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Tomato Newbie Needs Help Deciding

I've only grown tomatoes a few times and need help deciding on what varieties to plant next year. Here's the list of seeds I currently have. The ones marked with asterisks are what I plan to grow next year unless I'm talked out of it:

Martinos's Roma*
Banana Legs*
Maiden's Gold*
Mr. Brown*
Golden Jubilee
Captain Lucky
Buckeye Yellow
Orange Bourgoin
San Marzano 2
Djena Lee's Golden Girl
Chocolate Cherry
Mr. Stripey
Giant Oxheart
Red Alert
?- an unknown red beefsteak variety with huge fruits that I acquired many years ago. The seeds were in a pill bottle with no label. I grew it once, that's how I know what the fruits look like. I plan on growing this next year.

The main use for these tomatoes will be for sauce or as ingredients in other cooked recipes. I don't like raw tomatoes (I've tried them many times). Pears, cherries, grapes, and currant types are of no use to me as they are too small to deal with.

I plan on growing about 8 plants, 4 reds (2 will be paste) and 4 of other colors (again, 2 will be paste). Any suggestions? Or anything you'd swap out? I can buy one or two more tomato seed varieties, if necessary. I'm looking for prolific, meaty, and good flavored. Preferably determinate although indeterminate is okay.


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