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Transplanting Morning Glories - Forget the Myth (!) it's Easy

12 years ago

There is a Big Myth that states that Morning Glories do not transplant well or easily and I hope to offset that Myth.

Those of us who transplant Morning Glories(Ipomoea and other genera within Convolvulaceae) very frequently already know that MG's transplant easily because we do it all of the time.

The Myth about difficulty transplanting Morning Glories seems to be based on a lack of following simple basic gardening procedures that most gardeners already know which include the following:

Most Morning Glories will transplant fine without any problems whatsoever if you :

1) water the plants very well for several days before you transplant

2) try to maintain root integrity by not ripping any of the roots

3) water generously (!) to keep the soil moist for at least several days after you transplant...misting may help to maintain a humid atmosphere...

4) protect the plants from full direct sunlight by shielding the plants with a muslin or burlap sunblock or gradually re-introduce into full sun.

5) Do NOT fertilize the plant for at least several weeks before or after transplanting, although some of the products to lessen transplant / root shock may be used sparingly

I have transplanted a very large number of various MG's ,from seedlings to full grown plants (un-entwined and re-entwined onto fences) throughout my lifetime and have always had great success at transplanting by following the 5 easy guidelines offered hype, just basics that produce good results...



P.S. - There is no precise time period to protect transplants from full direct sunlight after transplanting , but gauged more based upon individual plant response and some experience...although as long as the new transplant is getting strong indirect sunlight,it would be best to err on the side of caution and take a bit more time to re-introduce the transplant into direct sunlight.

The amount of time that it would take for a plant to experience negative affects from too little sun is significantly longer than the short amount of time to exacerbate any potential transplant shock and / or to recover from any shock ...

The gradual re-introduction of a new transplant to full sunlight doesn't usually take more than 1 week and often less if the roots are not damaged and if the relative humidity is maintained...

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