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SS Daily Support, January 3 - January 9, 2005

20 years ago

Happy New Year! Time to dust off the diet books and get started once again!

Love, Besh

Comments (52)

  • 20 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Just checking in... Suzanne, I hope you are feeling better. Raeanne, that goes for you too. Headaches here are rare but really slow me down when I get them.

    Well, my NEW fridge stopped working last night and now I am waiting for the repair guy. Today is the first day of the semester for homeschool and we are off to a running start. Both of my businesses are well, busy today!
    Armed with my Good Carb cook book I am off to a running start on the diet front!
    Back later,


  • 20 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    HAPPY NEW YEAR my sisters!

    Amy, I hope you had a happy birthday and that the new year brings joy to you.

    I've only got a few minutes here on the computer. It took today off to take down the holiday decorations at home. We spent the weekend at my sisters home and had a wonderful time!!

    Suzanne, I hope you're feeling better.

    Today I started back on Weight Watchers, trying the Core Program this week. Our leader comes back to our office this Thursday for our next 10-week program. I wish I could weigh-in at the same weight as when she left in early December; however, that is not what happened. :-( I'm sure I've gained a few, but the good news is that I'm not giving up! BAck to the fitness center on Wednesday too.

    Take care, eat healthy, and NEVER NEVER GIVE UP!

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    UPDATE: Cassie's January 2005 Check In on Secret Pal


    Comments (98)
    Gullible-- The maroon base is that new "Fusion" paint by Krylon. (It's supposed to bond to plastic. I guess it works, since the planter was finished in June and spent the better part of the summer in the sun. So far, no peeling or anything.) As for the ivy, I stumbled on a bunch of sets of foam stamps at WM for cheap-cheap, then I just used that indoor/outdoor acryllic paint that you can buy super-cheap in the crafts dept at--where else?--WM (got a set of 24 colors, or something like that, for about $7). And I did the ivy tendrils freehand with the same paint. The hardest part of the whole process was rasslin' with that d*mn tire until I got it turned inside-out...wish I had a picture of that to share!!! Well, on second thought, maybe not *grin*. Rainbow-- I don't really do anything special for my plants. I guess the only thing I consider "special" is make sure everything gets a drink of MG on a regular basis (every one to two weeks, depending on what the weather is like). I have a daily routine, whereby, nearly every living thing around here gets watered first thing in the morning (while it's still *relatively* cool). First, guins and chickens are fed and watered, then keets/chicks if I've had a recent hatch. Make sure the float in the cattle trough isn't stuck and they have plenty to drink. Proceed to the greenhouse, water everything and pinch as necessary. Go to the screened-in back porch, water and pinch if needed; then work your way around the house, watering and pruning or pinching or deadheading as you go...'til I've gotten everything just so. I think the biggest thing, though, is getting everything watered early in the morning, when the plants are most able to take up the water. Most of my plants--except the ones on the back porch and the north side of my house--get full-blast Texas sun literally all day, from sun-up to around 6:00 or 7:00 in the evening. Even the things on the east side still get what is considered to be "full sun". If I'm just a few hours late with the water, you can tell...and if I'm not here for some reason and watering gets skipped just one day, I have to go into emergency mode to keep from losing everything... Thanks for all y'all's compliments...I'll be sure to post pix of my new bulb bed if it gives me the show I'm so hoping for. Best to all, Cheryl
    ...See More

    SS Daily Support - Mon. 1/10 thru Sun. 1/16


    Comments (43)
    Last 15 months: Dec 2003- Went ot Alaska for Christmas w/ my family, first time in 15 years. Wonderful. January 2004 - DH decided he needed to separate and went looking for a place of his own. I received emails, cards and support from my SS sisters and DH & I went to counseling and started some work. May 2004 - My yearly visit with my Kentucky family and MADDIE! Loved it and LOVE her. Spring 2004 - Exchanged a series of emails with DeeMarie and we learned a lot about each other. Very fun and lovely conversations. Beautiful person, she is. June 2004 - Surrendered my dog to keep my husband. Painful but necessary. Again, lots of support from here. Summer 2004 - Spent living in Alaska. Drove up and down the state and had a killer time. Loved it but was happy when I got home in the fall, then I got homesick for Alaska - lol. September 2004 - Went to NY and met Raeanne and her DH- visit too short and had TOO much fun! The people are so fantastic that we're thinking of moving to that coast in a few years! Scoping weather and property now. DH started 2nd year of law school - only 1 more to go after this. I started back to college to finish a degree I started many years ago. All children in school. Dec 2004 - Had DH's family here for holidays. So stressful, DH blew a gasket and almost left again. Back to counseling...and deal making. Lots better now that family's gone. January - Signed up for another college load; continuing to work toward that piece of paper I want. Becoming aware that time flies when you don't have any. Signed up at WW Core Program. Determined to lose weight and be healthy. Still here, after many years and still checking in really regularly. Planning a trip to east coast in March to scout a place to live when we finally move. KYSusie~ Good to hear from you. Keep on truckin' toward wellness. Back to the laundry and paper I'm supposed to be writing! Check in, everyone!
    ...See More

