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Chuckiebtoo's Exploding Worm Bin

17 years ago

I've been lurking around the forums soaking up vermiwisdom and ran across Chuckie's old post about detonating his ant-infested worm bin. It totally cracked me up. I normally try not to laugh out loud at 3am, since more sensible members of my family are trying to sleep, but this one overcame me!

I couldn't resist pointing out the similarities between Chuckie's plan and the infamous exploding whale incident up here on the Oregon coast some years back, wherein the (apparently testosterone-intoxicated) cleanup crew decided that the easiest way to dispose of a decaying beached whale carcass was -- obviously -- to blow it up.

Unfortunately, they didn't really think things through very well (a common side-effect of testosterone intoxication), and it quickly became evident that they had not paid enough attention during the Newton's Law segments of their high school physics classes. What goes up most indubitably will come down, and the more of it there is, the more impressive the downcoming will be.

And that is how area residents suddenly found themselves being drenched by a slimy stinking rain of liquified rotting whale. The surrounding landscape was thoroughly coated with rancid whale blubber, liberally sprinkled with various-sized chunks of putrid whale. Approximately eight tons of it. (Yes, this is a true story. Google it. You can't make this stuff up.)

Chuckie, although I can understand your frustration (fireants are one very major reason why we left Texas a decade ago!), for your sake I'm very glad the "little" woman's interdiction prevailed. And for the record, my DH can refer to me as the "little woman" as often as he pleases. When you're female and 6'2" it's nice to hear yourself referred to in diminutive terms occasionally!

I'll be back with worm questions, after I've had some sleep. So far they're thriving in spite of my ignorance, so another night (what's left of it, anyway) shouldn't do them any harm. :)


Here is a link that might be useful: The Exploding Worm Bin Thread

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