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gray twisty crispy curled up half formed leaves

15 years ago

I'm in NJ - it's been awful tom season here - humid everyday for weeks straight - without any rain breaking the humidity/threatening thunderstorm cylce, except for a very occassional brief sprinkling - last thunderstorm was 2 weeks ago - and has been hazy & humid since - but not much higher than the mid 80s (so not tooo hot).

In the last 1 - 2 weeks (I'm guessing due to the extent of the damage b/c I don't check these everyday b/c these are really my neighbor's plants in the communal backyard garden bed I made) (just noticed this Monday) the once beautifuly, healthy lush leaves of 2 of the 3 fast growing tom plants have turned

- ashen grayish green color

- twisty and mangled

- before they twist up they look like they have 1/2 of the leaf missing - as in leaf growth on one side of the leaf stem and missing sections of the leaf on the other side of the leaf stem

It was just on Big Boy & Beefmaster - the Red Beefsteak (right next to them) was fine - but today, a few of the Beefsteak look funky too.

Also, my 2 plum toms (from friend in Bklyn) have some normal and some similarly funky leaves too - they're just nearby these 3 tom plants.

All 3 main toms are in an apx. 5' x 4' bed, in metal hoop cages, are a little over the cage tops.

No fruit yet, but some flowers.

Some considerations -

- neighbor waters them every night (when he gets home from work)

- I "fed" them about 2 weeks ago w/diluted (per instx) fish emulsion (apx. 1 gal each, 3 TB/gal)

- Bottom leaves (w/in 6" of the ground) look green, yellow, brown, spotty, holey - but not funky like the top leaves do.

- I examined each plant thoroughly tonight. No sign of aphids. No sign of other bugs, except 2 small circle "eggs" under 2 of the many many leaves. Don't know what kind.

- These toms are bordered by milkweed & flowers.

- Don't know if there's any fungus in the soil b/c I "built" the soil from various sources (semi-compost (no manure), final compost, leaves, dried blood, soil, etc.)

Any thoughts/suggestions?

All are welcome - including - should I try to water less? does it sound like a fungus? suggested rems?

All the Best, Tree

- gets sun, but not full 8-10 hrs sun/day

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