    SS Daily Support, December 6 -12, 2004


    Comments (48)
    OH MY - I missed so much and what a fun game too. We had a great time and I have a tan to prove it. I just had to get involved in this game, so I have also cut and pasted and will come back to answer the questions. I am off to water Yoga. I missed all of you. THE GAME, so far: DeeMarie 1) I wanted to become a nun when I was in 7th grade 2) I changed my first name when I turned 18 3) I used to sing with a rock band BJ 1. I auditioned for lead part in "Assassins" starring Sylvester Stallone. 2. I met my second husband on the Dating Game while working as a Technical Assistant. He was the bachelor. 3. I have been selected as a finalist in Food TV's "Be the Next Food Network's Star" contest. MAGICKITTY 1. Had a photograph published. 2. Spring breaked with Jack Nicklas for a week. 3. Went on tour w/ Ted Nugent for 3 mo. Selling T-shirts MADDIE 1) I had dinner with a Congresswoman/General Franks 2) I was a morning DJ on a local radio station that is now owned by Clear Channel 3) I skydived TIKANIS 1) Jerry Garcia once threw up on to my shoe 2) I did a back pack survival trip for 3 weeks in Colorado 3) both of my children have references to Elvis in their names BESH 1. Ran in the Boston Marathon 2. Competed in a wet tee shirt contest 3. Worked as a mall Easter Bunny MARCI 1 - I once shaved my head as a form of rebellion. 2 - I have never watched a Star Wars movie. 3 - I once ate a whole jar of pickles in one sitting PATTI 1. Won backstage pass to a Kenny G concert & got his autograph. 2. Did barrel racing in rodeos in TX. 3. Attended a barbeque on the set of Dallas. Suzanne 1. had dinner with Julia Child 2. I am a certified scuba and ice diver 3. Former Sec. of State, Madeleine Albright is my aunt Raeanne 1. I saw a UFO 2. I wrote manuals for Mayor Koch (NYC) 3. I survived a skyscraper fire
    ...See More

    SS Daily, 12/19/05 to Christmas 2005


    Comments (45)
    Hi Ladies (and gent!) I hope that everyone is enjoying the Holiday Season as much as I am! I am exhausted today but thankfully, I have the day off. DeeMarie, I am glad that you did not find yourself in a dental emergency for the Holidays. DS informed me last night that his other 2 wisdom teth are causing him trouble and he thinks that he has a new cavity. Raeanne, I feel for you! You have been operating on 'way too little sleep and it is bound to catch up with you. I hope you get at least a little rest today... So you did a little "stress munching" while your MIL was around, who could blame you? Hi Gretchen! Hi Besh! Maddie, I hope that YOU were able to get some rest later in the day! I also hope that you fulfilled some nice holiday dreams when you got home.. Donna, I hope that your day went off as planned. I fell asleep on the couch late Christmas Eve and slept right through our Midnight church service! Hey, Bj. Are you freezing your tookas off up there? Only you would vacation in Alaska in the winter Lol! I am glad that you are enjoying your family time. DS' GF came down from San Francisco for Christmas Eve. She stayed w/ her sis but spent the evening with us. She gave me a lovely black bag that she brought back from India.I gave both she and my son matching dvds of Pete n' Pete that they can watch together over the phone ( long distance relationship) I also gave her a nice pewter frame and then took a Christmas portrait of the 2 of them in front of the tree. Christmas day was AWESOME! Everyone arrived mid afternoon and we had our dinner buffet style (not enough room here) and opened gifts. My kids got me a DVD/VHS player and 6 movies! As time goes on. DD and I are becoming closer and closer. We have always been close, but I sense a deepening of our relationship. Has anyone else noticed this with adult children? And my DS was awesome, too. I echo Raeanne,; everyone have a stress free, fun day! ( this means you too Raeanne!!!) Tikanas
    ...See More
  • 20 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    A friend of a friend is a finalist in a Dunkin Donuts contest (I know, absurd on this site!). Can you please vote for this couple? They are adorable and could really us the prize.


    Click on New York Finalists
    Vote for 'JOHN & MICHELLE"


  • 20 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Happy New Year ALL!!!!!

    I stepped on the scales today and was down to 143.8. Not to bad, but, I was hoping to be at 135 by now. Oh well. Lets'have a weight loss challenge.

    I leave tomorrow. Please keep us and the girls in your prayers. I should be back to post on the 12th, unless I can find a internet cafe in Hawaii. I am going to miss the girls so much.

    Amy, I hope your birthday was the best.

    Gotta run.


  • 20 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi all!

    HAPPY HAPPY NEW YEAR!! It's great to be alive in 2005! :) I hope everyone had a great NY. We spend NYE with some friends at a restaurant, and it was lovely. Nice, calm way to end crazy 2004.

    Gretchen! Chicago rocks!! We spent Sat evening at Miller's Pub, and then went and saw Spamalot at the Shubert. OMG! Dee!!! You would have rolled -- Tim Curry played King Arthur, and Hank Azaria was Sir Lancalot, and honestly, it was the funniest thing I've ever seen. It comes to NYC this spring, and you've got to see it. (The Copacanbana scene with Hank in a huge cod-piece was enough to make you fall over!)

    Raeanne--how sad--my inlaws went through a fire in 98, and I know that MIL still grieves over family heirlooms that were lost. Thank G0d he got out!

    Yep--time to dust off the books, again. ERK! But, I am determined this time. I may never be a size 6 again, but by golly, I can be a lot better then what I am now!!!

    Jen's got a good idea--a challenge, anyone??

    Hi Amy!!! And happy birthday (late, as usual!!) (((hugs!!)))

    Hope all is well!



  • 20 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I'm up for a challenge, let's be a bit more accountable this year LOL.

