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The Home Stretch?

14 years ago

When is it exactly? :-) Does it really exist? :-)

Seemed like it was moving along fairly well. Then Electrical has taken FOOOOOOOOOORever.

Once things start "rocking", does the pace pick back up a bit? Just seems like there is so much left to do, but I guess at some point closer to the end, some of it can be done simultaneously? So even though this will take 2 weeks, and this will take 2 weeks, and THIS will take 2 weeks, it starts overlapping more?

I am also worried about seeing it all coming together, because I am afraid my choices will make it come together horrifically....

Sorry, can't sleep. Been up for hours thinking, Thinking about things like.... oh-- EVERYTHING ... :-) Mostly thinking I am tired of thinking ...

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