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What range to get?

11 years ago

I have gone back and forth on ranges for so long, that each time I make a decision, a new one come out and mucks up the works. My plan is a 48inch open burner range with a grill and a separate steam oven (either Miele or Wolf).

Capital - I was all set to go with the Culinarian. I have 2 cautions. One is that since all burners are the same size, At first I though this gave flexibility but now I'm not so sure. How is cooking on less than full heat on the burners? Is there a full range from low thru mediums to high? (is this a dumb question?) Wok cooking and searing aside, most recipes call for medium heat.
Second, I mind that the second oven has no convection and no self clean. This really limits the oven which I expect to use a lot.
Also, Connoisseruian anyone? What is the story on these. It solves the oven issue, but does it make for other issues?

Bluestar - I'm very tempted but I really mind the issue with the heat of the oven door. This is a deal breaker for me. However, what about the Platinum series? Does this solve any issues? Also, what about the grill set up on the Platinum series? Is this a plus or a minus in terms of grilling.

Thermadore - Not a brand I was interested in but their dual fuel range with the built in steam oven is intriguing. Does anyone know how it compares to the dedicated steam ovens? It seems to offer a bit of everything, though I'm only interested if the "everything" is not a compromised version of 'everything" or just enough to pull it off? Also, how are their burners?

Long post, I know, but there is little out there about the Connoiseurian, the THermador and the Platinum BS.

Thank you in advance.

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