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SS Daily Support 3/14 to 3/20

19 years ago

Good morning Sunshines!!!

This is going to be a GREAT week!!! anyone up for a cheat free week???? (Swimsuits are in the stores!)



Comments (54)

  • 19 years ago

    Hello, I'm back from Florida! Decent weather and a nice rest for me.

    I'm in for a cheat-free week---ate fries and lots of desserts last week. Vacation can be hazardous to your WOE, I can assure you!

    I'm in for the picture contest, but will need to be reminded, as my mind is going, going, gone (Suzanne!) Suzanne, I'm sorry about Fred. Glad that DH's party was fun.

    Amy, looks like you're back!

    Will try to catch up soon! About 50 e:mails beckon me at work here!
    Love to all of you!

  • 19 years ago

    Dee - Glad you had a nice trip. I agree about those vacations being trouble for your WOE - especially those all-inclusive resorts YIKES. I can't believe how I let myself go - but that is the past and that is definitely "behind" me (get it BEHIND hehehe).

    NH Suzanne - we had that snow too, but not as much as you did. It seemed like it snowed non-stop from Friday through yesterday. Today is nice and sunny and I hope it starts to melt some of it away. Good year for the skiers.
    I remember the brain fog - it does pass!

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    SS Support 3/13 thru 3/20


    Comments (16)
    Happy St. Patrick's Day you guys! MILKDUD!! You are back!! My knee is having sympathy pains for your knee! I hope that the luck o' the Irish is with you and that the pain will soon be gone forever. Nobody likes bike riding here?? 3 years ago I did a 30 mile benefit ride and had a blast! I guess you guys won't be joining me.... : ( You all and your SHOES!! lol! I own 2 pairs of heels, one white , one black, 1 pair of Nike walking shoes, 1 pr tennies, 2 pr hiking boots 1 pr slinky little black ankle boots and a pr of zorries. And that's IT!!! Raeanne, TIA for your help on the 24th ;) Wow, you are really working out, personal trainer and all. Is it very expensive? Zig, I always put green food coloring in the closed bathtub drain (kids turn on shower and are up to their ankles in green!) and put it in the cereal bowls under the cheerios : ) What a busy week this has been! It's raining hard here and the highways have been a mess all day! I was so eager to get home, that I skipped my nail appt. DS has poker night with the youth group guys tonight and I am curling up with a good book or a movie. We are celebrating St Paddy's day on Sunday w/ corned beef n' cabbage when DD can get over here. I start my knee therapy on Monday, along with my new walking tape. (Zig, I'll let you know...) I hope things are better for Joanne's Mom, John's Mom, Besh's family, Patti and Dave and their family. I hope that DeeMarie is having a wonderful time on vacation. And I hope that BJ is behaving herself! Tikanas
    ...See More

    SS Support 3/6- 3/11


    Comments (18)
    Good Afternoon, Vacation news? It was a blast. The worst thing was we had a hard time calling home to the girls. I had bought calling cards but for some reason, they were not working. I used the same ones in Jamaica and had no problem but anyway. Lots of sun, never had to leave the resort. It was all inclusive, so it was awesome. I had WAY to many banana monkeys and margaritas and came back with 5 pounds, BUT it's gone now so no problem. The girls were fine and did not get sick, DH and I did not fight, so all in all the vacation was fabulous. I have started to do "The Firm" exercise tapes. I have had the fanny lifter since Tara was born, so now I am putting it to good use. I really like them, it would be much better if I wasn't always pressed for time but thats life. Hopefully I can drop a few sizes before Easter. The workouts are tough but at the end, I feel as if I have accomplished something. DeeMarie, Have a great Vacation! Patti and Dave, I am sending loving thoughts your way. Amy, we miss you. Have you checked in lately? Tikanas & Zig, I am debating on the fast. The last one I tried I verily made it through 1 1/2 days. Giving up diet sodas for lent was one of the best things I have done. Now I need to give up iced tea with splenda. Maybe next week. Well, better run. Have a great day. Jen
    ...See More

    SS Daily Support, Sept. 20 - 26, 2004


    Comments (36)
    Oh yeah! Gotta hear about those BJ sitings in the East; don't know if we are quite prepared yet. LOL Started the new WW last evening. The Core Plan is a huge list of foods that you can eat without counting....sounds good, but ya gotta know when you are "satisfied". HAAA!! not likely....I'm eating lots of those Core foods, but tracking the points. So far, I'm not hungry, which leads me to believe that I was straying from the plan a bit with my choices and could account for my major stall; then the 3-pound gain. I'm not worried, as I know the weight will coming off again...I am NEVER GIVING UP!!! In addition to my scheduled classes in the fitness center here, I've been taking a 20-25 minute walk with a colleague about 3-4 times a week during lunch. We get lots of stress out, solve some work-related problems, and I feel great about the 1-2 points I earn! Should boost my losing ways a bit, I hope. Marci, I miss you when you don't post often, but I understand. When my stepdaughters or nieces are around, my opportunity to get near my office is "zero". Whenever I see a daycare (especially in the morning when parents are dropping off), I think of you! Can't wait to get to meet everyone next year. Raeanne, I hope DH was properly dressed when he finally saw the balloon! I'll never forget my MIL's classic line about skylights in a great room or bathroom....."you have absolutely no privacy!" DH and I always howl when we talk about that! She should only know about your experience this morning. LOL Tikanas, I read about the South Beach diet this morning. Because so many people have had such success with it, I thought I might try to tie it in with Weight Watchers. Not sure I can do that easily, so I'll stick with my plan until I hit another stall. Then maybe I'll shake it up a bit again! Amy, please check in with us. Suzanne, you sound so peaceful this morning... Maddie, put down the tissues and come and say "hello". Do you need me to send out some chicken soup? Patti & Dave, hope you both are spared the latest bad weather down there. Jen, Joanne, Gretchen, Besh, KY Susie.....where are you? Take care, eat healthy, and NEVER NEVER GIVE UP! DeeMarie
    ...See More