    Dinner Menu was steaks on the grill with grilled portebellos and asparagus with a little olive oil and balsamic vinegar.

    I am going to knit tonight and keep my hands busy, so they don't wander into the refrig.

    Jen - Have a wonderful time, I will keep all of you in my thoughts.

    Maddie - I forgot you were going to Chicago, isn't it a great city? I love Hank Azaria - I am hooked on HUFF, my new favorite show. Sounds like you had a lot of good laughs.

    Dee - I voted for your friends friends LOL - that is so cute.

    Tikanis - At least the refrig is still under warantee - but how annoying is that - especially since you sound too busy to deal with it right now.

    I will check in tomorrow and hopefully will add a star for a cheat free day.

  • 20 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Challenge time? I'm in!!!!!!!!!!

    I brought all the leftover cookies and candy into work, where they reside on the other side of the office. Bon appetite to those who can use the calories. I'm off the stuff now....yogurt and fruit for breakfast!!

  • 20 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I am in on the challenge too. I had a cheat free day yesterday in spite of the mulitudes of candy and cookies that everyone brought in. RIGHT under my nose. Gad!!!!

    NH Suzanne *

  • 20 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I guess it's time to think about firming up our French Lick plans. Did we ever pick a definite date? I know we discussed the third weekend in April.

    NH Suzanne - Sounds like you are feeling better. Congrats on the star, unfortunately I won't be joining you. I had to have some pistachios last night - didn't eat enough at dinner. Today will be the day.

    DeeMarie - I was at the French Lick site, did you see that there's a train museum nearby - I thought of your DH.

    BJ - hope you're doing well, check in and let us know.

    I have to clean up my study, it became the catch all from the Holidays.

  • 20 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Speaking of French Lick. I have some potentially bad news. I have to be at a horse show in Richmond, Virginia from April 21st through April 25th. This show was moved back from last year and I remember thinking I would be okay but now it's been moved back and if I am not mistaken it's the tentative date for French Lick. Is there any way to move the date? Is it etched in stone?

  • 20 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    QOD: I am available the weekend of April 16/17, and 30/May 1. NOT available May 7/8,

  • 20 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Right now any of the weekends Dee mentioned work for me too. Should we try to decide by the end of the week what will work for everyone that is planning on going?

    April 16/17 - I prefer this weekend, but am flexible
    April 23/24 - Suzanne can't make it
    April 30/May 1

  • 20 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Congrats to all who are doing so well on their never-say-diets! Count me in too! Eggwhite omelette w/ veggies for breakfast, tuna w/lite mayo on celery, salad for lunch, Stir fry veggies,4oz cajun blackened Cod and homemade onion soup for dinner. N.F. yogurt for midday and eve. snacks. 1200 calories, 58 grams fiber, 31 g fat and 80 g. protein (according to Fitday.com) Did NOT work out : (
    Keep up the good work everyone!

    Announcement: Today is the day that my son Braeden will be posting to the "What's for dinner" thread on the Cooking Forum as part of his homeschool home ec. course. Twice a week Braeden will select a recipe from a certain variety of food, post his recipe and a photo of the finished product. He'll have the opportunity to ask the great cooks here for advice, critiques and talk about what he most liked about the dish. Tonight's dish is Pad Thai.
    If you get a chance, stop by that thread and say hi to my kid and put your 2 cents in! We worked hard to develop the curriculum and I think we'll have fun.

    QOD: I am availiable either of the last 2 weekends in April and most of May.

    Be strong, be well!


  • 20 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Tikanas/Suzanne, can you make it on 16/17?

    Here are the OK dates for those who responded:

    April 16/17 Dee, Raeanne
    April 30/May 1 Dee, Raeanne, Tikanas, Suzanne

  • 20 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    This may work better for Gretchen too, I think she had a conflict with the original date.

  • 20 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    By the way Gretchen - I think you have a lot of nerve revealing your truth and never following up on the story - I know Dave wants to hear all about it LOL.

    Tikanis - how clever - I wish I went to your school when I was a teen. My DD made Pad Thai last year for us and it was delicious. I will check out the cooking forum later.

  • 20 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Good Morning all......I am back home and back to work for now.

    Dee Marie - I called our post office and the man I talked to suggested that you contact your local post office and see if is there. He said 98% of the time, the package was too large for the mailman to deliver and left a notice that it was at the post office and was either lost or never left, so he said to start there...... please let me know.

    Well, on the diet front....I guess I am taking baby steps. Drank a lot of water yesterday and will continue today. I plan on exercising tonight. Water aerobics. I am looking for a website today on some specific moves I should do.

    I am not one for exercise, but my mottos are gonna be...."nothing tastes as good as thin feels" and "Feel the Burn"

    I also started on the Diet Pals thread.....and I see familiar names, so talk to you soon.


  • 20 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Magickitty - I do water aerobics 3 times a week. I started to write down some of my routine, but decided I better e-mail it to you - was getting too long.

    I made a cabbage vegie soup yesterday to help me get back on track.

    Dinner was Grouper with garlic, parmesan cheese, Emeril seasoning, olive oil, broiled and I made a creamed spinach that is topped with crispy shallots - it was delicious.

    I am proudly displaying my star today *

  • 20 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    My truth: Remember I was young and in college!

