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What do you do with the bodies???

16 years ago

Hello everyone,

I know many of us still have a few months of growing time left in the season. However I am looking ahead to the fall clean-up which has gotten me to wondering what everyone does with the dead tomato plants?

In the past I have only grown at the most 4 plants. At the end of the season I bagged them up and took them to the local dump which has a bin for collecting yard waste. From my understanding this material gets composted. I'd never get compost from the dump because I've seen some of the weeds I've taken there!

Anyway, this years I am growing 13 tomato plants. The thought of wrestling the spent plants into plastic bags, loading them into the van, hauling them to the dump, emptying them out of the bags and into a huge bin that is sometimes wide open and easy to access but then other times is closed and one has to throw debris in from the top, just makes me tired!

I don't really want to try composting my tomatoes as I know they have some kind of disease or will by season's end. I don't do the hot composting thing so I wouldn't trust any pathogens to be killed.

Anyone have a niffty idea for disposing of their plants that doesn't require hot composting?



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