    SS Daily Support, Mon. 12/8 through Sun. 12/14


    Comments (41)
    Good morning from ice laden NH! We had a horrific ice storm through the night - we all knew it was coming. I woke up at 2am to the sound of trees crashing all around and no electricity. I did not get up to start the generator because it was too dark and I wasn't that cold. When I did get up it looked like a war zone. I have trees down everywhere and broken rail after broken rail in the pasture and paddock. One huge branch came down right in front of the donkey's door and broke a rail. It doesn't even seem safe to be outside near a tree. 100's of thousand of people are out of power in the state right now and roads are closed everywhere from downed trees that just keep falling so no one can keep up. We have had about 2 inches of ice that is coating everything. This is going to be long day. SO much to do and DH is stuck in PA as Albany is not passable right now due to the same weather conditions. All I have to say is thank GOD for this generator. I have heat and lights in a couple of rooms including my office and water which I need for the animals. I wish I was brave enough to run the chain saw but I am so clumsy and accident prone I think I should not take any chances with one! DH agrees! Thankfully, I was able to get the horse stalls repaired and back to normal. Sweet Pea is extremely sensitive about her environment and did not like the change at all! So much so that she stood outside in freezing rain all day yesterday which she really hates even in the summer!! Casey could care less about the rain and stood out all night in the sleet. Besh, awesome about your son!! I can feel you beaming right through the screen! Jan what a great shot thanks for posting it. The news showed some really neat shots of NO on the news last night. BJ, hope things settle down. I would be pissed also to tell you the truth. Donna you are lucky all you got is rain. It's truly an unbelievable mess up here right now. Raeanne, you must have a similar situation to me? Hope you have power.
    ...See More
  • 19 years ago

    Hey Raeanne, your comment reminds me of the butcher who backed up to his slicing machine. He got 'a little behind in his work'. LMAO !!!

  • 19 years ago

    Speaking of butts.

    Here is a link that might be useful: Is this the butt of the joke

  • 19 years ago

    on that above link. Never checked out anything else on that link, but may not be to everyone's taste (oooops) Was recently sent the butt and thought it was very fitting for todays comments.

  • 19 years ago

    Butt Raeanne--that was tooo funny!!! :):)

    Well, I am sorry to say that I didn't even make it to this afternoon w/o a cheat! Sigh. I can resist everything except temptation, I guess. Butt (sorry Raeanne; couldn't resist), tomoorow is another day, right?

    We got up this morning to snow and ice. OK--normal temp is in mid 50s, and I think someone forgot to tell Mother Nature. It's supposed to snow later this week as well.

    I spent this past weekend working on inventory and making sunglasses, so it was quiet--except for Friday night when I took mom to the bagpipe concert. We had dinner and then walked to the show, and had a wonderful time. The audience was interesting; a 9yo boy to my right brought his Walkman (w/headphones); the dad with the adorable 4ish daughter brought himself a pair of earplugs, but none for his DD; and a woman sitting behind us kept insisting to her girlfriends that she was a 'gangstar, a mf'in gangstar'. Once I got over my utter shock at all of this, I loved the music. Mom did really well; she cried some, butt (Raeanne!) said she really enjoyed it. So, thanks ladies for the very good advice! :):)

    Hope all is well!



  • 19 years ago

    Maddie - I am so glad that your Mom enjoyed herself - what entertainment you were surrounded by. I love to people watch - but it can be quite scary out there too. You can get back on board - you have done it before and you can do it again - so be gentle with yourself.

    I don't know what triggered my discipline, but I am glad it did. On Saturday night, DH asked if I could help him pick out a "nice wine". I think the look I gave him made him realize he just had a near death experience. I didn't say anything about it until the next day and explained that while I am at the beginning of this WOE, don't ask me to help you pick out a nice wine. His reply - "butt (LOL) it was Saturday night." YIKES. I must've missed that chapter in Suzannes books about having wine on Saturday nights.

    Well it is Day 9 for me and I feel good.

    Dee - we missed you, tell us more about your trip.

    We still have a lot of MIA's. KY Susie, Besh, Gretchen are just a few I haven't seen around here in a bit. Come on out of hiding and say hello.