    I had quite the wild boyfriend during my college years. Treated me not very nice but oh I was madly in love. 6'4" long long blond hair....looked great. I did meet up with him a few years later...he was ready to commit...I was just starting to date my husband who would become my ex years later....oh well...enough about the old BF. Just had to set the mental picture for all of you.

    I went to college in Michigan and we decided to go the the beach one day. We went to what we thought was a secluded beach. Went with another couple too. We decided to lay in the sun au natural. Needless to say...a homeowner called the cops on us. Cops showed up and arrested each one of us for INDECENT EXPOSURE and trespassing. We were taken to jail and put in holding cells until we could post bail which was 1000.00. We found the number of a bondsman who bailed each of us out at 100.00 a shot. Can you imagine? LOLOL Had to get a lawyer who was able to get the charges reduced to trespassing. I have NEVER told my parents or kids about it.

  • 20 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Dee Marie,

    I think you will enjoy the Core program. I love it and have had great sucess with it. Our leader dropped another 10 pounds when she switched to Core. Let me know if you have questions along the way. I have a lot of the books and if you are wondering if something is Core or not. My fav brekky is ff plain yogurt with frozen fruit.

  • 20 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Gretchen, do you know if I can consider my ff, sugar-free, fruit yogurt as CORE?

    Thanks Magickitty, we are having an ice store for the next day or two. Our post office does not list phone numbers, so I'll have to ask DH to see about it on Friday (I work too far away to get there during open hours).

    Make this day count!

  • 20 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    OK, so I left the office at noon because of the bad weather, and what do I see on my front porch? Magickitty's package! IT ARRIVED! ...and what a wonderful package to open on such a rotten ice, cold day. A breath of warm air from Florida.

    First let me compliment Lynn....she is a wonderful lady who does not know the meaning of "tacky" (like MOST of us here! LOL). The ornament consists of seashells glued together with an adorable santa head in the center.

    The rest of my Florida package included

    Salt Water Taffy from Ft Myers (my stepdaughters will be fighting over those--should be gone in a week!),

    packages of orange, key lime, and coconut patties (coconut is my alltime favorite---I calculated it out to 4 WW points each!),

    Florida playing cards (which I will be taking along to Florida in March with DH, my sister and BIL),

    alligator jerky (DH will love that one!),

    a great keychain (to add to my 4lb collection--HA!),

    a bottle/glass holder to keep my drinks warm or cool (don't have one and will use it often),

    orange jam (another favorite of mine, DH and my in-laws!),

    a post card and sand dollar with the legend/history;

    various postcards (you will see them on the SS photo album; teeeheeee),

    and a lovely Tropical candle, which is burning now next to me while the sleet hits my office window--reminds me of my cruises!

    What a lovely package, Lynn! Please thank your DH for mailing it; it was sooooo worth the wait!

    Marci, look for the pictures in your e:mail soon!

  • 20 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago


    Your FF Sugar Free fruit yogurt could be Core. Let me look at the book when I get home. What is the brand name? I have gotten into buying plain FF yogurt, adding frozen berries and splenda. The frozen berries defrost in the yogurt and the juices from the berries are awesome. You could also consider a smoothie of frozen fruit, orange juice and some plain FF yogurt. YUMMMMMMMM

  • 20 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi Folks
    Well I have committed back to complete Level 1 SS - I lost all my weight on that 4 years ago and I will do it again!!! (just not so much this time). So far
    I am OK for either of the dates for French Lick
    Had a quiet NYE but it was lovely with a few friends.
    Glad to get back to normal though. Back to curling and of course very happy Team Canada won the World Junior Hockey Tournament.
    Did we ever draw for Bdays for 2005 - if so I missed it (what else is new) - let me know if I'm in or out and who it is

    Thanks to all of you for putting up with me - I'm really not as ditzy as I sound!!!!! (ask Patti!!!)


  • 20 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Dee - The pictures are in the album!

    I also posted a picture of my great "witchy" ornament from Besh. I sent a picture of my tacky ornament to Maddie.

    DD and I are headed out to finish shopping for her back to school trip on Sunday. One roommate moved out already (she transferred back home) and took half the kitchen stuff (some of which belonged to me!) with her.

    I'll check in later.

  • 20 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi all!

    Either date would be fine with me, but I'd hafta pic the 4/30-5/1 if I had to chose one.

    You know, I was thinking that if we didn't do a birthday exchange, how would you all feel about doing a 'secret pal' one? I'd do it (so I'd know who mine was, but...), and I was thinking that this lady would be your secret pal all year, to do with as you would, and then keep her for Christmas, and revael yourself then. Although, return addresses would completely wipe the 'secret' out. Hmmmm...

    Well, I'm doing Body for Life, and it's my 3rd day. I haven't been able to make it to the gym b/c my car won't start, and it's been raining like mad since last Friday. I don't think it's anything serious. but keep your finger's crossed!



  • 20 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Maddie - I was also thinking of trying to come up with something different for the birthday exchange. Let's keep the ideas coming until we come up with something that we all agree on. I wouldn't mind coordinating it again either. I like the idea of keeping the same partner for the whole year.

    About French Lick - I have already put my notice in to work to get the weekend of the 21st off. If you guys change the date, I will just have to see if the sub is available then and let you know. Also, one of my coworkers has already requested 2 days in April off, so I would have to check to see when those dates are. So pick the date based on everyone else's schedule and I will do my best to make it work.

    It is pouring here. I shudder to think how much shoveling we would be doing if all this had been snow. I just want to get DD safely back to school this weekend and then it can snow all it wants!!

