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Crabby neighbor wins....well sort of

13 years ago

Hi All

I've read with empathy and to be honest personal relief that I haven't had a crabby garden bigot to complain about. Things changed last week.

The good news: I met the nicest City of Arlington compliance worker. He apologized for giving me the ticket and said he wished more people gardened like I do. Even refused to cite me for 2 of her other complaints because they were and are obviously false. Thank goodness he could see that!

One was beds full of weeds and the other a dilapidated fence that is a danger. That translates as arbor that is very strong and low fence that has passiflora incense, caruela, a few roses, salvias, cosmos etc. You get it: cottage garden does the Hades strip rather than grass

But...I did learn that it is a code violation to have vegetation hand over the curb. Today I cut down the white datura. I have some purple asters and texas gold lantana that are putting on a show but hangingover the curb. I will wait to the last possible minute which is Sunday to cut them back or try to lift them with some plastic low fence sections that I use occasionally.

I have NOT turned her in for running her sprinklers regularly in the middle of the day but I wanted to....

such is life

thanks for letting me vent.


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