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Savannah Sparrows

The snow storm brought in some Savannah Sparrows; a bird I'd never seen before. I looked out today at the birds on the nyjer seed path and saw what I at first thought was two Song Sparrows. Lots of Song Sparrows here, but these two were hanging together very closely - Song Sparrows in my yard never stay close to each other. I'll see a Song Sparrow with a White-throated Sparrow, but I've never seen two Song Sparrows closer than about two feet. Sometimes I wonder how they manage to breed if they can't stand each other. The two sparrows also looked a bit different from the songs; tails are shorter and notched and the legs are pinker.

I pored over my Sibley Field Guide and got the provisional ID of Savannah Sparrow then emailed the pictures to PFW and to a local bird guru at the Manomet Center for Conservation Sciences. The local guy confirmed the ID and said the Savannahs usually stay in short grass fields and beaches but the snow probably covered those areas, so they went looking for food. PFW hasn't responded yet but I expect an email tomorrow.

I'm in Plymouth, MA and I think this is upper limit of their winter range.


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