center there will be a music program including lots of school kids and their parents, so my friend and I will set up there and try to sell more tickets.

    Suzanne, you probably don't even realize what an impact you have on your community, and those people are just paying it back showing their concern for Sweet Pea.

    BJ, good to see you, girl! Your SIL has my best thoughts and prayers for healing.

    Dinner tonight will be steak at the golf club with some friends we became friends with during the Fall. Should be a fun evening. THen home to get those posters finished!

    I would appreciate good thoughts as my dh has his long-awaited biopsy on his pancreas tomorrow. Thanks!
    Wishing everyone a good evening and an easy Friday!

  • 14 years ago

    Good Friday all,

    TGIF for sure.

    Milkdud, you are one busy social butterfly! My head spins at your social activity! Thank you for your kind words my friend.

    I am plum worn out today and am really looking forward to the weekend. I think part of it is stressing about what Pea is doing/not doing while I am at work. I think (fingers,toes, and eyes crossed) that she has turned a corner this week. This morning we had a pretty good walk and I can't tell you how that makes my heart soar. This weekend is supposed to be really nice and we will get even more walking in.

    What is everyone else doing for the weekend??

  • 14 years ago


    [[[[[[[[Hugs & Prayers for Milkdud's DH]]]]]]]]]

    Suzanne, so glad that Sweet Pea is doing well; must be a great weight off your shoulders (plus the fact that there is no snow in the forecast)! Rest and relax this weekend.

    We leave for Florida tomorrow, so I may not be around for awhile. Please behave yourselves. I'm going to put all of you in charge of each other (but someone keep an extra eye on Maddie LOL!)

    Trying to get some things outof the way and then I'll leave the office by 3pm.


  • 14 years ago

    Bon Voyage Dee. Have a fun and safe trip.

  • 14 years ago

    Happy Saturday!

    Bj!! 3 lbs is GREAT!!! I am so glad to "see" you! At this rate, you will look Fantastically Fabulous at the Mom's weekend. Sending good thoughts for your SIL. Life can be so difficult!

    Suzanne, Hooray Sweet Pea! May she continue to improve. I am glad that the whole community is concerned and involved. This is what we are all SUPPOSED to do for each other, no?

    Milkdud, you'll be working out big time now! How great that you "found" your old equipment. Keep us posted on Hubby's biopsy...Have fun at your program tonight!

    Hi Besh, long time no see! Your new program sounds interesting, I'd like to hear more...I am Jonesing for a bit of sugar having given up sweets for Lent. (WHY???? did I do that? Ha Ha!)

    Dee, have a wonderful trip! Take lots of pictures too so that I can vacation vicariously!

    Raeanne, I hope that you have been making the most out of your birthday week! Although I wish that you had more time in California, I sure do understand about those whirl wind trips! And here I was hoping to get in a kayak in Newport and paddle down to S.D. for a visit : ) Next time....
    If you get a chance, call me when you are here and we'll chat during your down time.

    Donna, Jan, Maddie, Marci check in time!

    I have lots of puttering to do around the house this weekend. Kayaking was postponed (AGAIN!!) on account of rain. I am going to start potty training our rabbit (Honey Bunny)so that she can have free reign of the house eventually, like Oreo the cat. Tomorrow is church and brunch out with friends. Dodgers won their first Spring Training game. Life is good!


  • 14 years ago

    Good afternoon! And what a nice one it's been. Sun, highs in the 60's - everyone outside, working in their yards, so happy to be outside!

    BJ, I agree, that's great about your 3 pound weight loss! I'm very sorry about your SIL. That radiation is so tough. I will keep your SIL in my prayers.

    Milkdud, I hope your DH had good results from his biopsy.

    Tikanis, I sure didn't know rabbits could be potty trained!

    Going to shower then we're grilling steaks tonight! Yum.

    Have a good weekend, everyone.

Best of Houzz 2025: The results are in!