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Robinâs nest with dead chicks

10 years ago

I have a RobinâÂÂs nest in a bush next to my house. The eggs hatched and I was observing the mom (or in the case of Robins it may be the dad. IâÂÂm not sure) feeding the chicks. He or she is constantly here bringing worms to the nest. A few days ago we had some unusually cold weather followed by very bad rain storms. I peeked into the bush a few days ago, careful not to get closer than 5 ft and noticed the 3 chicks in the nest but looking barely alive. I left them alone and waited to see if the mom or dad came back. Sure enough they did and they have kept coming back every few minutes throughout the day with worms in their beaks. They would fly into the bush and presumably feed the chicks. I was encouraged that they may survive. I peeked in again yesterday and two of the chicks are obviously dead. One was still alive but barely moving and itâÂÂs head was down. This morning all three looked dead. I was very sad but then a few minutes later the mom or dad returned again with food. I watched them fly into the nest with worms and fly away again. Is there any chance the Robins could be flying to another nest in the bush that I havenâÂÂt noticed? I donâÂÂt hear any chirping at all. Does anyone know if the parent bird would keep returning if the chicks were dead or how long before they would give up? ItâÂÂs makes me very sad to watch them keep returning to their dead chicks...