    Raeanne - I just signed up to take a knitting class. Too bad we weren't closer, you could teach me. I just want to learn the basic stitch, so I can make some of those scarves with the eyelash or other novelty yarns. Figured I could knit in my rocking chair in my old age.

    Speaking of old age. One of my students told me that I didn't look old. I asked her what did I look like? She said that I looked normal. LOL So now we have a running joke among the 3 teachers. Everytime something goes wrong, they say ask Marci, she is the only normal one! (I am the only one of the 3 of us who doesn't have gray hair. So I think that is why the little girl said that. LOL)

    They are too funny! But I love them.


  • 20 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi Everyone,

    I wanted to stop by and say hi. I got my new keyboard. I used to have trouble reading everything because my eyes got sore. Now that I'm covering a couple of other forums, it's even harder, but I don't want to lose the contact, so I'm going to come by more often even if I can't read everything.

    Did I tell you I gave up the comic I was working on? I had a disagreement with the person whose idea it was about a couple of themes, so I pulled out of it. I think he is upset with me now for not appreciating some of his ideas.

    Does anyone remember that person I met in UruLive (an online game)? I was concerned about staying with the relationship because he was so unhappy. I ended up staying with it, and we've known each other a year now. He has been very kind and enjoyable, so it has worked out well so far.

    BJ, I didn't get that email you referred to. I sent you one via the forum here. Did you get that one? I'll update my profile (tomorrow). I probably have an old one listed. I changed recently, and I imagine you have my old one.

    Speaking of gray hair, I may color mine soon, but not sure what color to go with. I seem to be caring more about how I look these days.

    Thank you for the cards I received over the holidays. I regret to say that has not been one of my strong qualities, but I was still grateful and moved to get them.

    Maddie, I still have the pic of your kitties taped to my closet door, even though you don't have them all anymore. I have other pictures up there, too. We have some lovely people here, inside and outside, too.

    Still hanging in there.


  • 20 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Good Morning All,

    Amy, glad to hear you are doing well and will check in more often.

    Marci, you don't look old to me either!! I like the idea of having the same partner all year too. I must say that I have no good ideas that are different. I have no idea how a Secret Pal thing works.

    Maddie, can you enlighten me on a Secret Pal??? Cut me a break, I just had my first Yankee Swap last year!! LOL

    It snowing here and the ground looks like it's covered with diamonds! It's just beautiful I love mornings like this. When I am walking to the barn all the ground is a glitter and it's so quiet and dark except for the reflection of the Christmas lights in the barn window. It's a diamond life for this girl!!

    French Lick, the 30th-1st date would work best for me. I know that whatever date it is will not work for everyone but that's where I am at! I really hope it works out!

    DeeMarie, I am so glad that you finally got your package from Lynn. I could feel her pain over it not arriving on time! Sounds like it was full of goodies too.

    So much for my resolve to eat properly!! Yesterday I went completely off the deep end at work! I can hardly believe it when I think of it now! Makes me shudder to think about it LOL. I have to make today better even though it's DROP DEAD day!!! UGH

    DeeMarie and Raeanne, are you listening to Crazy Cabbie on the phone with Howard? It sounds like he's gone off the deep end and is paranoid schizophrenic (sp?) It's weird and I don't think he's acting. They just went to break and they are calling the Staten Island police to come take him to a hospital.

    The state of New Hampshire had a telethon yesterday to raise funds for the New Hampshire Red Cross for relief funds for the Tsunami victims. It was hosted by our major news station WMUR. We raised an amazing $600,000 which is really heartwarming for such a small state!

    I will check in later.

    NH Suzanne */(*) = ZERO!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • 20 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I'm listening now to Howard, Suzanne. Cabbie is either nuts or he's looking for ratings! Hope he gets some help if he needs it.

    Gotta close up this laptop in a bit; I've been working from home this morning. Now, it looks as though it's warmed up a bit to melt the ice outside, so I think I can start out for work in about an hour.

    Stay warm!!!

  • 20 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Here are the OK dates for those who responded:

    April 16/17 Dee, Raeanne

    April 30/May 1 Dee, Raeanne, Tikanas, Suzanne, Maddie, Joanne, Marci (we hope!)

    I seem to remember Gretchen responding, but I cannot find it now.....

  • 20 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    April 30/1 for me, if I can make it. The future is so unpredictable.

    Things have been a tad unbalanced around my place, so I'm sorry for not checking in. Also, sorry for the short note. I hope to get on here soon and catch up on posting.

  • 20 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    DEE MARIE - I am doing a happy dance right now..... I was almost in a panic. I felt so awful about it and all kinds of ideas popped into my head because I was new to this thread and just felt like I made a bad impression thinking that everyone thought I did not send anything etc.... see where I am going with this.....maybe I should check into the hospital with cabbie.... LOL, just kidding. But whoa, what a relief it is for me that you got it. I love those Yankee candles....I just want to take a spoon to the one I sent you and eat it up.
    Thank you NH Suzanne for feeling my pain. It is over now.
    I am trying to drink my water again today. I will be floating away from my desk by this afternoon, but oh it will be good for me.

    Have to get back to work. BJ hope to hear from you soon. I will be making the pasta you sent tonight, prior to my carb mixing. Do not want to waste anything.

    Take care.....


