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Lightweight sweeper, manual or electric

I am looking for a lightweight sweeper for mostly wood floors and tile. If it would do short carpet too, not a heavy cleaning but a quickie job, that would be helpful. We have a good vacuum but it is too heavy to pull out all the time. Something manual like a carpet sweeper would be great. I see them used in restaurants all the time; but I have bought several and thown them out because they really did not pick up. What do the pros use? I bought a Swiffer dry mop but I think we have too much hair and lint/fuzz: 2 swipes and it's loaded.

I also have carpal tunnel syndrome so am not supposed to use anything that vibrates. Half an hour of regular vacuuming means having to pop pills for two days. I think I could handle a small electric if I was careful.

Thanks for your help!

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