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New to Vista, have a question

15 years ago

hi ... I'm a regular over at the Kitchen Table, and figured I'd visit here since I have a computer question.

I bought a new PC this week, which has Vista as the operating system. I've done a search here on Vista, and there are so very many posts that I'm going to cheat and go ahead and ask my question (which may have been asked before) rather than read all those posts to try and find it.

I had several purchased games on my old PC that I needed to download from the parent site to the new PC. Vista kept opening a popup to ask me whether I really want to download the file and after the first 20 or so it was getting really irritating. I temporarily changed my internet security settings to as low as I could go while I was doing these downloads, and I still got the message.

Is there a way to disable this Vista-generated popup?

Thanks in advance!


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