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Diet Pals 22-28 March - Yippeeeee Its Spring!!!

20 years ago

Today was weigh day and I am down 1/2 pound. Was hoping for more but it is slow and steady. No complaints, feeling great, looking fab and on my way to where I want to be.

Will ensure to have a light breakfast this morning, fruit at lunch and something with protein at dinner. I know I probably don't eat enough meats but I try to compensate with my dairy products. I find meat heavy.

If I were doing regular exercise I know it would be more every week but soon it will be warm enough to do garden digging and yard work - when the weather hits, I am seldom indoors. Really should get out more at this time so I think it will be lunch time walking (and NOT to the nearby mall).

Can't wait for my fruit salad at lunch - I really enjoy it.

I hope everyone has enjoyed their weekend. Picking up from Sat's thread -

what has been your motivation to carry on?

looking forward to new clothes?

more energy?

better health?

a special event?



Comments (22)

  • 20 years ago

    grumble grumble - I'll take that 1/2 pound! I am discouraged but heading to the doctor Friday so I'll hang in there. I should be in a fine mood and if that doctor gives me a lecture I might tell him where to jump and it's fat! The weather here is windy and cold. The wind's blown since Saturday afternoon! Not just a light breeze - the wind has picked trash right out of the can and blown it down the hill. We had snow showers yesterday - come on spring!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kathy_PA who needs a long walk in the sunshine or a pizza

  • 20 years ago

    I didn't dare step on my scales this morning! I'm waiting till my usual Wednesday morning weigh-in! Last week's Spring Break turned out to be a break from eating smart. I'm hoping that getting back to work today will also get me back to eating right, and my weigh-in won't be too shocking.

    The weather here has been lovely. I need to finish mowing this evening after work (and after my walk). I didn't accomplish much during my week off. Just a lot of goofing off and listing sales on Ebay.

    I hope it's a rewarding week for everyone!

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    Hello All! I just wanted to post a thank you to my Secret Pal! My March package came today and I was thrilled to see it! It was just chock full of wonderful stuff! A big package of scrapbooking stuff, a birdie windchime that I just love, some plant labels that will come in VERY handy, also a cute little bunny statue and a bunny trinket box (both for Easter, but I can still use them out in the garden later). And a nice card! I also want to let my Secret Pal know that I have been sticking very conscientiously to my diet, and have actually lost some weight, so I want to say a BIG thank you for NOT sending Easter candy! LOL I would not have been able to resist! I was really glad to hear that you do winter sowing! I do too! I have loads of containers out there, but the weather this week has been above freezing for the first time in months, so I do not have any sprouts yet :( I'm glad to hear that you have been busy planting your hunks of seedlings. Hope they do well for you. The snow is finally melting off my garden beds, and I have crocuses blooming! Also, lots of little green shoots coming up. It's so wonderful to see the garden waking up again after its long sleep. We might get more snow tonight, but at this point it probably won't last long! I sure hope so anyway. Thanks so much Secret Pal, you are the best! Alison
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    melissa.mmm...thanks SO much for the recipe, they look wonderful...I am going to need the no calorie day after eating them..LOL I think I would like a " no cost " day....could Buy anything you wanted ...just for one day...oh, I am dreaming too...LOL Ok, I dont know if I can type it ALL, BUT I just recd my box, and WOW, did Pixie spoil me !! I recd pond plants..which I am gonna surprise hubby with for his pond. A cute card with two mystery seeds SEVERAL named cannas, and in PINK, which is my fav plant color.. Lots of great chocolate two little chocolate bunny statues..they are too cute ! a mini greenhouse with pellets to grow my mystery seeds CHOCOLATE MINT GERANIUM, for my choc garden... some Iris and daylilies Shasta daisy and some great recipes and recipe cards... I am so thankful for all of this wonderful stuff to enjoy...thanks soo much !! Oh, and a nunch of seeds... I think I need to send a bit more to my buddy next month, I thought we were to stick to the list...now I know better ! Thanks for making my day !!!
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    Daily Support Mon. 2/22 thru Sun. 2/28


