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why won't you grow????

13 years ago

Before I became a vegetable gardener I thought tomatoes were one of those plants that everyone could grow well. Like hostas! Apparently I was very very wrong. I have tried to grow tomatoes for several years and for some reason I suck at it. I have a modest little plot of dirt, I top it with shredded leaves and grass clippings every fall, work in Espoma all purpose fertilizer in the spring as well as some compost, and the soil is full of earth worms. Yet my tomatoes are always pathetic! I have tried the past few years to grow them from seed to save $$. The plants grew, but they weren't huge and the yields were very low. I figured maybe the plants weren't getting much of a head start so this year I bought a 4-pack of Better Boys. They took off growing very well through the spring, but now they are stalled out. I even tried some Miracle Gro to stimulate growth, but that hasn't really done much. What am I doing wrong????

It is frustrating. My mother-in-law has hard lean clay soil and she never pays much attention to her tomatoes and she has hundreds. She gives them away by the shopping bag full!! Am I amending the soil TOO much?

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