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Mysterious new blight killing hornets?

12 years ago

This summer we had at least three large hornet's nests around our property. I don't know the scientific name, we call them bald-faced hornets here in NC. The largest nest was almost beachball-sized. Now we've noticed they're all inactive. Dead. The big nest fell last night after some rain, and the inside chambers look rotten and are covered in a powdery green mold. There was also a little bit of fuzzy yellow mold that spread out it in fingers. One lone hornet clung to the outside. Some other hives about 20 miles away have also apparently died. Except for a little bit of rain recently, it's been pretty dry here this summer, and the hives seemingly died during the dry spell. Is this something new, or something I just never heard of before? I hope it doesn't spread to honeybees.

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