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Milwaukee Now Has 2nd Snowiest Winter

As of 10pm Friday night, the snowfall for the season in Milwaukee has reached 95.4", which makes it the 2nd snowiest winter. And it's still snowing. I had to go to work today and it was horrible. Coming home at 11pm wasn't any better. Many streets were worse than in the mid afternoon when I went in. I just don't understand their plowing/salting strategy. They knew we were getting a lot of snow, but they said the pavements were warmed up and it would turn to slush. Well a lot of that slush turned to ice tonight which made it really difficult to drive thru. I even drive following bus routes and they lousy. There were a lot of people getting stuck when they tried to turn and slid into snowbanks instead. I just hope this is the last one for the season.

Hope the rest of you are safe and warm in your homes!


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