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    NHSuzanne - I usually poke the h*ll out my baked potatoes, because the exact same thing happened to me once, only it exploded in the microwave! Hope Sweet Pea continues to improve. Is your electric back on? I just bought some peanut butter and jelly to have on hand. I started eating the Smuckers natural peanut butter and now I can't eat any other kind. I love peanut butter on apples, bananas or English muffins. I just read that the tsunami missed Hawaii. Thank goodness. Those poor people in Chile. I have a cold and my back is aching for various reasons. So I confess that I slid off the wagon (felt sorry for myself) and ate some junk this week. I will have to start over with the stars. :~( At least I refrained from buying anything junky at the store today. We got another 6 inches yesterday and it has been snowing all day. But at least the snow today isn't sticking to the roads. February 2010 is now officially the snowiest February in Pennsylvania since they started keeping track of the weather. Marci Marci
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    March Healthy check in


    Comments (14)
    We were alcohol-free for January, but we did have some wine in Feb, but limited. We had the snow days, and well, it was a good excuse for some wine. I am still getting the complimentary weight training sessions, and they have really helped. Every time I put on my pants, they feel better. I ordered online two additional pairs in grey and brown of the same style I bought in-store in black, and the one pair was much smaller. Well, now they fit. I have not weighed myself, but i know I am down at least 5 lbs from January, probably more based on how the brown pants didn't fit. I am still doing WW tracking and trying to increase my overall daily physical activity. My spring break week is the week after next, so I look forward to being active and attending my favorite Zumba class. I should probably make an appointment to check my thyroid and Vitamin D levels. I will still need the repeat colonoscopy, but I plan to do that in May when school gets out.
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  • 20 years ago

    It has been a day filled with 'I want'...so I have had lots of hot drinks. Picked up some LOVELY fruit and I am actually making fruit salad tonight for the next few days at lunch. Had a hot 'dinner' lunch and having fruit and Special K for dinner (Love the CRUNCH). If I am still hungry, will have a slice of cinnamon fruit toast (smaller sized loaf and NO fat).
    We all have those moments but I keep thinking - where do I want to be this summer? Why am I doing this? What do I want to look like? If I cave for this moment will I regret it?

    By the time the water boils and I walk back to my desk for a cuppa tea, the moment has passed.
    Thank goodness!

    Cheers, hope everyone is hanging in there. Kathy, totally understand your frustrations - if the doc says anything - tell him to get stuffed (hahahahahahahaha) and leave out the basting sauce (Hahahahahahahaha) - you are on the right track already and Rome Wasn't Built in a Day - then again - it wasn't females building it - was it? Your doc a guy? Is this person slim?



  • 20 years ago

    Oh heck yeah he is slim and a short Indian vegetarian to boot! All the gals who work in his office but one are chunky/fat so at least he is not surrounded by broomsticks to compare me to. My grandma had a fat doctor - how smart she was! Every fat person in town went to him. Lol.
    Hopefully it will be warm soon and this wuss can get outside and walk some miles. My older dog has gained 5 pounds from not walking!
    I am munching frozen strawberries today - try them for a sweet treat. 2/3 cup has only 50 calories (which for WW should be about 1 point). Lunch was a WW bagel with very little diet marg. because it called my name. I just shook my head when hubby had a bagel AND cereal for breakfast. Supper will be crockpot pot roast without the potatos for me. I am wearing THOSE pants again to ward off a binge from being disgusted. So far so good. Thanks for the support. Kathy