  • 19 years ago

    Good Morning All,

    We do have alot of MIA's!

    Maddie, I am with you, I can resist anything except temptation! Actually, I am having mostly good days but this past weekend was too challenging and I gave in to cake.......and wine........and.......and........
    Today I have my resolve to try to get through the day.

    I am so sick of thinking about it!! Diet, diet, diet, what can I eat, when can I eat, what can't I eat, on and on and on. Whew I need to calm down!

    I have to focus on the May issue. I have two weeks to sell and I have $20,000 to go! OMG! I really am unfocused. Don't know how to get that way!

    BUTT, I will try.

  • 19 years ago

    Good Morning!!!

    NH Suzanne, I TOTALLY agree with you. Seems like the word diet is on my mind all the time. I am sick of it. I have been trying weight watchers, but the 18-20 points a day is Killing me. I am starving all the time. This is after making healthy food choices. Well, as healthy as my brain allows. I terrible at eating veges. I just wish I could find a diet that Works. I wanted to try the fat flush diet, but I can't find cranberries or Unsweetened cranberry juice. Irritating. Any ideas?

    Maddie, I am so glad you took your mom and had a nice time.

    Raeanne, are you finding that sommersizing is working for you this time around? I don't seem to lose weight eating the sommersize way anymore. It's so frustrating.

    Our church had a roller skating party last nite. I took the girls and had a blast. Tara actually skated better than Erica. I got some funny looks putting an 18 month old on skates, butt I had to try.

    Well, better run. I am going to get my BUTT in gear and get on the right diet plan. I have ordered the pilates buns and thighs dvd so maybe that will help.

    Have a great day. No Butts!!!!


  • 19 years ago

    Jen, have you looked in the freezer section of your grocery store? Alot of stores carry frozen cranberries as they freeze so well. This may be New England thing since ithey native here. Ask, you might get them. Also, I know that Ocean Spray makes sugar free cranberry juice. It's sweetened with one of the pretend products. What does the cranberry have to do with the fat flush diet? Just curious.

  • 19 years ago

    Good morning all!

    No ifs and or butts about it, this is such a great group!!! :):)

    NHSuzanne--I'm with ya! When I really crack down, it's almost like an obsession. Like this little, fat dwarf in the reptilian part of my mind gets obsessed with the though of....a twinkie.... and can't let it go. I can usually let her go, but I do give in just to get the though outta my mind. Not always, butt (heehee!) enough that I am still strugling with the 10 pounds I put back on after I lost the 25 from my original 30+ that I snarked on. Butt, like Dee says--never, never give up--and I don't, I've just learned to be kinder to myself, and not beat me up so bad when I do go wandering off in search of Krispy Kreme. :):)

    I wish you all could see my workspace--I've got hundreds of sunglasses sitting around, along with St. Paddy's Day and Easter jewelry stacked--it looks like a tornado hit the area, and what fun!!! I'm starting to prelim sketch designs for feasibility studies, and that is daunting. I'm also thinking about getting a CAD program to help ne design. Would make my life easier! :)

    I just noticed that my fav consigmnet store is having their "Welcome to Spring" sale starting Thurs. I love this place--it's run by a non-profit (so proceeds to to charity), and they have some great items! I found a gun-u-wine Valentio dress with jacket--still had the Saks tag on it (price was blacked out; it was 4 figurs, though) for $60 one day. It was an 8 (so obviously no go for me), but I tried to think of who I could snag it for--and I bought me a pair of looked-like-they-had-never-been-worn Cole-Haas shoes for $3.50. Oh, and a great pair of Dana Buchman pants for $11.00. (I bargain hunt like mad, can't you tell??)

    KYSusie--did you see Dave Ramsey? THE CJ had an article about him, and he just looks like an easy to approach guy. We listen to his show, and I get so amazaed when some of these peeps call in. One woman said that she had no idea how she got 60K in CC debt. (I think you'd at least have *some* idea of why you had writers cramp, don't you??) Oh--and I forgot to tell you--I heard Linda Toupin speak last Weds at Caesar's. She is the neatest lady--what an inspiration, and I got to talk to her for a few minutes afterward. And she recommended that I read Mary Kay's story--she was there for an all-day Regional Woman and Minority Businnes Owners Conference along with Fawn Gerber (author of Mustang Sallies).

    Gotta go and start the day---everyone check in!



  • 19 years ago

    Hi, I'm checking in here. Did OK yesterday, I was actually under my WW points when I got home from dinner, and then a stupid chocolate rose caught my eye. Did not go over points, but it would have been nice to be under just ONE day!!

    Lots of personal stuff going on, so I don't have much time to spend with you gals. My DFIL is not doing well; losing lots of weight and coughing a lot (lung cancer).

    My step-daughters informed us that their mom wants to move to south Jersey and they don't want to go. DH and I need to discuss this....I'm not equipped to have a 25-year-old and an 18-yearold move in with us. I made the choice many years ago not to have children, and this is not a good sign. DH has preliminarily said he will not ask them to move in with us, but you know how things go..... DH's ex is having $$$ problems; her new husband is out of work and I think he gambles a bit too much (spends lots of time in Atlantic City), so they may be looking for more affordable housing.

