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New to Vermicomposting...

10 years ago

I'm new to vermicomposting. Trying to get started with a Worm Factory, a bin, and some Red Worms and European Night Crawlers.

The bin contains European Night Crawlers, dirt, some water, some compost (half-finished from the compost bin), and coffee grounds mixed into the soil. The ENCs in there seem to be doing extremely well. The soil sloped to a pool; I got some juvenile ENCs after a couple weeks, and they... climbed into the water and died. Adult ENCs were climbing into the water and ACTIVELY SWIMMING(?!), and they're fast in the water; but I dumped used coffee grounds in there to give the juveniles an easy way out.

The Worm Factory contains an unknown number of Red Wigglers. I see plenty at the bottom of the bin when I overwater it (they ran from the moist, still-hot coffee grounds); but even when they vanish into the bin, I can't find them. Digging doesn't help. I'm finding juveniles, too. The bin is mostly coffee grounds, but I added them hot and wet--not good. Since the coffee grounds dried out some, I've been finding plenty on top the bin--not in the coffee, but rather on top of ALL the material, even the shredded paper. They seem to have all migrated back into the bin... somewhere.

I've been using TUMS crushed and dissolved into water to control pH because I don't have access to egg shells. Coffee grounds are a pH control but they can go from 4.6 up to around 8, and really 6-7 is ideal (but 4.6 isn't really that bad). I have lots of coffee grounds; I now put them in a separate bin for a week, where they get covered in white mycellium from fungus. Mix that up and throw them into the bin, mixed with plenty of microshredded paper.

I think my red wigglers are subsisting poorly on coffee, while the ENCs are subsisting well on what's mostly just raw topsoil. I've made coffee grounds available to the ENCs; they seem to like it (they climbed into it and immediately started using it as a breeding ground--you can tell by the sudden swelling of the big white ring around all the worms as they get ready for loads of worm sex). The wigglers seem to be investigating it more as it becomes more hospitable?

I may have also done poor on the red wigglers by mixing ground up soy bean pods (from edamame) and french fries... the fries fermented. Horrible alcohol smell, I dug that out. The bin wasn't healthy to start with when I added the coffee--too hot and too wet. It's starting to look like they take fairly well to coffee IF the worms are healthy AND the coffee has had a few days to sit, dry a little, and cool down.

I'm about to dump fresh worms into the bin. I might stack up a second tray in the Worm Factory, with coir, peat, paper, and coffee as a bedding. Will the population expand to fill two bins--2500 worms per bin, 5000 worms total? Will the worms migrate to the less hostile bins if I make a mistake with feeding?

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