  • 20 years ago

    Kathy, I was ready on the health discovery site about plateaus...very interesting point about not having enough of the RIGHT fat in your diet compared to NO FAT at all...I almost zero'd out all fats completely and plateaued for almost 3 weeks. Okay, the body has changed but I realized I was not taking in any fats...so I have added a teaspoon of olive oil based margarine on my toast. That article I believed referenced another site about old WW stuff on balancing your types of food - again it all comes down to a balanced diet. This has always been a challenge for this bread loving, comfort food person! Fruit I have to think about (even though I enjoy it), I could go vegetarian but I still enjoy beef, chicken, pork, ham...I choose low fat cuts or cut the fat out with SCISSORS...especially on bacon, ham.
    As for your doc - tell him you are seriously working on it. I mean gee whiz, what does this guy want? Some folk are just slim - I just look at peanut butter and it glues itself to my hips! And beer, well, it goes there too!
    Have never tried frozen strawberries - sounds good to me. Probably go good with frozen banana slices too.
    MaryAnn, sometimes ya just need a break from things. You are back and posting - that's great. Keep on with this and you will get there eventually. Did you enjoy yourself? Read any good books or go to any movies?
    I should get my butt upstairs and start my bed routine...there are new library books calling my name next to my fluffy pillows...not to mention that tickling, vibrating sonic toothbrush I have (it's hilarious - vibrates all over the place and makes me laugh). Okay, I know I really have to get out more when a toothbrush causes this much excitement in my day!
    Cheers everyone!


    Here is a link that might be useful: Weight Watcher Support Site (good tips for all)

  • 20 years ago

    I haven't checked in much because I'm not having any luck at loosing now. I know it is because DH and I go out and eat too often. This weekend we are leaving for a little trip so it will be even worse.

    McPeg, women didn't build Rome but it would have been built much better if we had. ; )

  • 20 years ago

    If we had there would have been a longer weekend...because it would have been done sooner!
    So, how was your day so far? I am at the end of mine...just had dinner and a delivery of WW Cappucino bars (rice crispie type bars flavoured like cappucino and light cover of chocolate). They aren't too bad. Cutting back on fruit tonight...been over doing it and my body told me off today....lunch fruit salad only (I have a big one) with my yogurt. Some days I feel really hungry and it has been building the last few days but I just realized where my woman's clock is in it's cycle and fully understand now that I think about it.
    Oddly enough...I have caught up at work and not being busy I have been running for lots of hot drinks today and fighting urges to eat.
    Glad to see folk checking back in - I miss everyone when you are away. Beverly - good or bad we are here for ya and don't forget you are only human after all. Don't beat yourself up...just take it one day at a time.
    Anyone see BigMama lately? Hope things are fine.
    Looking forward to getting to snuggling in bed with my book soon and heading off to la la land.
    Cheers everyone!


  • 20 years ago

    Hi everyone,
    Haven't posted in a while, but I have been reading everyday. You guys keep me motivated!
    I am happy to report that I have been staying on track, been walking an hour every day, the weather has been just beautiful! Still been eating healthy, went in for my dr. appts. I was pleased that all my lab work came out fine, I was worried about my cholesterol, it was fine, blood pressure was perfect, yay! It seems taking off even 10 pounds can make a difference. Talk about insentive!
    I am down 19 pounds, have about 40 to go, I know it will happen.

    Regarding McPeg's post what motivates you, for me I think it is a combination of wanting to feel and look better. I can't believe how much better I feel so far, I can't even imagine how good I'll fell when I get to my goal weight, I might even beable to do a cart wheel again lol.

  • 20 years ago

    Hi Alice!
    Really happy to see your post!
    Yep, 10 pounds can make a lot of difference in your health and your outlook on things. So happy to hear you got a great report card from the doc. You might have about 40 pounds to go but take it in small increments with rewards along the way. Don't sweat if you fall back from time to time - just keep putting one foot in front of the other and stick to your plan. Don't beat yourself up if you enjoy a good meal occasionally that you would not normally eat. If you deprive yourself completely, you will get frustrated. I enjoy things but in smaller quantities. Like the two finger kit kats instead of four, a small bowl of cereal, skim milk and a chopped up apple to bulk it up (I love this anyway). One of my other favourites (and call me strange) - is wholewheat toast, no butter, but HP steak sauce instead. Spicy, tangy and really gets those taste buds awake with my coffee.
    I have faith you will achieve your goal. My little rewards have been things like new tops for work, fun earrings (got a sheet of that plastic from the craft section used to sew patterns on with wool - cut out boxes to make a ladder type frame and hung/clipped my earrings to it - its hanging on the wall). I also keep myself well stocked with low fat or smaller portioned treats so when my loving husband sits with a treat I can have one too. He is even trying some of mine and likes a few of them - so if he's really nice to me I share!
    I am giving myself 6 months to see a difference - it took 10 years to get heavy so 6 months is not long - really. It has been 3 and already there is a noticeable difference. I feel GREAT! And my earring collection is not too shabby either! My final treat when I hit goal is a full body aromatherapy massage at a spa. Had one once and it was heaven. Half time treat (will be booking this soon) is a facial.
    What rewards are you giving yourself for your mini achievements? Give it some thought!
    Really happy to see ya posting. Like everyone says - always glad to see more friends pop round and we are all in this together - no matter what your plan is. Nothing like the power of many to propel you forward. If its a glum week - talk to us! We know how you feel. If its a great week - we would love to share that too!
    Cheers, for now,
    Gotta make some cinnamon buns (not for me!) to send in to work with my hubby - its near end month pay and his team of 2 guys are eating veggie sandwiches and a little thin on cash. I will save one for myself but pop it in the freezer for a reward later in the week when I can PLAN for it.

