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wisteria hysteria!!!

15 years ago

Hi everyone. Need some real help here. I think I may have made a big mistake and I need some experienced gardeners to talk me through this, I'm in a panic!

I needed a climbing plant to place where a aged climbing rose had been. It is next to my side entrance and very visible. I didn't want another rose so I was looking for something else.

Age old story, I bought without really investigating. I made a major purchase, bought the largest one the garden center had, thinking it would fill the spot faster!(had to talk hubby into spending the $!) and bought an Amethyst falls wisteria. I planted it in this spot, NW side of the house, sun reaches it about 2pm. the wall is covered with trellis and my big idea was for it to cover the wall and then climb over the side entrance roof, giving me beautiful hanging wisteria flowers over my entrance.

NOW, I've read so many things online talking about the problems with this vine. I've been told it will tear down my house(which is brick,) that it will not grow on trellis, which literally covers the side of my house, and it stinks like cat urine, great smell over the major entrance to my house, is a monster and might never bloom!( I do have one small flower blossom on it right now)

I will be in deep you-know-what if this purchase was a mistake:Can anyone help talk me through this? Can I make this work?

I'd be grateful for any helpful advice.

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