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icons changed in my favorites

11 years ago

The computer shop was able to get all of my favorites on my new computer.

all except for an icon in front of each link there was always some sort of picture that represented the link. For example in front of That Home Site link is a tree.
All these little symbols are gone and it is just a blank box If I click on the link and go to the site and book mark it again the new book mark has this symbol.

Am I missing some sort of plug- in or other software. So many things need to be replaced that I have not thought of.

Or perhaps the little icon does not get saved when it gets transferred over to a new computer.

I had forgotten about Adobe until images would not open and the smart computer said I needed Adobe.

So I am wondering if there is some other soft ware that is missing that would enable this task.

I think I only have about 4 more items to put on the computer. But will need to call the software companies on these
Thanks again for your help.

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