    My brother appears to be having lots of problems with alcohol, according to my estranged sister (who lives with him). Don't know who to believe, but he shows lots of signs and symptoms of some sort of addiction. This is distressing, but I can't let myself get sick over this. He's an adult and I'm not his keeper. My doctor has told me to 'take it easy', but all this is not helping.

    OK, so enough about my whining.

    Hope everyone stays in line today with healthy eating and a bit of exercise.

    Take care, eat healthy, and NEVER NEVER GIVE UP!

  • 19 years ago

    The good news DeeMarie is that your step daughters are hardly children! I too chose to not have children but when DH's two son's wanted to come live with us at 7 and 10 years old....what could I say? I took it on as I would any job and did well. We made tons of sacrafices but it was worth it. At 25 and 18 they should be thinking of places of their own, shouldn't they?

    It will be okay

  • 19 years ago

    Ahhh, Suzanne! I knew one of you would come up with the 'good news'! I'm thinking about speaking with DH about possibly setting them up in an apartment closeby (security, basic stuff, etc.) and they would be responsible for the monthly bills after that. The 25-year old makes a decent living, and the 18-yearold is in college and working part-time...not ideal, but they should start to think about their own place(s). Suzanne, I could not help but think about your DH's DS and his problems. I know what you've been going through, and this whole thing is really scary for me.

  • 19 years ago

    DeeMarie - You always speak very lovingly of the girls and I know you want what is in the best interest for everyone and your idea of an apartment sounds like the best solution. I'm sure they would appreciate the independence of having their own place. They can always mooch meals off you once in a while.

    NH Suzanne - that must've been some adjustment for all of you when you took the boys in. I can't even imagine being thrown into motherhood like that - but it was very generous of you to open your arms and your home to them.

    Maddie - I want a consignment store like that around me. We have nothing, but the Salvation Army and they are overpriced if you ask me LOL.

    Jen - I didn't weigh myself this time and I haven't noticed a change in my clothes yet. But I do feel like I have a lot more energy and that should turn into losing pounds soon. I haven't even set a real goal for myself, just to give it some time and see what happens.

    It is a glorious day here, still a little too cold, but so pretty. I took a ride north to see some friends and I saw an Eagle - it was gorgeous - but I don't think they should be here yet. I will have to check that ou.

  • 19 years ago

    RE: wow new looooook!
    Posted by: Spike z5 MA (My Page) on Tue, Mar 15, 05 at 8:06

    What river would that be? I hope not styx... ;-)
    Yes, I sold the corporation to iVillage and I am now their employee.

    About the only thing changing for now is the design and the ads.

    What will happen in the future, I really can't say. But all obligations will be fulfilled (subscriptions, etc. )

    I had nothing to do with the design, you don't have to worry about hurting my feelings. ;-)


  • 19 years ago

    Hi girls,

    I am sorry that I have not been around too much. I have lurked once in a while, but just not much time to post. I have made a decision to participate in the Heart and Wellness program at my local hospital. It is for people that are at risk for heart disease. Since I have high cholesterol I qualify. I also started getting some heart palpitations which scare the you know what out of me, so I contacted them. I had to get some blood work and an EKG in order to qualify. When my primary care heard about the palpitations she recommended a stress test before I start the program. I have the first phase done today, dye injection and some funky xrays. Tomorrow I do the treadmill part of it, more dye and more xrays. This whole process is totally freaking me out and has also made me realize what damage I have done to my body through poor eating habits and lack of exercise. I am no longer going to do any fad diets. I have done everyone of them and still get excited when I hear of a new one. Suzanne, I know exactly how you feel. I don't want to think about this diet stuff any more. It is time that I just eat healthy and exercise. The program that I am enrolling in has a nutritionist, psychologist, cardiologist and personal trainer that I will meet with once a week for a total of 2 1/2 hours. I am then required to work out and addition 2x weekly in the hospital gym which is staffed with the right personnel. I need to do this and I need to be serious about it.

    In answer to the question about the cranberry juice and the Fat Flush plan, you need to drink 32 oz of a mixture of water and unsweetened cranberry juice daily in order to flush out your liver. That is the whole premise of the diet, liver flushing. I know because I have done that one too. Jen, I don't know if you have a Trader Joes near you, but that is where I bought my cranberry juice.

    Marci, I love the baby picture idea. As soon as I locate one, I will email it to you. How cute!

    Suzanne, I was sorry to read about Fred a while back. I just love goats. Interesting little critters. Fred was lucky to have you.

    Dee, I think that apartment idea sounds like a solid solution. I think it would be difficult to have 2 adults move in with you, even if they are DH's daughters. I know even now with having DS and his fiance around all the time, I will be happy when they have a place of their own. I will miss DS, but I can feel myself getting ready for him to be on his own.

    Maddie, are we going to get a picture of these sunglasses that you are creating? What fun.

