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Winter color in Northern California? Help!

14 years ago

Hello fellow garden lovers!

I am very happy I found this forum and this is my first post so any help would be fantastic. I live in Northern California and am looking for some seeds preferably annuals to add some color and fun to my garden this winter. I would love something with fragrance but I place the most importance on any bright colors as it will be out on my patio, where there is some room in the dirt but also plenty of potted plant areas. I would prefer something that stays fairly short (under 2 feet) and an annual or a bulb I can take out is a must as I find I have a little garden A.D.D. :) Oh I guess I should add, it probably won't get to freezing, but possibly once or twice. Also when should I sow these seeds, it is still pretty warm here.

P.S. I would LOVE to have some cut flowers during winter!

Ok, so basically in order of most wanted aspect: winter bright color, annual, cut flowers, small- although it can take over if it will die in spring (that sounds terrible)

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