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LOOKING for: chocolate fruitcake (Texas Yahoo cake???)

Thirty years ago DH and I received an unbelievably delicious store-bought "fruit cake" as a gift. My recollection - which may be faulty - is that it was called a Texas Yahoo cake. (It was actually shaped like the state of Texas.)

I do remember distinctly that it was a rich dense mixture of chocolate, candied fruits (including dates and cherries and who knows what all else), and that it also had loads of pecans but that there was almost no flour in it. It didn't taste at all like traditional fruitcake (which both DH and I detest). Instead, it was almost like eating candy. We loved it but never ordered one for ourselves because unfortunately we are both ALWAYS counting calories and that thing was just too tempting to have around. LOL!

But, DH's 65th birthday is approaching and when I asked him what kind of cake he'd like, he said he would love another one of those Yahoo cakes. Thirty years and he still remembers that cake! THAT is how big an impression the cake made.

Well, I found the company called the Texas Yahoo Baking company and ordered what I thought would be the same cake - albeit not in a "Texas" shape. It arrived this morning and I snuck a little taste out of the back side just to make sure it was the same. BIG DISAPPOINTMENT! Not the same at all.... Don't know now if this is the same company and they've just changed their recipe or what.

So, does anyone out there remember the original chocolate fruitcake that I'm talking about? And, if so do you have ANY idea where I can get the recipe so I can make one. I have a couple of weeks before his birthday but all my attempts to find a recipe that sound right on-line have come to naught.

Thanks in advance

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