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Re: Computer Help FAQ Page

12 years ago

Today I decided to do a good general clean up on my PC, and I thought about the FAQ page that was put up long ago, by TxKen. Some of us were here then and remember Ken.

I decided to look at the FAQ page and I see that it hasn't been updated. It still refers (in some of the questions) to only Win98 and WinME.

I don't know how often, if ever, it is looked at. I know we have excellent helpers here and since we are constantly told to "keep every thing updated" I think we need a new, up-to-date FAQ page.

Maybe several of you could each work on a section, and then put them all together, and voilÃÂ ! a new updated, useful FAQ page!!

Any volunteers?


Comments (48)

  • 12 years ago

    How do you get to that page, I'd like to see it and up-date if I have access to changes.


  • 12 years ago

    Ok, found the page! How do you do edits to it!

  • 12 years ago

    I think it has to be done by the GW staff I have no idea how to do it other than do a whole new one and even then it would require GW to add it to the faq page.

  • 12 years ago

    Wow! Talk about ancient history. My very foggy recollection is Ken solicited input from members followed by creating the presentation himself from the responses. He then provided it to a GW contact for posting and linking. I think he might have even amended it a couple of times through his contact.


  • 12 years ago

    After thinking,

    Would anyone actually use it though? Members here enjoy 1 on 1 help / contact...

  • 12 years ago

    Never sure why TxKen left but there seemed some issues arrived. I had only recently arrived myself about that time. He was a good head and very knowledgeable. Well respected by the regulars here of that time.

    In many ways I agree with Zep in that who goes there or searches for answers first? Watch the threads repeat over and over with the same or similar issues. That is not pointing fingers, I myself have sought help and rarely if ever bothered with searching before asking. Search engine queries can be a pain.

    The bigger problem in my mind is that many people come seeking help and we never know if advice offered was a success or not. While those offering the help may not care there are always those lurkers who try to learn from questions posed by others and they are often disappointed.

  • 12 years ago

    There are many, many, many computer related forums that have FAQs, and no user has fallen off the Earth yet.

    My dear late friend Dreamweaver was the best I have ever seen in searching. She schooled me and many of us here. She once told me searching is easy as all you have to do is try. Along with that knowledge my thought is trying is learning. We have a member here who regularly shares "Google is your friend" and he is right.

    I don't know how many times I have posted this fond memory. One time a member posted something to the effect, "Why should I take the time to search for something when all I have to do is ask here and you will do it?".


  • 12 years ago

    Doing a Google search - uh - attempting a Google search b4 dinner aids my digestion.

  • 12 years ago

    I did this more as a joke but maybe there's some truth in it?

    Computer Problem Solver (Fill in what you know, leave blank if unsure.)
    Are you running Windows, Mac or Linux?:

    What operating system are you running?(XP etc.):

    Computer make?:

    Computer model?:

    Briefly describe the problem you are having:

  • 12 years ago

    Maybe it all boils down to the ugly truth that there are some who are "using" computers who really should not be. One of my sisters was given a computer about five years ago by her children. She never made any attempt to learn to use it, and, as a result it just sat, collecting dust. On the other hand, my other sister could almost be an IT professional since she always keeps up with the latest and makes good use of all her gadgets. And me? I just plug along, read lots and am not afraid to try out new things. Go figure. LOL!

  • 12 years ago

    LOL I know there are times I consider the here let me google that for you option.

    Here is a link that might be useful: here let me google that for you

  • 12 years ago

    I purposely waited a while before I came back, just to see if there would be any more posters and/or comments.

    DA, thinking along these lines these few days, I have thought of Dreamweaver too, and her ability and I think, enjoyment in doing searches. I've remembered some of the others although names have faded.

    When I got my first PC, I quickly looked for help, and finding CH was a godsend. One of the most important things I learned here , and have passed on is that same "Google is your friend." I still come here at least once a day to read, in case there is something being discussed that I need to know, or will remember when the time comes.

    Anyway, back to the FAQ, I guess we don't know if anyone looks at it. Or maybe they do, but find it outdated so move on. So I'm thinking if it isn't useful, maybe it should be deleted.


  • 12 years ago


    I had this post get lost somewhere in the Ionosphere last night.

    You gave me my daily laugh. Thanks.


    I agree obsolete FAQs are of little to no help. Other than that they work everywhere else so why not here?

    Have we created our own monster by not collectively encouraging self-help first?


  • 12 years ago

    Good DA we all need a laugh a day! I hoped someone would get a laugh out of it. I know I did the first time I saw it.

