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Tile issues - black marks, broken tiles, idiot tilesetter - help!

17 years ago

Construction stopped this week to wait for marble, cabinets, etc, so I've had a good chance to really look at all the tile work that's been done in my bathroom. From a distance, it looks fine, for the most part. However, up close you can really see what a shoddy job has been done. Anyone have any suggestions to fix a few problems?

First off, there are black marks on several tiles that I can't seem to scrub off - I assume they came from whatever machine he used to cut the tile. Anyway, is there any way to remove these, short of pulling out the tiles?

Next is the issue of a couple of small accent tiles on the sides of the medicine cabinet. Instead of cutting pieces to fit around the bumps exactly, he basically stuck random broken chunks of tile in there. I asked to have it redone several times and was told repeatedly that it would be redone, but instead he grouted over the mess - did he really think I wouldn't notice? Anyway, I am having a (hopefully) much more skilled tilesetter come in to do my backsplash next week, and I am hoping he'll be able to redo these - but will it be a huge hassle to dig them out now that they're grouted?

The last issue is that there are a couple of subway tiles in my wall design that had a square cut out of them to accomodate a piece of accent tile. Unfortunately, these cuts weren't made cleanly and now there are notches in each of the corners of the square that are filled with grout - it just looks sloppy and totally unprofessional. Is there any way to dig the grout out and fill these notches with something that would match the tile a little better, or should they just be redone?

I'll post some pics in a bit, and your expert advice is much appreciated as always. Thanks!!!!!!

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