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Why won't my new bermuda grow on the slope in my yard?

10 years ago

Ok guys a pic is included, it's the best I have now because I just thought to ask this and I'm at work, but you can kind of tell that the bermuda I overseeded my centipede with on June 1st is growing well in all but two places. You can just slightly tell that it's a light brown on my slope.

The places it won't grow well are on the slopes to my drainage ditch and in the low areas running left to right (can't really tell in the pic). These low areas are very odd, they run parallel with the original sod the house had, and seem to have sunk in over time. I'm in coastal nc and have a very sandy, clay soil under the original centipede sod... It seems what might have happened is these areas settled more than the surrounding area and when I used the power rake I'm guessing the rake may not have loosened the soil as much in these areas.

If I'm wrong let me know... I can't use a power rake again on this new grass so any fixes to this second issue are welcomed. It may be completely unrelated to the power rake but I don't know.

Thanks for the help in advance! I want this grass growing in these areas . Also all these areas got equal amounts of water, where power raked and starter fertilized when I overseeded

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