    As to the FAQ I think it is still relevant because a great number of the people here still have an xp computer, and much of the info is still accurate for them. I don't see any harm in leaving it since some parts apply to how to ask questions and what info they should provide us with. I don't think many people ever look there anyway.

    I am on so many help forums and many are to put it mildly rude and offend a user that may have really had to work up the courage to come and ask for help(not everyone there of course but there are some), in my opinion if you put off/offend the user they may never want to try to ask for help again. It is why so many come in and are saying they apologize, and excuse the stupid question, and say what a dummy they are etc. It is not easy to come ask for help for some people. I know because at one time I was that person and I did get some treatment that was just inexcusable and should be unacceptable. Which is why I so many times just go ahead and offer to help with out any type of lecturing. Especially if I have a feeling they are already feeling unsure of themselves.
    However there are also the situations when you know you are being taken advantage of as a helper and you get the slam down and rudeness when you have been spending your time trying to help the person. Those are the times I try really hard to just walk away from the situation and let it slide. Of course not being perfect there are times we may have to just unload LOL And as we all know and have seen there are the trolls that just want to instigate and insult and cause havoc. They are a different situation!

    This is exactly why of all the forums I could refer people to for assistance in cleaning out infections I refer them to LzD, they are absolutely the best at handling a wide range of users, and are always considerate and professional. It is unfortunate that some of the other help forums are not all that way, some of their members are just not as professional.
    It is a very traumatic situation to be in when you have to go to one of those types of forums knowing you have a bad infection and knowing you will be going through steps you have never even heard of before. So a kind professional is a Godsend.

  • 12 years ago

    Totally appreciate what you are sharing.

    It just drives me a little nuts (short trip) at times when members have made no obvious attempt for themselves. Now if someone doesn't know the terminology, or what they are actually trying to share Google would be of no use to them, and that I understand. However,to post something like this hypothetical "How Do I Clear My History in Firefox?" shows me no effort has been made.

    I always wonder how many users have never visited the on-board Windows Help File. We all know how many don't take a peek at the AV Help to be prepared. And, what's wrong with looking at the manufacturer's website of your installed software to see what is offered so you to are prepared to find answers or face adversity.

    If you don't try, you don't learn. If you don't learn, you don't improve. It kind of reminds me of the mind set some people have that rather than doing their best in taking care of their own lives they want government to step in and do it for them.


  • 12 years ago

    I'm often (maybe usually) wrong, but I don't think many people come here to ask for help because they are too lazy to look for help with google or other resources before they come. Many people are insecure about their computers and don't trust themselves to fix something without doing more harm than good. They want assurance from a knowledgeable person that they are doing the right thing. I agree that people should be encouraged to use the tools available for self help but hate to see someone made to feel put down because they came here for help. After all, what would all the helpers do if no one came here looking for help?

  • 12 years ago

    THANK YOU BOB!!!!!!!!!!
    I am one of those that is afraid to do something for fear of doing something worse, and another thing is I have adult ADD, and sometimes reading something from featured text, as opposed to a real person, sure can make a difference as to understanding the outcome.
    I have been coming since Dreamweaver, and remember TX Ken, and also a fella named Paul, oh where have all these folks gone, except Dreamweaver, and we know she is watching us, and laughing at our mistakes!
    I quote from Paul-
    Never show fear to a computer... they can smell it. Boldly go to Start, Settings, ADD
    /Remove programs, and shout, "For God and country", If your heart is pure, and your quest rightous, all will be well"
    I wish I had a date on the slip of paper, but alas I don't, still rings true after all these years, and I had copied things from Dreamweaver, like how to run a virus scan, she taught me not to be afraid, and reassured me all would be fine, what a wonderful lady she was.
    I just have to be glad I knew these folks. There are more certainly, just have forgotten the names.
    Want you all to know you are greatly appreciated, even after all the years at the keyboard, there are still some things I am apprehensive about.

  • 12 years ago

    I like your points Bob, However, we are not discussing reconfiguration, add/delete, the registry, or re-install. Those, among other operations, do require experience, knowledge, reassurance, and at times a little bit of gusto. More than once I have set things in place, grit my teeth, closed my eyes, held my breath, and hit the enter key. Most times all went well. On occasions my head was beaten on the desk, and the Miller Lite was opened up.

    I remember way back in WIN98 days when for the first time I upgraded the BIOS. I screwed it up so bad I almost needed therapy and came close to replacing a window due to throwing the system outside.