    BJ, I have a book recommendation for your DD's. I just read "The Skin I'm In" by Sharon Flake. Awesome quick read. I highly recommend it.

    I'm sure I have more news, just can't think right now. The weather has been aweful, we will be going to school until June 27th as it stands right now. It is supposed to start warming up this week. We need it!

    (((HUGS))) and love to all. I...

  • 19 years ago

    So much going on here too. Just wanted to drop in & say hi to everyone & that I missed each of you.

    Jen~We made our own cranberry juice until someone came out with one. I did well on the "Fat Flush" plan. I just cannot afford to eat the food like that anymore.

    NH Suzanne~Sorry to hear about Fred.

    Maddie~Glad that you & your Mom had a good time.

    DeeMarie~I would think that since you live in the country it might be more convenient even for your DSDs to have their own place, huh? Were you close to me when you were in FL?

    Raeanne~WTG on keeping on the straight & narrow--even over the weekends. I know those can be the hardest times.

    Besh~It is supposed to rain here the next couple of days but still be in the 80s.

    I've already bought my suit & just hope to lose more & more. I lost 10 pounds in February. Not nearly enough. Well, I hope that I can get back on soon & that the rest of the MIAs will have checked in. :) Patti

  • 19 years ago

    Besh - it sounds like you have decided to get healthy! Good for you. I bet that those palpitations are a peri-menopausal thing - I had them all the time and had all types of tests done. I also find when I weigh a lot more than I should I get palpitations - another reason to lose this baggage.

    Patti - thanks for the weather update (NOT) LOL - we had a high of 38 yesterday and it felt like spring - sad isn't it. Congrats on the 10lbs that is great for one month - what is your WOE right now?

    Maddie - Very interesting, I hope we don't end up on an iVillage message board. I love the format of this and it is very user friendly. But congrats to Spike.

    Off to work for me. Have a great day.

  • 19 years ago

    Good Morning All,

    Besh and Patti, good to hear from you.

    WTG Patti on those ten pounds........gone forever! Glad you are doing well.

    Besh, I think your new wellness program is great. Good luck with it. It's like going on vacation in the sense that you have to do all this work and testing to get started!!!

    Raeanne, it is "spring like" here too. I am loving it. The birds are singing love songs and while it's still cold it's really nice. Spring is definitely in the air.

    DeeMarie, I love the apartment idea. At 25 and 18 they should be thinking of being on their own! I am sure the idea seems hard for them but with some help it might be a fantastic idea for everyone. I would not want young adults in my space at this point either. I didn't really want young ones but that was different. What could I do? I hope DH is on board with that idea. Keep us posted. BTW, sorry about your brother. It's seems like he just follows his pattern and doesn't care to change things for himself. Nothing you can do about it that's for sure.

    I Village???? I hope the format of this site doesn't change either. I really hope not. We will have to come up with plan "B" if it does.

  • 19 years ago

    Good Afternoon,

    Besh, Did the fat flush work for you? I am looking at it more from a detoxification point I guess. I just want to get healthy.

    Patti, CONGRATS on the 10 pounds. We sure have missed you.

    I hope IVIllage doesn't format this site like theirs is now. After 3 months, I just figured it out today. I know, I am a little slow!!!

    Hope everyone is having a great day.


  • 19 years ago

    Good Morning:

    I survived part 2 of the stress test. I did the treadmill for 6 1/2 minutes and thought I was going to die. They continue to make it go faster and uphill every couple of minutes. I don't think I could have stayed on that thing for another 30 seconds. Whew. I am glad it is over. Now I just have to wait to be contacted by the hospital to start the new program. Suzanne, I like your analogy, but I don't think this vacation is going to be alot of fun! I am up for the challenge though. If I don't hurry up and get started though, I think I will gain another 10#. I am eating everything in sight, "preparing" for my new program.

    Jen, the Fat Flush did work for me. I did it right before the holidays and probably would of continued if I didn't lose my momentum (or not!). I did feel cleansed and people were commenting on how I looked. For me however, it was like every other plan I have tried, another quick fix and not something I can live with forever. I have alot of weight to lose and need to make some major lifestyle changes so it is not practical for me to think I can do it on a plan like that. But for you, I know you don't need to lose as much as me and I think that the Fat Flush is a good jump start to dropping some pounds and feeling better pretty quickly. Good luck.

    I also vote no on the iVillage format.

    Have a great day.

    Love, Besh

  • 19 years ago


  • 19 years ago

    Top of the Mornin'

    Today is Day 11 of SS for me and we are going out with another couple on Friday, so I am hoping to have the strength I need to come out that cheat-free. I have gone out with DH to dinner, but it is easy when it's just the 2 of us. I finally got on the scale yesterday morning and then this morning - I am down 2lbs, so at least something is happening - and my jeans seem to fit better.

    I have ripped DD#1's room apart and am making a little retreat for me in there - so I am busy redecorating - my plan is to just use things I all ready have and not go out and buy new stuff and to keep the room a place for her to still sleep when she is home. She said she didn't care what I did, as long as she still has a bed to sleep in when she comes to visit.