  • 20 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Magickitty, pulllleeeezzzzeeeee.....you did not make a bad impression. LOL No one could blame anyone if a package did not arrive during a Christmas rush! Thank you again!!! :-) Did you see the picture on Marci's site? DH can't wait to get his spoon into that honey marmi!!

    BJ, hope things settle down at home.

    Just got back from Weight Watchers' meeting. Very inspiring; gets me back into the fighting machine mode!

    As I was fighting with the ice on my car this morning, I was thinking about Jen sitting on that beach in Hawaii. I'll bet Erica and Tara are having a ball getting spoiled!

    Check in everyone!

  • 20 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Magickitty - I sent you an email yesterday about water aerobics, let me know if you received it.

    BJ - (((((HUGS))))) if you need them or not. We miss you and we need a new game going here.

    NH Suzanne - I wasn't able to listen to Howard this morning - but WOW. I will have to try to listen tomorrow.
    That really is a lot of money from your state to raise - how heartwarming. A secret pal is someone that you send cards and little gifts to throughout the year - without them knowing who you are. Card stores even have cards for this LOL.

    Amy - always good to hear from you. Let us know what hair color you decide on - but I have to tell you that I think your gray hair is gorgeous, not everyone can pull it off like you.

    Marci - I don't think I'm the one to give knitting lessons. I started with 35 stitches and ended up with 47, my DH actually thought it would make a great scarf, because it was already curved LOL. I ripped it out and started over and it's looking much better.

    Maddie/Marci - I love the secret pal idea, but I thought about the postmark being a dead giveaway too and that it would'nt be fair to the person organizing it. We could actually divide the list in half and let 2 people organize it, so that they wouldn't know who has them (does that make sense?), but maybe we don't have a large enough group to do that with. I will think about it some more.

    I just got info on my next Women's Wellness Weekend. If you have ever heard of Natural Health Magazine, they are the ones presenting it this year - so it will be much different from the past. The physical part of the program includes OM Yoga for Women and Belly Dancing - I certainly have the belly.

    I did my water aerobics this morning. It's snowing at a pretty steady clip and the roads are a bit slick - it may change to freezing rain later.

    I have been very hungry today. I had soup for breakfast and tuna salad on greens for lunch and I will be snacking soon.

    They served wine at my art class last night and I resisted - makes me feel a bit in control of myself when I do that.

    Will check in later.

  • 20 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    The post mark would be a definite give away. I don't see how it could be secret. I can see however how it can work in an office atmosphere.

    Yes, BJ give us another fun game to play, I wouldn't mind playing two lies and a truth again! It was fun in spite of Raeanne's and my failure to follow instructions!

    Raeanne, you sound busy! Keep up the good work! How can you resist wine? Honestly!!

    It's been snowing all day and it's just gorgeous, white and fluffy. I am sure the drive home will be challenging but I don't mind at all. We are not expecting any changeover here in the Monadnock Region. We have our own little atmosphere here. It always snows more, is colder, rains more, etc than any place in So. NH. It's kind of neat!

  • 20 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi All
    Snow and freezing rain here not very nice at all.
    Amy - I missed your Birthday - A GREAT BIG HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!!!

    **** - Feeling good so far - when i feel like cheating I pick up my SS book and read another Chapter. - good thing I have 4 of these books!

    Glad to see I wasn't losing my mind about the Birthday Exchange. It would be nice to do a Secret Pal thing but I agree, how do we get around the address thing?
    Take care

  • 20 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi goils,

    I checked with my coworker and she is taking some days off in early April. So if the sub can work, the 30/1st would work for me.

    Raeanne - When I signed up for the knitting class, they were also offering a knitting for kids. I figured if a kid could learn to knit, so could I! LOL I tried to crochet a scarf once and the scarf went from wide to narrow by the time I got done with it. My stitches just kept getting tighter and tighter. But my sister said I only have to learn one stitch and that knitting these scarves is a cinch, so I am "semi-confident" that I can do it. LOL

    The flu has hit the preschool hard. We only had 12 kids in our afternoon class today and quite a few were missing yesterday too. It was so quiet today. We gave them an extra 25 minutes of play time and they loved it. We started registration on Monday and as of today, we only have 7 spots left for next year (we take 84 in all). I feel bad turning people away, but that is the way it goes. We register on a first come first serve basis. When we got to school on Monday, the parking lot was already filled and people were "camped" out with chairs and their mugs of coffee. The first 2 people in line had twins to register and wanted to make sure they got in the morning class. We ended up with 5 sets of twins registered for next year. Must be something in the drinking water!! LOL

    Patti - DS is in St. Pete right now. I don't know what I am wishing for. I guess I just want what is best for him and if this job is meant to be then I will just have to accept it and wish him well. I am sure his DGF doesn't want him to go. She just got accepted to law school in Pittsburgh and doesn't want to move just yet. I will keep you posted though, because if he does get the job, we will definately have to meet.

    I do have a suggestion for the secret pal idea, but it would involve help from family members. When each person is ready to mail their secret pal something, they would have to email another person on this thread and ask them to email their partner to be on the look out for a package or envelope. Then whoever is receiving the package/envelope would have to ask a family member to intercept the package and cross out the post mark and/or return address before they see it. For example: if Raeanne were my partner, I could email Dee and Dee would alert Raeanne. Raeanne could then let hubby know that a package was coming and to intercept it first. What do you think? (Can you tell I am detail oriented? LOL)

    Is anyone reading anything interesting right now? I have 3 B&N gift cards to spend and wondered if anyone was reading a good book or could suggest one. I checked over on Reader's Paradise and got some suggestions, but I thought I would ask here too.