    What we are focused on for the moment is basic research. Users will Google flowers, recipes, travel resorts, surf Ebay, visit You Tube and Facebook. Why not Google computer concerns? If a user doesn't understand information obtained through Google by all means they should not act on it and this is the place to come for explanations, answers, and general help. If at times a member isn't ginger and spice to a question it is just their opinion. This opinion may even be totally correct. However, flaming on the other hand has never been tolerated here as it is immature, rude and irresponsible. It will never be tolerated.


    Thank you for the kind words about DW. I think of her often. I still have her e-mail address in my contacts.


  • 12 years ago

    Oh, yes, Paul, and his sometime lengthy explanations, followed by his trademark YMMV.

    I've tried to remember the name of the poster who had the never ending Flu. The last time I saw him he was posting at Hot Topics, but that was a while back. Funny how these folks came to be so "real."

    DA, I bet you will remember the time, as in year, when Dreamweaver was posting. I'm interested because I can't remember when I got my first PC, and knowing that would be the answer.

    Interesting how this thread has taken off in a whole 'nuther direction. I do believe that is called conversation, which seems to be lacking these days.


  • 12 years ago

    Sue wrote:- I do believe that is called conversation, which seems to be lacking these days.

    Yup, seems a very impersonal forum but at least it does remain a civilised place with precious little flaming and obnoxious behavior. Probably because the majority of us belong to the wrinkly and grey brigade.

  • 12 years ago

    Sue... Dreamweaver passed away on April 10th 2006. She was here before I got here in 1998. We got to be great friends and every Sunday during football season we would be on the computer with each other "hollering" for our Cowboys. Strangely... like DA I still have all of her email addresses in my various contact lists.


  • 12 years ago

    Awwww! Time takes all but memories. So sad. Wish I could have met Dreamweaver,


  • 12 years ago


    Thank you. I had forgotten. She, "loved them Cowboys".


    I have to ditto Bob's report as I too arrived in 1998 and she was already here. I remember she use to put the pressure on me as she would refer members to me regarding Mcafee. She claimed I knew more about it than anyone else. I did my best as I never wanted to let her down.


    "Probably because the majority of us belong to the wrinkly and grey brigade."

    I won't comment on this further as I find all excuses as to aging to be pigeon-holing, demeaning, excusatory, and self-flagellating. Too many use it as a slam while others as a crutch. Senior menus, senior coffee and such drive me nuts. And, once again, it's a short trip.


  • 12 years ago

    A few more comments. I do think a FAQ page would be a great help, if it could be kept at least fairly current. Even a sticky note re what to include with your question, and how to do a good clean up, which triggered my post. As DA said, they do work on other sites.

    The references to 1998 help me, because I know I was here before some of you came, and as far as age goes, I expect I might be older than any of you. I'm happy to be my age, (88 one week ago today) and I'll take all those discounts, whatever they call them!

    Owbist, I really didn't mean the comment about conversation to be taken to mean here at CH, but every where. With every kind of way to communicate now that technology has to offer, one-on-one spoken words are becoming extinct. Geez, I don't even have so much as a cell phone!!

    RC, I just today got around to clicking on your Google link. I thought there was a bug on my screen! Really cute.


  • 12 years ago

    Wow! 88? YOU GO, young lady!!!

  • 12 years ago


    I salute you and respect all you have done in your life, known to us, and that which is private. However, I have to stand by position of self-indulging entitlements.

    Though it is probably well known by many, but in fairness to those who don't know, I am on the near horizon of 64.


  • 12 years ago

    DA, it is exactly those Google references that kept me trying to rid my computer of AVG security notices (seemed like it should be simple and I really wanted to do it myself) for almost two months before asking here. It was not at all simple, but I did get lots of wonderful patient help here just as I've come to expect and solved the problem.

    I don't remember Dreamweaver but sure do remember Paul and could the other who always had the flu be Spewey? ( Always wondered what kind of name that was.) As a newbie to computers and just peeking in from the Houseplant Forum, those two terrified me. So glad its become a much friendlier forum.

  • 12 years ago

    Owbist, love your comment "most of us belong to the wrinkly and gray brigade." Well, I may be wrinkly, but I'll NEVER be gray! LOL!

    DA, you're still a youngster! Awww, Sue, you have me beat. Here I always thought I was the oldest member of this forum at age 81.

    And I still have a picture of Dreamweaver in my folder of Internet Friends.

  • 12 years ago

    DA you're welcome and in addition to the Cowboys you have to remember her huge attachment to her dog Josh. I have several pictures of Josh who was a good looking Akita. I helped her through his passing and also her rescuing Bonnie who was part Akita.

