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Winds 70MPH, trees down, 12 hrs power out.

13 years ago

Not a fun evening last night. The power went out just after we finished dinner at 6:30PM and didn't come back till 6:30AM this morning. The TV came on and woke me up when power was restored. We have LED laterns so not in the dark, safer than candles and bright enough to read by and do shadow puppets. Missed watching my shows last night though.

Here up in the Santa Cruz Mts. we had incredible winds the last 2 days and suppose to get more. I was just outside to assess the damage. Lots of limbs broken off but no trees down this time. My neighbors are not so lucky. One of their 50 year old Monterey cypress lost several huge branches and blocked our road. You can hear chainsaws going all over the area.

Hope we don't lose power again tonight. My son is definitely part of the electronic age and can't stand not having his computer. Not a happy camper last night.


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