    Amy - It was good to hear from you. Have you added anything new to your art websites lately?

    Maddie - Did you get my email with picture? Just wondering, as I wasn't sure I had your current email addy.

    I am going to go put my feet up and drink a cup of tea. This has been a long week.


  • 20 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago


    I am supposed to be writing checks and paying bills right now, but I get easily sidetracked!

    April 16/17 is best for me as far as French Lick goes, but I am not sure I can even commit to that. My FIL is not doing great, so I have no idea what will be going on by then. So please, just plan with whatever is best for the majority and if I can join you I would love to, but at the moment DH and I are not making any long range plans for anything. ;-(

    We got a lot of snow today and then it turned to rain, so now we have a lot of messy slush. Yuck. I was hoping for a snow day for tomorrow, but it is not looking like that will happen. Boo.

    My diet plans have not been going too well. I was doing so great on the Fat Flush plans prior to Christmas. I even started getting compliments. I need to take out that book and get motivated again. I felt really good while I was doing it.

    Marci, The Kite Runner is supposed to be very good, although I have not read it yet. My boss is reading it now and loves it. I am in my Young Adult reading mode right now, so I can't really recommend a book to anyone over the age of 14! LOL Right now I am reading "Angus, thongs and full frontal snogging". Too funny.

    The secret pal plan sounds a little too confusing for me. Rather than it being a secret, maybe we could just do like we did a couple of years ago, and just send something whenever you wanted, rather than it having to be a birthday. Any maybe at Christmas just do another ornament exchange. Just a thought.

    I should get busy and do my bills before it is time for bed. Have a great evening. Hello to everyone.

    Love, Besh

  • 20 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Good Morning All,

    We got a nice snow fall of around 8" and no sleet or freezing rain! It's very pretty out. On my way to the barn I saw some fox tracks in the snow. I am sure he/she was out trying to find an unsuspecting field mouse!

    The secret pal idea sounds confusing to me too. Especially since I would have no one to intercept anything as DH is away all week. I like Besh's idea the best so far but I am still trying to think of something fun and clever. BJ??????? Check in girl with some good ideas!

    I survived deadline day yesterday. I was actually done before 3pm! Unheard of. I was home before 4pm! In time to shovel the pretty white stuff in the light. Today will be an easy day.

    Besh, I am not doing so hot this week either! I had one stellar day and then I caved in at the office when someone brought a huge pile of homeade christmas cookies. I am hoping that next week will be more focused. I am still a SBD fan, it's so easy yet those carbs keep calling me!!

    I will check in later.


  • 20 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    FRENCH LICK -- 'OKs':

    April 16/17 Dee, Raeanne, Besh

    April 30/May 1 Dee, Raeanne, Tikanas, Suzanne, Maddie, Joanne, Marci & BJ (we hope!)

    Gretchen, can you please check back in with your response to this?

  • 20 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I that I had posted a long time ago that I wouldn't be able to do the 16-17 because I will be in CA for my DS's Police Academy Graduation. The other dates might work but I am not sure. I am iffy if I can even go at this point.


  • 20 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Looks like we have 6-8 for April 30 - the weather should be warmer then. Are we missing anyone? When this is definite I will let Zig know about it. I wonder if KY Susie would want to join us - since she is so close and I guess we should wait for Jen to return from Hawaii to see if she can come too.

    I am still on track with eating and exercising.

    I have been trying to limit my fat intake as well as bad carbs. Yesterday I ate the entire day - luckily it was legal food.

    I am off to the gym.

  • 20 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Dee Marie:

    Your yogurt is not Core. You need to eat plain, sf, ff and mix other things into it. Hope that helps!


  • 20 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Good Morning,

    Besh - The Kite Runner is one of the books I have on my list. I never would have picked this one out on my own, but the reviews are glowing. Thanks for your input. Have you ever read A Northern Light by Jennifer Donnelly? This book was mentioned several times on Reader's Paradise and since it is young fiction, I thought you might have read it or heard of it.

    Why don't we just go ahead and sign up for the birthday exchange and work out the details later? I will post on Monday and start the ball rolling.

    DS came home from St. Pete and says he was tentatively offered the job. HR has to work out the package deal and it will be formally offered to him later this week. He has mixed feelings about moving and leaving DGF. I don't know what is going to happen for sure, but I think he will accept.

    DD leaves to head back to college tomorrow and DH leaves for a week in Toledo on Monday morning. This old house sure will be quieter than it has been. DS is going to continue to work his present job until he makes his decision. He has been working 12-15 hour days, so even though he will be home, I won't see much of him. Guesss I will get some books read and maybe even some projects started and/or completed.

    I am heading out to run errands and then come home and help DD finish her laundry and packing. Oh the fun never stops.


  • 20 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hello All,

    It's snowing again here and it's just lovely.

    I have been in the barn all morning. I had an appt with the vet to do another biopsy on Sweet P's eye as the first one was inconclusive. :( The vet was supposed to be there at 10:30 and SP and I were ready and waiting, and waiting, and waiting..............so she and I went for a walk in the woods in the snow. We would stop and she would snack on hemlock which the horses enjoy in winter. It was fun. I love walking in softly falling snow and being with SP was the best. It's so quiet. Real bonding time. Finally, the vet came at 1:00pm!! She did a major biopsy and it was quite bloody. Poor SP was an excellent patient today. It's done and hopefully we will know what this thing is soon. Vet is pretty sure it's a flat sarcoid, nothing life threatening just a mess if it gets out of control and a little stubborn to get rid of. It's exactly what Casey had this summer.........what are the odds?

