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Update from me, who used to play with her girls in the garden.

14 years ago

Well sorry I haven't been around. I got back from rehab the first of April and found that since I had posted in the wrong area I had been banned and no way could get back on (we are on vacation and seem to be able to get on again) Kidlets are growing leaps and bounds, both girls are playing t-ball and are hilarious to watch. Hayden is getting more adventurous and is so loving and hugging and a little wild man. Hudson is already 7 months old and rolls everywhere in the house, so no place is safe. I am doing much better over 90 days clean so am proud of that. Settling in to life is a struggle and giving everything up to god takes some time and a whole lot of faith. I have missed everyone here and have been lurking the last 3 months and am so glad to be back and be remembered:)

Ironically I was sent to ride the tea cups and in 2 days we will really be in :Disney, right now we are in Atlanta, long drive from Nebraska but an adventure.

The mom of monkeys who plays in the garden.

Monkey mama who used to play in the garden with her girls

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