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Southern water snakes swimming in a bunch

18 years ago

Fishing in a small reservoir in southern Georgia one afternoon, I noticed a group of about five or six water snakes swimming by me rather fast and in a panic. I could tell something behind them was spurring them along. I watched the group manuver over a spill way and disappear over the edge.

About two minutes later while I was still casting away, I noticed something in the water to my right. It was another single snake just lazying along on the exact trail of the watersnakes a few minutes before. When the follower got the closest to me, I discovered it was a black king snake. He didn't seem in any particular hurry, like he knew he was about to have his lunch type of thing.

He too went over the spill way and disappeared down the other side of the barrier, leaving me to wonder how that event turned out, though I had a pretty good idea.

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