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A few more May birds - including prairie chicken leks

14 years ago

Here are a few more of my May birds, including a prairie chicken lek that was active. My apologies though - the lek was close by and active but even my new camera with its 250 mm lens was not sufficient to get great shots. I included them though because I think you can get the feel for the lekking. You have to be there though because a large part of the experience is listening to the calls. Very cool.

So here we go:

We'll start with the rather mundane mourning dove

followed by the even more mundane pigeon, interesting only because we had a nest in our shed and this guy came out early and hid in a cabinet

More interesting is the female rose-breasted grosbeak

and the extremely prevalent and active orioles this spring, this is a pair of first year male orchard orioles

A rather defensive female orchard oriole

and a pair of orchard males (first year on the left, adult on the right) arguing over the nectar

The black-and-white warbler stayed around for only one shot, so this is it

The indigo buntings finally showed up

The pine siskin needs a drink

and the tree swallow guards the nest

The bobolink was very difficult to capture

We went out for a day trip and found cedar waxwings enjoying the crab apple trees

While a painted turtle enjoyed the sunshine

And the prairie chickens... I am posting several pictures, all too distant to see clearly, but I'm hoping it gives the impression of what it was like. The boys inflate their pouches, and they fly up in the air, and there is constant's very cool.

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