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Purplemoon, Kathleen, Dining Delight, Sandi, Tamgypsy...

14 years ago

Thank you!


Read on, please...

Yesterday morning wasn't a day like any other: I had to study as I took my English exam at Noon. So, I decided not to turn the computer... ON ;)

However, I couldn't resist and while drinking my first cup coffee, I looked at my emails. The very first one I saw was one (among an endless list of identical) coming from my Squidoo guestbook... A guestbook is seldom spam or any other annoying news or information so, I opened the mail.

The mail said: "Congrats on LOTD!" Oh... what does that mean?

The second email said "This looks great! ~~Squid Angel Boo-lessings!" ... Well, what happens? Why do Squidoo Angels bless me? I had nominated someone else's lens for LOTD and for blessings on Monday... Maybe a strange Squidoo custom: you nominate someone and you get a blessing in exchange...

The next mails said almost the same thing... so I eventually had an eye on my Squidoo dashboard and discovered that my Halloween Potluck Party Ideas lens was Lens of the Day!

This nomination and 24-hours of fame, I owe it to you all ; you ladies of the Garden Web forum who taught me so much about holidays and home decoration ; who shared your WONDERFUL pictures with me and I owe it to you, Purplemoon, for having built this FANTASTIC Holiday Inspiration Album - as whithout it, I wouldn't have been able to build such a lens and hit the Lens of the Day.

Most of those congratulations related to your pictures as I showcase some of them on the lens. So, I dedicate this day of fame to you all!

Thank you so much for being who you are, so skilled and so kind people!

If you want whether the link to the blog that features the lens or to the lens, feel free to ask, but as you know I don't want to add links if nobody asks :)


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