    On another note I seem to be the baby amongst the oldsters being on the other side of 55. When I first came to this place in 1998 it was called the Virtual Mirror for those that may not know it's history.


  • 12 years ago


    Your example is exactly my point. Thank you.

    You tried on your own first, and when things didn't work out you asked for help which is understandable. In my eyes that's the proper method.


  • 12 years ago

    oh no AGE now we are talking about age? Heck I just got another year older last week! It just keeps creeping up, but better than the alternative! I don't think about age much never really have, but at times I sure do feel age! I have never thought about asking for senior discounts for either of us and he is older than me.
    I do know that my mind can not retain things like I once could and it just makes me angry. I know I know something and darn if I can remember it! (thank you Google)
    Lists and notes are now a big part of my life LOL

    We have on several occasions gone to the store to buy what we need for some project put it aside till ready to do it then forget about it and when we finally decide to do it have no idea where we put the stuff we bought to do it and have to go buy more stuff. I don't know who keeps sneaking into my house and stealing all this STUFF!!!
    Of course a month or so later we find the original stuff.

    Getting old is like a very complicated puzzle, and Lord help you if you lose a piece!

  • 12 years ago

    Raven: Your post about "Stuff" reminds me of the George Carlin standup routine about "Stuff". Funny stuff!

  • 12 years ago


    I remember everything that is important. I remember where I put everything. I remember everything I have to do. My downfall is when I am too preoccupied with work, home, and family issues I can walk out into the garage, stand in the center, and ask myself "why am I here?". It's happened more than once.


  • 12 years ago

    I too remember Dreamweaver, TX Ken, Regale and Paulyoung. They were always so helpful to us newbies and were so considerate. Thanks for all the help everyone has given us....I have been visiting Computer Help for many years and remember the days when I sent a check for $15.00/yr to, I think, Spike.....I always pick up great computer information here and I am still learning....Thanks again folks!

  • 12 years ago

    JUst had to chime in....I have the Paulyoung manatra posted by my computer; it's dated Jan. 7, '03, and has been a life-saver for me more than once, as have so many of the kind replies that have been given to so many of us.

  • 12 years ago

    So, this thread is still here. Good!

    I would like to make reference to several of the above that have been added, but it would take too long.

    But, Phyllis, would you mind posting Paul's mantra here, for those that may not have seen it.

    And I'm adding this for DA. I know it is old and has been around the block, but just in case he missed it, and some may never have seen it.

    A Sign of Becoming Old

    Just a line to say I'm living,
    That I'm not among the dead,
    Though I'm.getting more forgetful, and more mixed up in the head.
    For sometimes I can't remember
    When I stand at foot of stair, If I must go up for something,
    Or, I've just come down from there.
    And before the fridge, so often
    My poor mind is filled with doubt, have I just put food away, or Have I come to take some out.
    And there's times when it is dark out,
    With my night cap on my head,
    I don't know if I'm retiring,
    Or just getting out of bed.
    So, if it's my turn to write you,
    There's no need in getting sore.
    I may think I have written,
    And don't want to be a bore.
    So remember - I do love you, and I wish that you were here, But now, it's nearly mail time, "So I must say, 'Goodbye, dear.'''
    There I stood beside the mailbox,
    With a face so very red,
    Instead of mailing you my letter, I had opened, it instead.
    I stand beside my desk, my head is bowed in shame.
    I'd re-address this letter, but I just forgot your name.


  • 12 years ago

    Sue, that is absolutely adoreable and laugh out loud funny.

  • 12 years ago

    I'd like to chime in. I remember a lot of these people very well.
    Paul, Cathy, Dreamweaver, Cat, TxKen, Cynic, Spewey, etc.
    I miss those days. Spike ran the forums back then.
    I met Spewey once. Spewey is a reference to a line in an old
    Marx brothers movie. Spewey = Special Person Entering World Egg Yolks.

    For a short while I maintained the FAQ page. But the restrictions
    put on my postings made it all but impossible to write a good
    article. I couldn't use HTML markup tags. I could post
    only one picture. I couldn't post links. I couldn't mention
    any software (payware, shareware, trialware, or freeware).
    Now personally, I like to provide pictures and screen shots
    of what is going on. Sometimes even short videos are needed.
    I tried writing a few articles but I just couldn't do them justice.
    I emailed Spike and told him I couldn't do it and TxKen had
    volunteered to give it a try. TxKen wrote several great
    articles at the time, but then Garden Web was sold. New
    policies were put in place concerning content posted to GW.
    A lot of people took issue with these new policies and left.
    In light of the new policies, TxKen deleted all of his FAQ articles.
    GardenWeb, under their new policies concerning copywrite,
    declared that since the FAQ articles had been posted to GW,
    they were de facto property of GW. So GW retrieved the
    deleted articles from their archives and reposted them.
    An ensuing outrage rang out and TxKen faded away quietly.
    Since then almost all of the old gang have slowly vanished.