    Besh - Glad you survived the stress test - I haven't had one and dread the day that I do.

    I have had 2 HUGE Tom Turkeys visit me at least 3 times a day. On Tuesday they were a no show and then yesterday only one came by. I am worried that something happened to the other one and will probably take a walk into the woods to see if I see anything. I am hoping he just joined up with a group of hens - it is that time of year. These turkeys have been around for over a year and there were 3 of them last summer/fall. I also had a juvenile squirrel on my deck this morning - I thought it was too soon for baby squirrels, but he looked healthy and knew what to do after posing for some photos.

    Have a great St. Paddy's Day.

  • 19 years ago

    Hey Raeanne, you may want to check the freezers of your neighbors for that turkey---Easter is right around the corner! LOL!!!!!!

    Happy St. Patrick's Day to everyone!
    Remember that 70's expression? Erin, go braless!!

  • 19 years ago

    Hi again,

    I forgot that it was St. Patricks Day. What can I say, I'm German with a French last name! Happy St. Paddy's day anyway. DeeMarie, I forgot about that saying. I'm glad my name is not Erin.

    Raeanne, what is it with all the Wild Turkeys lately. We have 6 that roam our neighborhood. The other day they were at the end of the street sitting at the bus stop. I wish I had a camera!

    We have two swans that live on our pond every summer. They returned this morning! A sure sign that spring is coming!

    Love, Besh

  • 19 years ago

    Good Morning All,

    Happy Saint Paddys Day.

    Raeanne, don't worry about your tom. The turkeys are starting to think about mating season and the missing tom has probably gone off to find a harem for himself. Each flock of hens has several toms but only one dominant gobbler who does all of the mating. The dominant tom has a couple of younger toms whose job it is to fight off threatening toms from coming into the flock. Wild turkeys are unbelievably intelligent.

    Besh, the turkeys you see everywhere are the result of a successful New England Dept. of Fish and Game project back in the 80's which was to re-introduce wild turkeys to the wild as they were nearly extinct! It was a great success and they are everywhere. I lOVE swans you are lucky to have them near.

    About the squirrel, they mate in February so the babies should be emerging right along with your baby!

    I know, way more info than you wanted. Turkeys are so smart and so interesting there is tons of info you could learn about them .

    It is another glorious spring morning here with the birds really singing it's like a symphony.

  • 19 years ago

    NH Suzanne~That was good info on the turkeys. We have a lot of them around here. We have 2 toms that run a harem & have been fighting off 4 other toms! LOL I love the wildlife around here. We also have 2 baby sandhill cranes. They still have the down on them. They are SO cute. They have 2 every year & every year it seems that they lose them to the alligators so we are all pr@ying that these make it.

    Raeanne~I'm trying to watch how many calories that I'm putting in my body. And, modify SSing in with it. Just whatever we can afford to do. We have been starting out with Slimfast & then watching what we eat the rest of the day.

    Jen~You are too sweet!

    We are supposed to be at a big St. Paddy's Day party in an hour. He is who I was named after since my birthday came so close after him. But, I am English & now have a French-Canadian last name. (It is the American way, eh? LOL)

    Shout out to all that I've missed! Patti :)

  • 19 years ago

    Happy St. Patrick's Day to all of you. I haven't been posting as much but I have been reading.

    I just got back from a whirlwind trip out to San Diego. My oldest DS proposed to his girlfriend last weekend. TALK ABOUT ROMANTIC!!! I am so proud of him. He proposed on one knee in front of the Hotel Del Coronado on the beach. My future daughter in law's mom and I watched it from a hidden spot and I took pictures. I will post them to shutterfly later today and put a link to them so you can see. She was surprised and so happy. It was amazing to watch. I put it up with there with one of the top ten events in my life.

    I am sick again with something different. I think they should hand out "Airborne" on planes instead of peanuts. Everyone seemed to be sick around me. My resistance is down from earlier colds, so if the germ is near...I get sick.

    I am still doing WW and am in a holding pattern at a 21 pound loss. I am trying to lose six more pounds to meet my goal. I think these are the hardest. I have kind of slipped in my eating but am managing not to gain.

    It is snowing here today, I am so ready for spring....


  • 19 years ago

    Patti - I love Sandhill Cranes. They are so elegant and graceful. I wish we had them here but the closest thing we have is Blue Herons and Bitterns. Nothing nearly the size of the Sand Hill. I will pray that the little ones escape the jaws of the alligators. More interesting info on the turkeys....... their mating season has started. The top of their head, called a Snood, it turns different colors of red, white and blue during mating season, the fleshy dangling stuff is called caruncles or whattles. During mating season the blood rushed to the gobbler's head, and his snood elongates and his caruncles turn bright red.

    I call my loose skin under my chin whattles......I hate it LOL!!

    What a warehouse of useless information I am!

  • 19 years ago

    No cheating.
    Pick your dessert, then look to see what psychiatrists think about you!
    After taking this dessert personality test, send it to the person who sent it to you, but when you do,
    be sure to put your choice of dessert in the subject line.