    This is McPeg, reporting to you live, from beautiful Dalgety Bay, Scotland!

  • 20 years ago

    Good morning! Yesterday I started to post then the server popped me off and I said to heck with it so I went and bought mulch for one of the flower beds and spread mulch in the wind - brrrr. I REALLY cut back on the eating yesterday by eating frozen fruit for breakfast, more fruit and sliced peppered turkey (that was an expensive treat) for lunch and steamed brocolli and tilparia (spelled wrong) fish for supper. I was hungry before bed and had a salad too. I am hoping to at least stay the same for the doctor. Today I am going Goodwill shopping with my silly cousin so it will be a giggly day. The Goodwill we are going to is the biggest around and usually I can't make myself look at clothes because I get overwhelmed with all the racks. They even have a designer section! I am hoping to find some bread pans to put plants in on the windowsill. I am sure we will eat somewhere but I will allow myself one thing and that thing will not be fried.
    Oh McPeg - how can you make cinnamon buns? I could not even smell a cinnamon bun candle right now.
    Beverly, you hava a big challenge with eating out so much but there are things out there that won't put weight on you on the menu (sometimes they are just not as much fun!). Taking half your healthy meal home might help too.
    Alice - good for you! Any weight loss is great for your health.
    MaryAnn how are the E-Bay sales going? I have some stuff to sell if I ever figure out photobucket and posting pictures. For now I am on Half.com selling books - have sold 8 and make a little money because our library sells donated books for $1 each and then of course yard sales are coming up.
    McPeg - thanks for all your informative posts and all the encouragement! Have a great day all! Kathy_in cold, blustery Pennsylvania

  • 20 years ago

    Okay - I wrapped all the buns into sandwich bags and ATE ONE at breakfast...WW 5 pts. Lunch is fruit salad and chocolate lowfat 1.5 pt yogurt. I will still have 7 points left for dinner...which will nicely cover lots of veggies, a serving of low fat cut meat and two small slices of toast.
    There is a mega fruit salad in my fridge (mainly sliced melons, strawberries and I sometimes throw in a can of sliced peaches in JUICE). It's my backup. A cereal bowlful is about 3-4 points. And really, the fibre is great for ya anyway.
    There are lots of lowfat cinnamon bun recipies on the web - by the way - you can also make a huge roll and bake as a loaf - slice it when cool and FREEZE the slices so you don't eat a whole bun, just a slice at about 2 points a slice. IF you want, I can get the recipe for anyone if interested - just do a search on low fat cinnamon roll.
    Kathy, good for you for getting in the garden! Bet you burned quite a few points just staying warm!
    LOL to all my pals,
    Let's make today count!


  • 20 years ago

    It's a miracle!!! Today was my weigh-in and I stayed the same! I just knew I would be up a lb or 2! I got off track during Spring Break and I'm having trouble getting back to eating right. I do okay during the day, but as soon as I get home from work I want to eat!! And I'm not hungry, it's just a "want"! By the time I get home from work I have only eaten 5 points, but they are points well spent. I'm full and satisfied. I just crave certain foods and I give into the craving. My goal weight is only 3-5 lbs. away and I've been stuck at this same weight for several weeks! I would be happy where I am, but I really want to reach my goal and then stay there!