    I am in for the rest of the day. It's getting deeper out there! I think I will snuggle up with my Siamese sons,light a fire and maybe nap.

  • 20 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    It's almost 10pm and still snowing. I have to tell you all how beautiful it is. It's quiet, except for the sound of snow falling. It's not too cold and it's really a winte wonderland. I am almost overcome with the beauty around me and I wish I could share.

  • 20 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Suzanne - that is what it was like around here last night and today the snow is clinging to the trees - breathtaking. Will keep positive thoughts for SP.

    We have a restaurant in town that has a fire roaring and a kettle of soup on the fire and when it snows like it did last night, everyone gathers there. It's a lot of fun, good atmosphere, you see people that you haven't seen in ages and a lot of laughs. We didn't go last night, as I made a gourmet meal for a late dinner. It was pork loin stuffed with a spinach stuffing (almost legal - just a tad of breadcrumbs - not counting it as a cheat LOL). It was so beautiful and so delicious.

    Marci - I hope you are enjoying your quiet day - you do know it's only temporary LOL.

    I went to water yoga this morning and then hit the spa for a little jacuzzi and sauna - I feel so good. I vacuumed the house and I'm on my 2nd load of laundry and will do a bunch of paperwork today. DH is heading to CT for the day - so it's quiet around here too.

    Eat healthy today.

  • 20 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi Guys!

    Well, after the light dusting of snow that we had yesterday. It snowed last night and it's sticking now.

    The little ones bundled up in snow pants and the rest and headed out. They got their fill of snow, had hot choc and brownies and are vegging out now.

    On Friday, we hosted the neighborhood teens for a couple of movies, pizza, dino-nuggets and chat about whatever teens like to talk about. Then we built a fire and roasted a few marshmallows. After driving everyone home, we enjoyed the fire until it burned out.

    Tikanas: How's the vegan meal planning coming along with DS? I have to check out the cooking forum, I guess.

    Saturday, I spent fixing up a leg-o-lamb for company. I served it with roasted peppers and onions, with a big greek salad on the side. Appetizers were yellow and orange peppers wrapped in prosciutto and Soppressata salami and Asiago cheese bundles. It was all yummers and then we had a few pistachios and tiny, tiny brownies for dessert, along with some homemade hot buttered rums-----HEY!- it IS winter time here!

    I have been good with my diet and exercise all week and am down a pound. I decided to have fun one day a week and not beat myself up about it.

    From the beginning of the year, I just made myself a deal that, during 6 days of the week, I'll pose the question, "Is this GOOD for my body?" before I eat anything. The 7th day, I don't have to ask the question or go traveling on a guilt trip. I am tired of spending the last 8 years on a diet and am seeing how this works for me.

    The winter snow brightness has brought DH's mood back out of the depressions he faces in the winter overcast here, so things around the house are cheerier for now. Besh -as Jimmy Buffet would say, "I WANNA GO WHERE IT'S WARM!" lol. Just some constant sunlight would be great!

    Raeanne~ I have to thank you for the card, you sweet thing. You always brighten my day. You are such a thoughtful gal. ((((((((((Love ya)))))))))) Thanks so much. I am here today; I have at least 12 loads of laundry to do. Our family company left and there are sheets, towels, bedding, etc, etc, etc. I wish I had a BIG table to fold on! Why are laundry rooms so durned small?

    Marci~ I am supposed to read some specific books for the Expressions in Writing class I'm taking. I'll pass them on to you if they're good. One I read this summer was Knight in Rusty Armor. It'd be good for lots of guys I know to read! It's very easy to read and cute and reflective.

    In other news, my ex has decided to marry the girl he left his most recent wife for. They keep getting younger. (((SIGH))) Anyway, almost exactly 1 year after he divorced the last one, he's marrying again. I fear he'll never settle down, but he is super committed to our 2 girls, and they to him, so that's the best I can hope for. Neither DD is big on marriage, though, and I can see why!

    NHSuzanne~ Sister Gift with Words - You paint a calm picture. Thank you for the vision.

    My thought on the birthday exchange is that it should be easy. We're all busy chicks and we want to stay connected with ease. But I'd love to have a b-day pal and then ANOTHER pal that I could send cards and trinkets to on and off over the year. Fun mail is FUN mail! I'll go with the flow as long as I don't have to organize it! -------
    ((((THANKS MARCI and MADDIE for all you do!))))))

    Joanne and Gretchen! LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU! Thanks for checking in!

    Well, I better get something done around here!

    PS: John, we miss you -- still.

  • 20 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Good Evening..... I am just popping on to say hello.

    NH suzanne.....I do love your picturesque words.... I love snow when it is falling. I do hope Sweet Pea recovers quickly.

    Raeanne - thank you for the water aerobic info. I will try them.

    I did get quite a bit of exercise this weekend, not how I wanted to, but got some. DH and I started yard clean-up for our friends in Punta Gorda who were hit by the hurricane. They intended to do it, but have not been able to make it down. 10 big black lawn bags and stacks of wood later, we may have made a dent in it. But boy oh boy did my back and the back of my legs hurt. So out of shape. We took it easy today.

    Talk to you this week.


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