    If all of the desserts listed below were sitting in front of you, which would you choose? (Sorry, you can only pick one!)

    1) Angel Food

    2) Brownies

    3) Lemon Meringue

    4) Vanilla Cake/Chocolate Icing

    5) Strawberry Short Cake

    6) Chocolate Cake/Chocolate Icing

    7) Ice Cream

    8) Carrot Cake

    NO ... You can't change your mind once you scroll down! So think carefully what your choice will be!

    OK - Now that you've made your choice, this is what research says about you!

    Angel food - Sweet, loving, cuddly. You love all warm and fuzzy items. A little nutty at times. Sometimes you need an ice cream cone at the end of the day. Others perceive you as being childlike and immature at times.

    Brownies - You are adventurous, love new ideas, are a champion of underdogs and a slayer of dragons. When tempers flare up,

    you whip out your saber! You are always the oddball with a unique sense of humor and direction. You tend to be very loyal.

    Lemon Meringue - Smooth, sexy, & articulate with your hands, you are an excellent after-dinner speaker and a good teacher. But don't try to walk and chew gum at the same time. A bit of a diva at times, but you have many friends.

    Vanilla Cake/Chocolate Icing - Fun-loving, sassy, humorous. Not very rounded in life; very indecisive and lack motivation. Everyone enjoys being around you, but you are a practical joker. Others should be cautious in making you mad. However, you are a friend for life.

    Strawberry Short Cake - Romantic, warm, loving. You care about other
    people and can be counted on in a pinch. You tend to melt. You can be
    overly emotional at times.

    Chocolate Cake/Chocolate Icing- You love to give as well as receive. Very creative, adventurous, ambitious, and passionate. You have a cold exterior but are warm on the inside. Not afraid to take chances. Will not settle for anything average in life. Love to laugh.

    Ice Cream - You like sports, whether it be baseball, football, basketball, or soccer. If you could, you would like to participate, but you enjoy watching sports. You don't like to give up the remote control. You tend to be self-centered and high maintenance.

    Carrot Cake - You are a very fun loving person, who likes to laugh. You are fun to be with. People like to hang out with you. You are a very warm hearted person and a little quirky at times. You have many loyal friends.

  • 19 years ago

    I picked Carrot Cake. I liked what it said, except for that quirky part! LOL In old age, quirky can be mistaken for eccentricity, otherwise known as peculiar behavior!

    We have lots of wild turkeys around us too. Sometimes when we pull into the school parking lot, we will see 10 or 12 of them on the playground. And right across the road from the entrance to my housing plan, we regularly see a bunch of them.

    This has been a rough week at school. One little boy bit another child on Tuesday. I am at my wits end about this child. He has so many caregivers and I don't think he has any discipline or at least any consistent discipline. We had a long talk with his Dad's girlfriend, because she seems to be the most level headed one in the bunch. He acted out again today. He didn't bite, but we had to constantly be on top of him to keep him from lashing out. He just doesn't know how to communicate and we are trying to teach him how. But just when we think we have made some progress, he takes a giant leap backwards. Another little boy in the same class cried on and off today because he doesn't want to be in the Easter program. He cried at Halloween and Christmas, so I don't know why we expected Easter to be any different!! LOL
    And there were lots of other little things that have added to my stress level, so I sure hope things calm down soon.

    DS called yesterday and he had 2 moles removed and biopsied. Think good thoughts for him please!!!

    DD is on her way home right now and should be here around 7/pm. She has an interview Monday for a summer internship.
    I am keeping my fingers crossed for her.

    Now I am going to relax for an hour then find something to cook because DD will be starving when she walks in that door.


  • 19 years ago

    Brownie-girl here and it fits me to a T!

  • 19 years ago

    Another Brownie here and I love it.

    Dee - I thought of the turkey ending up as someone's meal - I don't tell any locals that there are turkeys in my yard LOL.

    Gret - sounds like you had a wonderful time - your DS seems like a very special guy.

    NH Suzanne - I decided to believe that my Tom is one lucky guy right now, but the other one seems so lonely. Maybe I can find a nice hen for him. This guy's beard is about 8" long - and he is HUGE.

  • 19 years ago

    I am lemon meringue pie!

  • 19 years ago

    I love lemon meringue pie too!!!

    Hope this turns out to be a good weekend.


  • 19 years ago

    It was really a toss up for me between brownie and lemon meringue, but since I haven't tasted a piece of chocolate in over 11 days (but who's counting?), I decided to go for the brownie - under normal circumstances it would've been the lemon meringue LOL.

  • 19 years ago

    I was the strawberry shortcake. Of course, it was because I looked at each dessert and picked out the one which would be least fattening -- Nothing to do with personality (or maybe it does....hmmmmmmm!)

  • 19 years ago

    MIA reporting for duty!!(and the funnies, companionship and moral support : )I've missed you guys!

    Just got back from a vacation to San Francisco with DS. We had a great time. Really had fun doing the tourist bit. It's always good to get home though.

    Well, things were busy here before vacation and even busier now. DS started a new job up the street at our church, working 20 hours a wek around his homeschool schedule. My little businesses are doing fairly well but take up so much of my time.

