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5 Successfully Fledge!

11 years ago

After losing a bluebird pair and rehabbing 4 birds with 2 surviving release to a bluebird flock, my new bluebird pair accomplished what the previous couldn't

Today was day 19. I was seeing a lot of peeking start to happen, less feeding, and the nestlings calling out the box. It occurred while I was at work, so go figure, I didn't witness any first flights. :(

The parents were calling and singing loudly in some nearby trees while I was there so this was the first hint to fledge. The 2nd was peeking into the hole and not hearing or seeing anything.

I usually get a peek of them in the trees soon after fledging but the parents are being nice and protective and silencing them when I come close.

Once again took almost all season to produce any young in the neighborhood. Seems I CAN'T EVER get a 2nd successive brood after the 1st. It's always too late in the season.

My season isn't over however. I still have the four from my other pair that are about 10-11 days old. This is a mile - 1.5 away so I won't witness fledging.

Hope I get to see these guys soon! Will go looking for them. So happy for this bluebird pair! They're "my" pair of the future here, I can tell! Great work by them!


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