    If any of you would like to try taking over the FAQ project,
    just email GW staff and say so. But first try writing some
    articles under the restrictions cited above. It's not easy.

    Pooh Bear

  • 12 years ago

    Oh, what a wonderful thread!! I came to Computer Help after I got my first computer....over 15 years ago. I bought 2 books at Sam's...How To Use the Internet and another How To book. I had no one to ask for help in my house. Computer Help was just what I needed and I came and read every day.....I'm sure I was afraid to ask questions then.

    I remember TX Ken, Dreamweaver and others who I can't remember by name. One man always use to give advice and he said "if it ain't broke, don't fix it". Does anyone remember who that was?

    I remember when Spike ran everything too. I remember Poohbear being here all the time. I only pop in every couple of weeks not.

    You ladies beat me in age and I thought I might be the oldest....77.

  • 12 years ago

    And the advice I remember best was "If it ain't broke, keep trying"!
    Did that for a few years until I learnt better...

  • 12 years ago

    One man always use to give advice and he said "if it ain't broke, don't fix it". Does anyone remember who that was?

    That might have been Jinx who always had the licking cat avatar.

    How many people... including myself twice... remember getting sent to Disney? Good ol' Spike!


  • 12 years ago

    Ah Disney. No quarter there. If you actually did something, questioned something, was perceived to do something, or in any way challenged Spike's authority/position the results were you were banished.


  • 12 years ago

    Thanks for another memory....Disney....I had forgotten about being sent there.

    Bob, I didn't know that Dreamweaver had passed away. I thought she had just left like so many others. Dreamweaver helped so many people. It may have been Jinx who used to say that.

    I guess I wasn't on the computer much around that time. My DH passed away on that same date April 10, 2006.

  • 12 years ago

    Sue, sorry to be off the topic but this has been such a nice memory thread.

    As much as I used to come here, I didn't know there was a FAQ page. Maybe I did years ago and just forgot. LOL that happens as one gets older.

  • 12 years ago

    Jinx was the one who "saved" my computer when I first came here. However, he later turned rather nasty to anyone whose political views differed from his. I was one of his "victims". I think I heard that Spike banned him and his sister from the forum.

    And, I received a warning from Spike when I was somewhat outspoken but never actually got sent to Disney.

  • 12 years ago

    Grandms...lol How well we know about those political threads!

    Going to Disney was only a redirect for minor offenses... being banned was a finality.


  • 12 years ago

    Here again. :>)

    Interesting to see how the Computer Help forum has made such lasting impressions on the users, even though those impressions are varied.

    About Spike: I very much appreciated the way he ran the forums. They were his, and he had every right to make the rules; just as we made rules for our family. My first venture on the web shocked me when I saw the foul language that was used on different sites. Spike's rules included no profanity, and "no religious or political" comments, and yet some posters came up with these ridiculous ways to get around that. Remember pr@yers, and G@d? d@mn, and carp? So juvenile! As Bob said, being sent to Disney wasn't done on a first offense, but multiples could get you banned. I had no problem paying the $15 (and I believe at first it was only $10) and never understood why some others did. There were those who cried hard times and "just could not afford it." What? They could afford to buy a computer, and pay for the internet, and their cigs and Pepsies, but not for all the help they got here?

    Somewhere I have a picture of Spike and his wife, that was taken at a KT Gathering. It was posted and I copied it.

    Anyway, here are some of the things I found in my box of scratch paper. On one piece of paper was even part of an email to Ken about a problem I was having with Gmail. It is dated February 22, 2006, and has his email address. He wished me Good Luck!

    Check these out, if you are interested. I think they are all still good.







  • 12 years ago

    Sue I agree with you about Spike and the running of these boards. It was a no nonsense approach and a thread like this would have brought down the house with the computer advisors of that time. There were very few if any off topic discussions and the conversation side of this forum was born out of the tragedy of 9/11. I too paid to stay as it was still a great place to be even though it caused an uproar and people began forming their own computer help sites. I've followed quite a few people on quite a few boards over the years. All in all it has been well worth it.


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