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RE: Leaking dishwasher

12 years ago

hey snow - I've been here a lot longer and contribute a ton more around here than you do. In fact you've contributed nothing to this thread except to pat asolo on the back and assuage your own angst. Asolo was the one who wanted to open the can of worms, and I'm not the type to slink off from a bully or because the P.C. movement gets their nose outa joint.

So, I'm sorry that you don't like my candor or style - but I try to tell it like it is and I don't really care if you are my cyber friend or spacey buddy.

I can also assure you and others that I'm not foolish or have mental problems so you can rest easier tonite.

gotta run...............the burly guys in the white suits are coming down the hall with my pills and a new straight jacket. ^wink^

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