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Removing The Eggs - And A Thank You

15 years ago

Hello all,

Well we just removed the two eggs that hadn't hatched from the 3rd set. To catch up, our pair (Brad & Angie) laid 3 eggs, 1 day apart, on the 27th, 28th and 29th of June. On Sunday, July 12th while doing a box check, my husband noticed that one had hatched. The next afternoon, still just the one. And on it went. When I checked yesterday the wee one was stretched across the two eggs, and I wasn't sure how I was going to get them out. This morning he had moved to the far side of the nest! So when dh got home we got the implements together and went out to do the move and scrape (there was some gunk on the back of the box).

We took a spoon and bent the handle so it made a ladle. The scary part was that he had to pull the nest out! They made this one deep and there was no way to reach inside and get them. He eased it out partway onto a piece of cardboard, then lifted the eggs out one at a time into a paper towel lined cat bowl I was holding. Then he scraped out the box quickly and eased the nest back in. Little one slept the entire time! He looks healthy and already has downy feathers.

We could tell even without candling that the eggs were bad. The one I mentioned looked dented was actually cracked. Not sure what the problem was with the other one, but both were solid inside. I think we got them out just in time. They would have cracked and drawn ants for sure. I wrapped them in the paper towel, put it inside a ziplock baggie and disposed of them.

The last step was waiting for the parents to return. I put out a lot of waxworms and some small mealies. I didn't have to wait long. Both showed up and Mom went into the box and stayed for a bit before flying back out. I hope this means that all is well and although he'll be lonely, he'll survive to join his 7 other siblings out in the world.

This is my first year hosting bluebirds and it has been such an amazing experience. There have been times when I was in tears worrying about where and how to get worms, if they were ok in storms, were there predators... And then there are the times when those big eyes looked up at me, and I saw them peeking out at the world before taking that first flight. I've watched Brad fight off birds 3 times his size defending his mate and kids, and seen Angie give him looks that seemed to say "You are such a dork!" when he couldn't find her and she was right behind him. Then watched him lovingly offer her a choice morsel of food. I've watched two sets of babies from eggs to fledglings, and known a hollow, but joyous, feeling that I've never known before when I cleaned the box out.

I'm not sure I could have survived this if it hadn't been for the help I've found here. You've guided me through everything. Part of me hopes there won't be a 4th clutch, but another part hopes there are a couple more. Whatever it takes I'll do what I can to help these incredible little birds - and other birds as well. I wish more people could experience this. Perhaps it would help save this world of ours if we could each know what it's like to look in the face of such innocence and know we are responsible for what happens.

Thank you all. I'll let you know how things go from here. And yes, I realize it's not over yet!!!!!


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