    The garden is in full swing, picking lots of lettuce, scallion, radish,peas,brussel's sprouts, cauliflower. Just put in the tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, fingerling potatoes and a 3rd sowing of lettuce and asian veggies. Squash, beans pumpkin and melons are soon to follow.

    As for dieting, well, I didn't want to show my facw because I haven't lost a thing! I had to go back on prednisone again for a short while and that put the kibosh (sp?) on any weight loss. Just stopped it on Monday, so here we go again... back at square one : (

    As for the above, I didn't see cheesecake up there and had a hard time choosing between strawberry shortcake and lemon meringue pie! I don't eat dessert too often but cheesecake is hard to pass up. Yumm.

    Back tomorrow! ( I promise)


  • 19 years ago

    I am a brownie. Ha!

    Yikes! I am running out of time here. We are taking off today for eastern WA to the state wide science competition in 2 hours. My 8 yr old is competing in flight, chemistry, and lifting device. My 6 yr old is competing in chemistry and flight. We get back Sunday at 9am and leave at 11am for the east coast. We'll drive from Portland, Maine to Orient, NY during the week.

    I'll be in Salem on the night of the 22nd and the day of the 23rd, so BESH!, if you're reading, email me with your phone number and I'll call ya and maybe we can see each other.


    I'll check and see if we're going anywhere near anyone else, but I don't think so.....

    I'm back here on March 26, late at night.

    Have a great week everyone, and be good to your bod!

  • 19 years ago

    BJ, have a great time....watch out for the snow (Sunday?).

    I've done really well this week and may have lost a pound or two. Concentrating on eating healthy, low-point food. I also took 2 yoga classes and 1 'chair' yoga class. I think I can count that as some sort of exercise. Anything more strenuous, and I start coughing and a feeling of breathlessness.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend.

    [[[[[[[[[[[hugs]]]]]]]]]]]] to those who need them.

  • 19 years ago


  • 19 years ago

    Dearest Patti have the most wonderful birthday. You are such a source of inspiration and I would like to thank you for all that you bring to our family. No matter what is going on in your life, you always find the time to mention each one of us - you are special and I am so glad that you are part of this wonderful group. Here's to a great year for you and Dave.

  • 19 years ago


    I second everything Raeanne had to say above me.

    Love when you post, and I miss you (and Dave) when you're not around.

    Have a wonderful, blessed birthday!


  • 19 years ago

    Happy Birthday to you,
    Happy Birthday to you,
    Happy Birthday my dear wonderful friend Patti,
    Happy Birthday to you!!!!

    Love you, Besh


  • 19 years ago

    Happy B-day Patti! Raeanne took the words right out of my mouth. You're wonderfully thoughtful and make each one of us feel counted and loved.


    Just checkin' in b4 my trip! Besh and I are planning to meet up---pics are comin'!


  • 19 years ago

    BJ - I wanted to wish you a great trip. I am happy that you and Besh will be meeting up. Be safe.

  • 19 years ago

    Happy Birthday Dearest Patti, Raeanne could not have said it better! You are special to us. I hope you have a wonderful day and I wish you a year full of joy and great things. Hope you are doing something fun today!

    Besh/BJ, I am SO close to you two that I can't stand it. This couldn't be a worse week for me as it's deadline and I can't take any time. I might be able to meet up with you two if it's in the evening but it doesn't sound promising!
    Do you two have a plan yet?? Let me know.

    I have had two glorious days of winter riding and my mood is riding high. The horses were glad to get out and about and none of us care that we are all covered in slush and mud! It's a beauty here today.

  • 19 years ago

    Hi Suzanne,

    The plan is to get together Tuesday night, but it won't be until late because my DS has a concert. I don't know if this will work for you. ;-(


  • 19 years ago

    Thank-you all for all of the wonderful words that you had to say about me. I have loved it here for 6 years now almost & kind of hide out now & then when Dave is having his ups & downs b/c I think you might be tired of hearing about it. He was so kind to me today. We didn't have any money so we filled the car with gas & picked up our friends & took a road trip to Apollo Beach where the power plant is that the manatees stay at during the winter. It was such a surprise. He wouldn't say where we were going. Said friends picked up breakfast, lunch, & a t-shirt of the manatees. Much to my father's dismay, I forgot to take a camera. I have been so afraid that they would be completely extinct before I got over there to see them. We saw about 15. It was a lovely time.

    BJ~Have a safe trip. I know that you & Besh will have a great time together.

    Yesterday was the horse race over in Tampa. I wanted to be there so bad b/c they are going to have a horse racing in the KY Derby. Sun King is the name of the horse.

    Marci~Carrot cake is my dessert too. LOL Thanks for the beautiful gif.

    Gretchen & Tikanis~Great to see you posting.

    Gretchen~DS proposed around here & that was the last that I have seen of him in FL. LOL I have to go to TX if I want to see them.

    Shout out to everyone! Sending love your way & hoping that your spring started out as good as mine! (It was 79 degrees here!) Patti :)

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