  • 20 years ago

    Well, I'm at work now! I just live down the street and could walk to work if I needed to! Sure makes it nice to be so close.
    Kathy, my Ebay sales are going well. I'm enjoying selling, although it is time consuming.
    McPeg, those cinnamon buns sure sound good, but when I eat something like that it seems to reb-up my taste buds and I want more sugar! I do much better with the fruit and cool whip! I have really lost my craving for candy. I used to pick up a candy bar quite often, but now they don't tempt me at all.
    alice, it's good to see you here. The weather has been lovely and the wildflowers are popping up everywhere! I wish I had a nice country road that was convenient for me to walk on. I used to walk on a road like that, but the traffic picked up and everytime a car comes by it causes a big cloud of dust. I decided breathing all that dust couldn't be good for my lungs! *SSS* So I walk at the track now, which is right by my office.
    BeverlyAL, it's good to see you here too! I know how you feel about not losing. But at least we are still hanging out here and not giving up.

  • 20 years ago

    Hi everybody! This is a long post.

    Just wanted to tell you that I've really had a rough 3 days---not foodwise---but with my DH's health. I think I'd already mentioned that he's a diabetic---well, he had an engrown toe-nail that got infected and then his toe started turning BLACK. He kept this from me----when he took his sock off Sunday after we got home from church---I saw his toe----AND JUST ABOUT DIED!!!!!!

    Got him into the doctor on Monday morning ---the Dr. told him he was VERY concerned, would need to see a surgeon and might lose his big toe!!! Well, I wound up convincing him to go to the VA in Lexington---he's already getting his medications there and has seen a doctor there----a great little doctor saw him---said he could lose a toe OR A LEGGGG!!!---needed to go into the hospital right then so they could do intraveneous antibiotics. DH said NO, he wanted to go home, but would come back.

    So, we went back the next morning (yesterday)----they did tests for his legs---did some balloon surgery to open up some veins---Today, the Dr. says that his toe is looking much better---they'll keep him on the antibiotics for 2 days more and send him home with some. I'M JUST SOOOOO THANKFUL!!! A lot of people were praying for him. It looks like he won't lose his toe after all----they'll keep a close check on it.

    This is a wake-up call for him to start getting serious about his diabetes. I have fussed and fought with him about it----but he just shrugged it off.

    I just got home from the hospital, it's an hour away, and I'm trying to get caught up on a few things and rest a little. Sitting in a hospital room sure zaps your energy!! But, I was glad to be there and I haven't weighed, but may have lost a pound!

    Please say a prayer for my DH that his good health will continue----I had posted about my pink rainbow that I saw a few days ago----I think this was the Lord's way of preparing me for this ordeal----like He was saying "I'm still here no matter what."

    Glad to hear the good news about some of your weight losses----my motivation is that I want my health to be better and I want to wear some spring clothes that look good----I don't want to be a skinny model type----but just not have my big thick roll hanging over.lol

    Take care, everyone. Spring is here! Life is good, even in the bad times---there's still some good things!

  • 20 years ago

    Good morning all!
    Oh Sue - sorry you had such a scary time but glad too that it turned out OK. I guess that was his wake up call for sure! Prayers for hubby and his caring wife! Don't know if you were posting or reading here at the time but I have a younger cousin (in his 30's) who had diabetes and ignored the symptoms for years until they took his leg off. He almost lost the other one too. He still plays with his diet.
    Sold my 9th book on half.com and this summer they are ending it. May try E-Bay but I don't like the price limits and relisting you have to do.
    I want to be the skinny model type - haha. I was for about 10 minutes once and had this butt in a size 5. Hard to believe that now.
    Went to the Goodwill for an 1 1/2 hour tour with my cousin. She had to take 2 trips to the car with clothes she bought! I found an Alfred D. suit (just what I was looking for - wedding coming up) and 3 tops and spent $15.80.
    Saw the funniest piece of exercise equipt. there. It was a pair of molded sandals with nylon straps on the top. There was a hole in each sandal and a bar though them to attach weights to. There was a small weight hooked to each but there were 3 different sizes. One was abot 10" in diameter - can you imagine how much weight that was? Anyway I started giggling and showed them to my cousin and asked her if she wanted to throw anybody in the river.
    Later I was standing in line with a pair of new sage green swim trunks for my hubby right off the men's swimsuit rack. Showed them to my cousin and all of a sudden we realized they were a skirt! I could have heard hubby when he put on his new nylon trunks.
    After that we went to the #1 selling Wal-Mart in the US and it as busy of course but I had a salad at McDonalds there. Later my body said - ahhh she is eating normal portions again - hmmm what are we going to eat?? Munchie munchie! It is a hard fight - killing those munchies with healthy food...
    Bye all - have a great day!

