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Another LIFER, sightings Oct 18-25

15 years ago

Oct 18 we dropped by the Minor Clark Fish Hatchery looking for shore bird migrants, as usual.

There were no new shore birds, but a Turkey Vulture was catching some rays in a dead tree
{{gwi:1376789}}From 10-18-09thru10-20, fish hatchery, Lockegee

When I heard an approaching flock of wintering Yellow-rumped Warblers near the fish hatchery lagoon, I stood still and waited
{{gwi:1376790}}From 10-18-09thru10-20, fish hatchery, Lockegee

and was soon surrounded by female warblers
{{gwi:1376791}}From 10-18-09thru10-20, fish hatchery, Lockegee

1rst fall female
{{gwi:1376792}}From 10-18-09thru10-20, fish hatchery, Lockegee

eating berries
{{gwi:1376794}}From 10-18-09thru10-20, fish hatchery, Lockegee
{{gwi:1376796}}From 10-18-09thru10-20, fish hatchery, Lockegee

I glimpsed other birds in the brush

10-18-09, Minor Clark Fish Hatchery, wintering Savannah Sparrow
{{gwi:1376797}}From 10-18-09thru10-20, fish hatchery, Lockegee

a local Field Sparrow
{{gwi:1376798}}From 10-18-09thru10-20, fish hatchery, Lockegee

When I checked the online birdky bird list and read that some people were reporting migrating Dunlins I wondered why I'd never seen one.

We stopped by the fish hatchery again next day on the way to Mt Sterling Court days.

Some shore birds were still hanging around

10-19-09, Minor Clark Fish Hatchery, juvenile Pectoral Sandpiper
{{gwi:1376799}}From 10-18-09thru10-20, fish hatchery, Lockegee

The fish hatchery staff had emptied most of the fish breeding pools and stranded turtles were seen crawling everywhere

10-19-09, Minor Clark Fish Hatchery, female Eastern Spiny Softshell Turtle
{{gwi:1376800}}From 10-18-09thru10-20, fish hatchery, Lockegee

wearing a "if you think YOU'RE having a bad day.." expression
{{gwi:1376801}}From 10-18-09thru10-20, fish hatchery, Lockegee

Chicken Turtle
{{gwi:1376802}}From 10-18-09thru10-20, fish hatchery, Lockegee

We were just leaving to go on to Mt Sterling Court Days when a flock of shore birds circled down and landed in a nearby empty pool.

I couldn't believe my eyes-Dunlins!...LIFERS!!
{{gwi:1376803}}From 10-18-09thru10-20, fish hatchery, Lockegee
{{gwi:1376804}}From 10-18-09thru10-20, fish hatchery, Lockegee
{{gwi:1376806}}From 10-18-09thru10-20, fish hatchery, Lockegee

The next day we returned to the fish hatchery, arriving just as a doe and fawn came strolling out between the pools
{{gwi:1376807}}From 10-18-09thru10-20, fish hatchery, Lockegee

We were checking empty fish pools for shore birds when a flock of American Pipits swept past the car with barely a pause. I got one pic that was sort in focus
{{gwi:1376808}}From 10-18-09thru10-20, fish hatchery, Lockegee

One pond had several juvenile Pectoral Sandpipers
{{gwi:1376809}}From 10-18-09thru10-20, fish hatchery, Lockegee
{{gwi:1376810}}From 10-18-09thru10-20, fish hatchery, Lockegee
{{gwi:1376811}}From 10-18-09thru10-20, fish hatchery, Lockegee

which were hanging out with a juvenile Killdeer
{{gwi:1376812}}From 10-18-09thru10-20, fish hatchery, Lockegee

Every time we approached a Pied-billed Grebe it would dive, surfacing as far from us as possible
{{gwi:1376813}}From 10-18-09thru10-20, fish hatchery, Lockegee

A Northern Watersnake was lying full length across the road pretending to be a wavy stick
{{gwi:1376814}}From 10-18-09thru10-20, fish hatchery, Lockegee

I nudged it gently with my foot to encourage it to move out of our way, but the whole snake body moved as though it were a rigid stick, maintaining the charade. I was so tickled that I laughed and we backed the car to the next intersecting access road.

