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The (nekkid) Turtle Dance Thread

12 years ago

Since no one else has the courage to start this I will.

I did a little research. Nothing much out there on how to do The Nekkid Turtle Dance.

But here's what I did find on Wiki:

Feathers and turquoise (or any sort of blue shade) are worn during the ceremony to symbolize wind and rain respectively.

To perform the ceremony, one uses a stick to draw a turtle facing West in the sand or dirt of an area in need of rain. The stick is then driven into the ground so that it remains protruding from the turtle's back. The time required for the action to take effect varies from one account to another, ranging from occurring instantaneously to taking several days.

from other sources:

A variation on the ceremony requires that those participating must spit onto the turtle's back, and is thus called a spit.

How To A Rain Dance

1. Never do a rain dance on a hill.

2. Make sure you have a lot of room so you

don't run into anything.

3. Spin around in clockwise circles.

4. Make up your own rain chant. It should be rhythmical

and easy to say fast.

5. Yell your rain chant while spinning around in circles.

6. If you are trying to get rid of rain, spin in

counterclockwise circles and say your chant backwards.

The nekkid part we just have to add ourselves.

I'd volunteer my place, but I don't think my lot has enough level ground for it. (and we'd have to nix the nekkid part)

Lets discuss a date and time. I think if we do it all over the state at the same time we'd get pretty good coverage.

Photos can be posted over in the gallery.

Is anyone good at making up chants?

Here is a link that might be useful: How To Make A Rain Turtle

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