  • 20 years ago

    Well, yesterday I ate TWO cinnamon buns which accounted for about 75% of my points for the day. Glad to say they are now out of my system. I am not angel but at the very least I am a very satisfied devil! Maxed my points yesterday and refocussed on better foods today. Crunchy red deliciuos apples, low fat (almost NO fat) rice pudding, planning soup for supper with low fat meat (realized I have not had much protein ... again!).

    To catch up a wee bit:

    ((((((Yellowhair & DH)))))))). I am prone to return to medication for diabetis, hence another incentive to behave (diet controlled). You were right to drag him to the doc like you did. Men. Never understand how they can just let things go or pretend that nothing is wrong. He owes you a treat I would say. Glad to read your post and that you were firm when you had to be. Big hugs coming your way!
    Kathy, I would love to have gone shopping with you. Especially with my wieght and body changes of late. Don't want to spend money on clothes again, yet....but quite happy to shop second hand. Sure can find gems in there if you have the time to look! Miss Walmart.
    MaryAnn your post about being surprised with your weight after your school break was a good trial run to see how you can handle maintenance after you reach goal - might not be as hard as you thought. You've done good girl!
    Beverly I know its hard but you are making better choices right now and reading the menu more and I bet labels too...so, in small ways, you are pulling yourself forward. Glad to see ya posting!
    Alice..really happy you are participating with us. We are with ya all the way. Don't forget small goals count, you can do this! We can all do this. Its wonderful to make new friends too! Keep us posted on your activities and thoughts!

    I have gone back to the MSNBC news site to read more nutrition articles. I think I am going to spend some time printing out inspirational articles and put them in a binder for when I need to read them. Never hurts to have them at hand.

    Today is a better day, it's also my last day this week (I booked tomorrow off). Want to make some soup tomorrow, do some laundry and get out for a stroll/fresh air. Have my nurse coming for a home visit (she is part of my outpatient clinic for my depression management). I tell ya, it never hurts to ask for help. I applaud all of those professionals who are always there when I need them. Life has it's challenges and I prefer to take the bull by the horns!

    Yeeeeee hhhhhhaaaaaaaaaa!

    Let's make today count!


  • 20 years ago

    You girls are sooooo funny!

    Sue, I'm so happy for you and your DH that he didn't loose a toe! I hope it was a wake-up call for him really and truly but I'm told by a diabetic friend of mine that diabetes is one of the few diseases which causes people to go into denial. I don't know why that is but maybe he won't deny anymore. You certainly did the right thing!

    I still haven't lost any more weight, but I am definitely eating healthier - most of the time that is. I'm going out to lunch today and I'm having some Wisconsin Cheese Soup and I know that is a no-no but I haven't had any in years.

    You girls are all doing so good. I may have to start using the Weight Watchers system to get it off. I used it once before and after the first week I didn't loose anything, hence my reluctance to try it again.

  • 20 years ago

    Hi everyone and thanks for your comments. DH is home and doing better, now he's ready to diet and watch carbs. He's supposed to eat 3 meals and a snack at about the same time every day. So, we're working on this.

    Our daughter just left a few hours ago, going back to Nashville, and I'm feeling rather exhausted. Think I will sleep very good tonight!

    Kathy, this is a good time to find Christmas clothes at Goodwill. I found a cute denim blouse with little stockings hanging on a line. Very nice for $ 2.50.