We then hiked to the top of Lockegee Rock, but there were no more birds. The trees were just beginning to turn color

10-20-09, Cave Run Lake as seen from top of Lockegee Rock
{{gwi:1376816}}From 10-18-09thru10-20, fish hatchery, Lockegee

On Oct 25 we set out for Natural Bridge at Red River Gorge, stopping by Minor Clark Fish Hatchery to check pools for migrants.

The fog was just starting to lift when I noticed a canine trotting down an intersecting access road. When it saw us, it broke into a characteristic coyote lope so we drove faster until we were going 26 mph trying to close the gap. When we entered the fog the coyote turned off the road, darted across an empty pool and vanished into the woods
{{gwi:1376817}}From 10-18-09thru10-20, fish hatchery, Lockegee
{{gwi:1376818}}From 10-18-09thru10-20, fish hatchery, Lockegee

Most of the fish pools had been emptied by now making it difficult to locate any shore birds
{{gwi:1376819}}From 10-18-09thru10-20, fish hatchery, Lockegee

and whenever we came across a pool that had any birds they spooked and flew away into the distance. The dead tree was filled with the usual sunning Turkey Vultures however
{{gwi:1376820}}From 10-18-09thru10-20, fish hatchery, Lockegee
{{gwi:1376821}}From 10-18-09thru10-20, fish hatchery, Lockegee

so we drove on to Natural Bridge State Park and climbed to the top of the mountain to walk on the bridge.
{{gwi:1376822}}From 10-18-09thru10-20, fish hatchery, Lockegee

Sept 30, 2007, when I still used a Canon Powershot S2 IS point-and-shoot we sat on Natural Bridge arch and took photos of migrating birds passing up the flyway

Male Black-throated Green Warbler
{{gwi:1376866}}From 9-30-07, Natural Bridge Camping Trip

Philadelphia Vireo
{{gwi:1376867}}From 9-30-07, Natural Bridge Camping Trip

male Pine Warbler
{{gwi:1376868}}From 9-30-07, Natural Bridge Camping Trip

Tiaga Swainson's Thrush
{{gwi:1376869}}From 9-30-07, Natural Bridge Camping Trip

but it was so late in the season we only saw one migrating bird fly over as we sat on the edge of the bridge, and I didn't get a photo
{{gwi:1376870}}From 10-18-09thru10-20, fish hatchery, Lockegee

We hiked the trails without seeing any birds then returned to Cave Run Lake and hiked up to Lockegee Rock again.

Trees were mostly at peak color this week
{{gwi:1376871}}From 10-18-09thru10-20, fish hatchery, Lockegee
{{gwi:1376872}}From 10-18-09thru10-20, fish hatchery, Lockegee

but not a bird in sight. People are still reporting migrants on birdky network, but mostly at sloughs south and west of us, near the TN border. I've not seen any Dark-eyed Juncos or Pine Siskins yet but others are reporting them.

Guess we'll have to go visit Florida now to see our summer birds-always a good idea anyway..


We had to return our new Cuddeback infrared game camera, but our old flash Cuddeback came up with Red Fox, Gray Fox and a bobcat this week

From 10-18-09thru10-20, fish hatchery, Lockegee
From 10-18-09thru10-20, fish hatchery, Lockegee
From 10-18-09thru10-20, fish hatchery, Lockegee
From 10-18-09thru10-20, fish hatchery, Lockegee
{{gwi:1376881}}From 10-18-09thru10-20, fish hatchery, Lockegee

Even a flock of "on-topic" wild turkeys!

From 10-18-09thru10-20, fish hatchery, Lockegee

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