    We had fish, noodles, and some greens for dinner. I'm afraid I did sorta overdo it with some Girl Scout cookies, though. I did get back to some walking this morning. Will try to get some exercising in after I finish the dishes.

    Thanks again for your prayers and good thoughts.

  • 20 years ago

    Well I gained 3 pounds according to the doctor's scale. I was not a happy camper and wondered about that nurse who weighed me - I never did see that scale set at 0. When I had my blood pressure tested she said it was very high and I protested and said it was fine 3 months ago. She took it again right away and said it was fine. The bad part of this story is she was the one who took my blood pressure before I was put on medicine and I never had problems with it any other time. Hmmm. So I will believe my scale (which was always the same as the doctor's scale before).
    I have taken a bit of a vacation from dieting until tomorrow. Not horribly but it has been fun too. I laughed when I told a friend I need to find an Italian, Mexican, Chinese and Indian buffet today! Tomorrow I am going to go back on my grazing diet again. Small portions, lean meats and veggies and frozen fruit. I really felt good on this and am not dreading going back. No 2 month "vacation" from dieting this time!
    The doctor said the best way to lose weight is to give up sugar especially Cokes! That is NOT my problem. He is also threatening to put me on cholesterol meds because the good is too low. Acccckkkkk! How much more can I give up - I see a day when I have lettuce for breakfast and brocolli for supper.
    I need to hit the Goodwills for summer blouses now. It is a great time to find sweaters and sweatshirts too - off season and people are cleaning their closets. Ours put the Christmas stuff away until next year.
    No girl scout cookies come into this house - hubby was warned!
    Well have a nice Sunday all. Kathy

  • 20 years ago

    Kathy, don't despair - I too took a day off (not a good McPeg week, first cinnamon buns and then yesterday beer and pub food watching sports with the guys....bad, bad McPeg).

    Did manage to garden for about 3 hours though - HEAVY digging of clay and mixing in compost to finish extending my backyard garden. Want to get a couple of NICE trellis pieces to paint and put up for climbing roses and honeysuckle - they are going up properly - with brass hinges on the bottom (will have to put a block of wood first on the fence and then secure the trellis to that and some catch hooks on the top. So when I want to paint the fence I can unhook the trellis, pull it forward with the plant and paint behind it.) Saw that on a garden tips show.
    I took went out charity shopping yesterday - yes there are quite a few nice pieces out there but I have an abundance of shirts right now. I did get some pyrex mixing bowls and a couple of videos (for my tv in the bedroom)and got fresh air.

    So maybe with an hour of walking and three hours in the garden I did not do too much damage. I don't expect to see any weight loss tomorrow, probably just maintain everything. I am going to do housework, ironing, make some pea soup and if the wind dies down - do a little more gardening.

    Yep I am not an angel, but I am not giving up either. Sometimes ya just need a break from everything but what I have learned is not to make it an everyday occurence. Today it is lighter foods and healthy choices.

    Yellowhair - glad to see your post. I can appreciated you must be exhausted. Take it one day at a time and when you are ready get that one foot out again and plunk it down. Focus on your body relaxing right now - I hear a warm bubble bath, a good book and feet up calling your name right now!

    TAke care everyone. Tomorrow is a new week, new thread and I am pulling up my socks today.

    Let's make today count!


  • 20 years ago

    Good morning! Well, it seems that I'm a loser after all!! Yep, a couple of lbs.---I'm getting close to that 5-lb increment that I want to lose. Then 30 more!

    It's beautiful here today, was a little lazy about going to church today---but watered some of my plants----my WS containers were drying out, I've got morning glories growing on my bathroom window sill.

    Have a great day, Ladies!

  • 20 years ago

    Hey McPeg - check out my post on the KT - I posted an angel! She is good as marble can be but the rest of us are human. We went to Shepherdstown WVA today and hubby went to the river with the dogs and I went "shopping" and really took a long walk with my camera.
    Yeah, Yellowhair!!!! Well hubby wants to see the photos i took of him today so I better go. Kathy

Best of Houzz 2025: The results are in!